Saturday, April 30, 2016


If I had the title of a botanist I would be able to name flowers.   Once upon a time I knew a few, but time goes by and the names become a mystery.   This one is unique, really look at the depth and differences that make this awesome.

These are on again, I know I have put these on before.   Each one is different.  Each one has a tale to tell if we listen.   Shading is everything and these are very different as each one opens to attract a bee or two.  Now if the Garden Club folks were around they would tell me the names and even how to grow them.    Those folks in Brookings know their stuff and have such fun making beautiful flowers grow in beds that call the public to walk the pathways and enjoy the beauty of nature.

I like the color, the shape, the design , a natural blessing when we take time to look.

Now these two remind me of chatting over the fence...I am sure you did that with your neighbor on a summers day.  It would have been fun to stop and listen to what they had to say...'there goes the neighborhood' ..

Our Jock found the wild turkeys.    I still laugh at daughter Patricia's first encounter.  She had calling device and tried it out and attracted some wild turkeys and couldn't run away fast enough .    They are big birds and wild as well.   Good eating I hear if you like wild game.  An acquired taste almost like getting used to your first dry martini.

It is Saturday.  Daughter Christine s due home this morning and we will be happy to see her.    The week did go quickly but not quick enough to suit us.    If the two black cats ignore her today it will be nothing unusual;  pay her back for leaving them behind.
Here at Ridgemont we had a quiet Friday.   Vinnie showed up for our read and we got through a whole chapter and would have gotten in more but the ladies who play the 'train' game came up to the activity room where we sit and that ended our time.  I listened to intolerance yesterday, surprising that people can be judgmental  with a new person when they really have not had a chance to get to know that person..   Judged on appearance when it is not known what kind of problem exists for this person.   Detail smugness about the clothes, the appearance, the details of what was wrong but not one world about what kind of a medical or personal problem this person has.   The judging without knowing can do a lot of damage to someone trying to adjust to a new form of living.    It isn't easy.  It isn't always fun to be the new kid on the block.    those with smug voices have no idea what kind of problems this one person has.  They have no idea if he owns one shirt or many.  They have no idea if he can take care of all the details of personal body health and they don't seem to want to know.    He has been written off in their eyes.   Sad, because he will hibernate in his room and feel rejected without being given a chance to get settled in and catch up with himself.  People can be cruel and thoughtless and that is a sad commentary.   
So today, be non judgmental.   Be a friend.    We have acquaintances,  we have fair weather friends; and sometimes we are both of these , so think, act, and be the one person in someone persons life that can make the difference between being ignored or being accepted.    We all want to be accepted.  We all want friends.   We all want without thinking of the need, so today be thoughtful, kind, considerate and show off all those qualities you have in making life tolerable to those you meet and greet today.   There is an old adage about 'walking in someone other persons shoes'   ;  better to walk in your own and lead and not follow.    Be all YOU can be today and everyday.   Live life, Love life, and for heavens sake smile.   Hugs to all. 


Friday, April 29, 2016

Friday Almost

A truism    We get out of life what we put into it, no more, no less.   Think about that.

Emma . . . and the couch is mine today!

The  Sierra Mountains.   Son Michael sees this view every morning when he opens the drapes.  

A truism   You may not get the response you want when you write to your Congressmen and Women and the Senators, as well, but they do keep a count of the letters they get and sometimes they pay attention. . . not as we wish them to, but at least we have our say and we can let them know we do vote.

Here it is Friday, I said almost as I woke up at three a.m. and couldn't get back to sleep.  I spent some time converting some of the pictures from an area they wouldn't come up, to one I hope will be easier to deal with when I want to share a picture with you.  Sometimes I put one up more than once but then you have to remember I am not getting younger every day.
Well, Vinnie and I had a good long read yesterday to make up for our days away.  He has been down with a head cold, although he says he does not have one.    I hate to be the bearer of  bad news but all that coughing and blowing has a meaning and to me it is 'a cold'. . . if I catch one he is going to hear about if for a very long time.  He brought me a plain brown card to put under the words as I read, nice gesture, guess he didn't like that red white and blue flag one I was using.   I send him on his way with an ice cream sandwich  and made his day.
We had one of the new ladies, I think she said her name was Lois, and enjoyed having her at the table.  She has been wise and has taken a turn at each table so it wont be long before she remembers names and feels at home.    I see the new man, Larry, coming up more often to dinner.  That's a good sign as he was staying alone in his room for weeks.    The crowd, for the most part, are quiet and friendly.   One or two make an effort to welcome a new one, but some seem afraid to make the first move.    Sometimes I am reminded of the first day of school.    It has to be scary to be the new kid on the block.   Some have been here for years, others fairly new so they could and should make more of an effort to welcome someone new, according to me. . .
Pat and I are looking forward to our Christine coming home tomorrow.    She has had a good week and a productive one but is anxious to get home.   Her two black cats have been patient enough and they are beginning to wonder where she is and why she isn't waiting on them hand and foot.   They have gotten so they pat her on the cheek telling her it is time for their dinner, or time to pay attention to them.    It will be interesting to see if they ignore her when she walks in the door.   You haven't lived until you have been ignored by a cat!!
So today, take care of your prize animals so you will not be ignored.   Take them to task if they do not behave , but give them a little extra attention when they do.  They will soon get the message.    Our Emma is a good dog and loves to be loved.   She greets us like long lost souls.   She would love to be a lap dog, but she is just to big and beautiful.   
Are you ready?   . . . Be good, be kind, be gentle, take time today to meet and greet someone new and different.   Pay attention to the little things in life and spend some of your seconds doing a good deed ...or two...and brighten someone's day.   A hug, a smile, a warm greeting and you have friends for life.    Know I wish you a sunshine day even n the midst of a ran storm.    Time to get out the garden catalogs.  You have work to do.   Lazy is a fault, so do not be lazy.   Get up, get going and plant the seeds well both in your garden as well as your heart.   Hugs to all. 

Thursday, April 28, 2016


Another picture of paper cutting art by Calvin.    Amazing!

A walk in the woods, spring flowers, beauty at its best.

I love old barns.    Serenity.

It was nice enough yesterday to think of walking to the corner.   I remembered Doris enjoyed a walk out a week or so ago so I knocked on her door and invited her along.   It didn't take her but a minute to put her shoes on.    It was lovely out and we walked to the corner and back and I invited her in for a cup of tea.    Pat surprised me with a quick stop and had brought some red velvet cake she made, just in time for our tea party.  She didn't stay but we enjoyed her cake and I was glad to see she had gotten several pieces of the puzzle.    So one never knows what the day will bring and nice surprises make it a very good day. 
Doris and I had a gab session and I heard a lot of tales of yesteryear and school days.    She had a teacher named Miss Sullivan and was, in her own words, teachers pet.   She was tall for her age and made herself useful so got to be a favorite.   She told of riding her bicycle around those huge lily fields we just visited recently.  She lived in that area  for years before the family moved up closer to this area.  Seattle seems to be where a lot of the folks of Ridgemont came from.    She laughed as she said she could remember way back but not what she had for breakfast.   One of the joys of old age. 

Wednesday is a five dollar hamburger special at Moon Doggie Two café in town so I called Pat and invited her out for one.    We were early so had to wait for the official time of serving these monsters but the wait was worth it and I chose some cold slaw to go with mine.   they have a special every night and I am waiting to find out when ribs are served.    That would be a treat.   

Pat has been taking care of Christine's two black cats. They are missing her.   Pat said the one with the crooked tail , who ignores everyone, has been greeting her at the door.   Both want to be cuddled and both want Christine back.   Cats do not like to be ignored;  but they sure love to ignore you.

So today if you have a cat, try ignoring it and see what happens.   You will find it is all right for them to ignore you but not the other way around.    Treat your animals well as they deserve it for all the love they share.    Pat's dog Emma gets full treatment from the cats when she goes for a visit.  They completely ignore her.  So be good, be kind, be gentle with all of your animal friends as you are with your people friends.    All they want is a little loving;  um....I know that one.     I bet you do too.   Hugs to all.

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

A Bit of Humor

I am looking for a hair dresser who has experience in cutting the elderly's hair;  mine is getting thinner and I am not sure bald is beautiful, but I have a feeling if I live long enough I am about to find out.

I firmly believe that as some nights are much more active than others.    Leg cramps set the pace without those boots made for walking.

Not a truism, the rolls cost more and have less so you will buy more;  ah, those business folks know how to rake in the shekels.

Now this is a sure thing, the older you get, the less the brain retains, sometimes nothing at all. Or, it could be that all that information is stored and one day it will all spill out when you least expect it.    It is strange how the brain works, the older you get the less you retain but all that 'stuff' you put into it comes sneaking out when you least expect it.  
Sneezing, sneezing, sneezing. . .what is going on?   Must be the dust kitties telling me to get busy or the pollen is higher in count today.   Just finished my coffee so I am awake, well now that is a debatable area.    I had a  note from Christine telling me she had dinner out with one of the ladies and that a lot of work was getting done , then added she will be happy to come home on Saturday.  We miss her.    We'll be glad to get her back home.   Meanwhile Pat has the duties to perform and that means the two black cats need to be feed twice a day.   They wait for her footsteps and are there to greet her when she puts the key in the door.    She really is a dog lover, but I have to give her credit for kindness as she takes a little extra time to sit and pet them.   
Well, it is hump day, not much in the offering.   We are expecting a shower or two so the outside plans shift to inside plans;  where is that duster?   I would like to move furniture around but there really is no way or place to move it around to.   The studio is a good size but limited in shape and size as to moving things around.   I think it is my way of having a travel bug that needs attention.   Some of the table conversations, at our dinner time, I find surprising and amusing as some of the folks have never been to the east coast.   They have not desire to travel and never did.   Some of us are born with the wander bug and no money while others have the money and no desire to move a foot away from where they stand.   I am amazed to find they have no desire to see anything but their own place in the world and are content.   Next time around, if there is one, I am going to be a travel companion, but with my luck, I'll probably come back as a 'nester'.
It is hump day, so you still have time to enjoy your seconds and do a good deed or two.    Take time to think about someone other than yourself.  Take the time to do one good deed for someone other than yourself.    You are important , there is no doubt about that, but there are some folks in your circle that are in need today.   Be on the alert.   Some one has lost someone they love to illness or death and could use a shoulder for a short while.   You have broad shoulders, so use unselfish today, make it your goal.    Be that wonderful delightful friend who makes this world a happier place to live in.   Go, be YOU.   Hugs to all.


Tuesday, April 26, 2016


Our ninety nine year old lady baker, Doris, sweet talented and loving.   She came down with a plate of brownies yesterday and I put them in the freezer quickly.  If she had her way we would all weight in as two ton folks .   We are not complaining as her breakfast rolls are delicious;    the cookies all different and all very tasty;  and I think I heard she was going to make biscotti biscuit cookies today.   She is so young at heart and spirit.    One of our special ladies, so easy to love.

Wind clouds

Picture clouds

A mixture, a little storm moving in and hanging low. 

Storm clouds.

How lucky we are to be able to look up into the sky and see the beautiful clouds scudding bye.    Some days you can see all kinds of people or animals or even the huge waves of the ocean.   All you have to do is look up and let your imagination take wing.

Yesterday was a quiet day here at Ridgemont.   Patricia had a full day so I didn't get to see her, but I had a couple of drop in folks and that is always fun.    Ron is walking with a walker these days.  After months of being in a wheel chair he is smiling again.    His next step is to be able to drive his car and take off and enjoy the scenery around the waters edge.    Our Vinnie was a no show so that cold he said he didn't have caught up with him and he stayed in his room.    Aggie came for a visit and I showed her some of the blog about going to the tulip fields.  She is a native of this area and the tulip area is very familiar to her.    She has tales to tell and enjoys telling them.  Aggie has a beautiful large bright eyed cat that greeted me when I went to see her in her apartment.   She loves to be petted and when she wants attention she gets it like any cat will do;  she reaches out, only she has her claws out which gets your attention in a hurry.   All in all it was a good day and some good table mates to keep me up on their news.    The only sad spot is that our friend Don is not going to be with us much longer.  He is failing more every day.  Right now his memory is going and his fiend Lil went to see him and he did not recognize her for the very first time.  She was in tears.  It is heartbreaking when Alzheimer kicks in.   I know a lot of you have gone through this experience and still feel the loss of the love one who remains in body, but the spirit has taken flight.    Light a candle, say a prayer for these folks and ask for a cure.   So many cures are needed for so many diseases that take ones life away in small increments of time.   We have to adjust our minds and our hearts to changes every day.    Our length of life is not known, so it is up to us to make the best of our seconds every day.   Start today by being a mentor.   Pay attention to your own health, pay attention to your mates health, and then take time to spread a little joy.  One does not know what is in store for them, so don't waste your precious seconds by wasting them.  Be alert, be kind, be considerate not only to family and friends but to yourself.  If you don't take good care of YOU then YOU can't take care of those you love and like.   Find the pathway to the door of freedom from insecurities, straighten up your spine and be strong.    Make your today a memory day.   Take time to share YOU with those you love and like.  

As for me, I am full of burned French toast;  well, I can't be blogging and cooking at the same time.   Someone once used to tell me that burned toast  cultivated the vocal cords;  I may be an opera singer yet. good, be kind, be gentle . . . love one another as I love you.    It is always so good to be with friends even on paper or the computer or one of those new fangled gadgets I know nothing about.    Hugs to all.

Monday, April 25, 2016


Teaching the art of Easter Egg decorating is fun no matter where.  

Here are the Japanese students who did such a good job of decorating Easter eggs and had such fun.  Wendy, Bob and Andy's daughter is a teacher over there and loves to open little minds and hearts to new and fun activities.  From their expressions I'd say she is doing a good job. 

The Pepper Mill in Reno,Nevada.  I would say the casino has had an addition or two since I was last there.   Wow!

A new Monday, didn't I just say that?   Seems time just does not stand still.    Christine had a successful flight to Houston, Texas where she will visit the  Home office and catch up with the faces to those voices she hears every day.   She met some of the workers last visit, but a few new folks have been added and now they can put a face to the voice.   It should be an interesting and busy week for all.     Her two black cats want her home now;   they want to be spoiled and petted and just do not understand where she goes off to.    Patricia is watching over them and they even tolerate Emma although at a distance.  They are still bringing pieces of paper up over the stairs, leaving the pieces at the top of the stairs and dropping others as they make a trail to the kitchen.    We have puzzled over their behavior and have no idea why they do this.   It could be a tiny piece of a scrap piece of paper, or it could be a whole sheet.  Sometimes it is an envelope or just a scrap of paper from the waste basket.  They do not seem to care but do lay the pieces out in the same pattern all the time.    I wonder what and why they find it such fun to do.  We are puzzled.  If they are trying to tell us something, we are not getting their message. If we could get them to pick up their messes we'd have it made.
Pat and I made up our favorite sandwich.  It has a name but it alludes me at the moment, but it has roast beef, green peppers,  onions, mushrooms and cheddar cheese.    The secret in taste is the worstershire sauce you add to the steaming pan.    A soft roll and delicious doesn't even come close to describing the taste.   We watched a television show , a new series that has to do with students plotting murder and mayhem as they study to be lawyers.   Not my cup of tea , so to speak, and  not a good tale for the young minds watching it,  and it doesn't do anything for old minds either.     Where are the good writers?   Where at the story tellers?    Turner Classics had "Little Women' on which I have seen a dozen times over a life time.  The original and the remake,  give you the treasures of smiles and tears as you become a part of the story.     Soft tales do not addle the brain but sure make the heart sing.   
So today take time out to watch an old movie.   Invite a friend to keep you company.    Be good, be kind, be generous and share you with those you love and like.    Make some one person feel good about themselves;  a tiny bit of attention can make or break their day.    A hug does wonders and just think  you too are on the receiving end.    Try it out a few times today and find out for yourselves.   Hugs to all.

Sunday, April 24, 2016

Sunday Greetings

Here is the lovely cutie Natalia at ten months old.   Her grandmother Judy sent this on the computer yesterday.   What a beauty and what a cutie, such a little love.   

A finished puzzle, looks easier than it was to do;  took some time but worth it.   There is a monster on the table right now.   We have two puzzles going, one at Pat's house and one here.    Pat has one of those crazy mystery puzzles going and they are not easy to do.    I  have one with a big blue truck in front of a cabin on a lake;  very pretty and again, not easy to do.  The challenge gets to us and we plod on until finished;  and then look for a new one to do.    the folks that have come in to see the puzzles on my puzzle board think I'm crazy.  I say it teaches patience but they do not agree.   I think 'you are crazy' was one of the comments. 

I had some mail yesterday, my little box was in shock.   An invitation to join the folks at the Mill in Oregon.   I'd like to...It has been a long while.  The tall ships are coming in again and we were invited to come and see them.   Room rates have gone way up , the machines probably tight this time of year, but looking at this photo reminds me of the fun and how much we enjoyed seeing those tall ships sailing by the casino.
We have a cool Sunday morning, grey skies and a very quiet parking lot this ambulances so far and the blinds are still closed over at the hospital wing.    Christine leaves soon for the airport and her trip to Houston.  They have a big flood going on there, sure hope it has ended and all is clear for her week at the home office.    Now that we have to keep our doors closed here at Ridgemont;  something to do with fire rules and regulations;  the signs are going to be fun to hang on my door.    One shows an small opening in the doorway with a saying "When on door closes, another opens.  Or you can open the closed door. that's how doors work."  and on the back  there is a sign hanging on a door and  it says "Notice We are presently not open because we are closed."   Another one says "Sorry, out living the dream. . . be back soon."  and the third one shows and door ajar with an open sign and on the other is a closed sign with a funny cat looking out.  They should create a few laughs as the folks go by door and will now know whether or not I am in or out for the day.  Chris had them made up and even brought the door hangers for them.   I'm in good stead so maybe I'll have some tea parties still.
While there at  the print shop she took a large collage I did of my two grandchildren from the time they were born until they graduated from high school.   she had the collage made smaller and had copies made to send to Erin  and Mason which should make them smile.   So many memories, good ones, and it does make you aware of  how fast time flies.   Hopefully they will go on the computer and I can put them on the blog for you to see.
So, if you find yourself bored, get out those pictures that sit in a box or a photograph book you never have time to look at.   Get out the pinking shears and a nice piece of light cardboard, snip and be creative and make a collage for your wall.  I assure you, happiness is yours as you walk by the finished product and a million memories come to life.  You find yourself smiling and content as you really did a good job living life.    Having the new glue sticks make it easy.    It is a great project on a rainy day.
Be good, be an example of friendship and love today.   Greet your fellow man with a gleam in your eye as you invite a family member or a good friend along to share time with today.   If you don't want to go out;  bake some cupcakes or cookies and extend an invitation to your house.    Put some of your garden flowers on the table,  and use the fancy teacups while you can.   Looking at them on a shelf is fine but it isn't as much fun as holding one in your hand.    You cannot take them with you, so enjoy them while you put out that little finger and sip away.    I had a special friend a long time ago, who used to invite me over for a cup of tea and she would get out her little box of clippings, all funny little tidbits of love and laughter and we would laugh a good hour away.    It was such fun and it built a myriad of memories.   Try it, you will find yourself surrounded by love.   Hugs to all.

Saturday, April 23, 2016


I think this picture should be named 'anticipation' ;   I wait patiently for all to 

Good Saturday morning.    I am having my hot coffee, with left over garlic bread, so I am giving you fair warning in case the aroma wafts your way.    Garlic bread is good for breakfast, left over from a very delicious dinner daughter Patricia cooked up last evening.    She tells me she hates to cook, but she has a talent for it and when she makes a salad the taste buds stand at alert and when she broils a beautiful piece of haddock and adds some fresh asparagus,  ah!!!   I did something right as I passed on the love of eating to all my children and they are great cooks and I am now proof of that as my figure gets rounder and rounder as I except all invitations and enjoy every mouthful.  
Pat has one of those mystery puzzles on her table so I got to help organize and find a piece or two.    I had been doing a filing job over at Christine's house and got the artists checks out for the month. She has a job as treasurer for the Gallery.    A easy job and fun to do.   It is good to be busy, and filing is one job I love to do.   I added a couple of new folders and felt a bit of pride as my files looked orderly  and colorful.   The new colors are bright and beautiful, not the old greenish gray of yesteryear.  I love having job to do and putting anything in order is a great big fetish of mine;   enough to drive you crazy as everything has a place or should have in my opinion, and it amazes me when others find 'stuff' in disarray and actually have a filing system of their own....grab and look, look and grab, and get thing done anyway.    Our world is made up of 'differences' , a good thing as a little chaos goes a long way.
Here at Ridgemont, Friday is housekeeping day on the second floor and Gina was on duty this week.  She is one of the two miracle workers who take care of forty five apartments and help keep us all tidy and neat.    I came home to a note saying she was sorry but she broke my fish  soap dish ; not a big deal, at all, as it was a twenty five cent yard sale item that was useful but over sized for a kitchen sink.   She made up for it as she found my new shower liner and hung it for me.   The two ladies, Gina and Samantha are terrific, open, friendly, loving and caring.  We are so lucky to have them.   Both young ladies are pretty close to six feet tall, big girls, beautiful girls .   Gina is married with grown children while Samantha is busy planning her wedding for next year.   They are very pretty and both have really great personalities.    They are never to busy to give you a smile, a kind word and a big hug.  they both are great and fit their jobs well.    Yep, easy to love and that is as it should be.

So, today YOU be easy to love.    If you give a little you will probably get a lot.....and one can never get too much loving.    There are family and friends waiting to spend some of their seconds with you today. . . go, be  'easy' and full of love and laughter.    Make your little part of your world lighten the neighborhood today. . . maybe it will catch on and your will light the way for others to follow.    Be good, be kind, be gentle and spread a little of you around as you flash those pearly whites and share a hug or two . . . a great way to spend a Saturday.    Be YOU!!  Hugs to all.

Friday, April 22, 2016


Is that Sam Elliot?    Ah, 'the Voice"   we would all like 'his shoes under the bed' as the old adage goes....he is  smart, and he pays attention to what is going on in the political world.

Some folks think he is a king;  well he acts like one. 

Like bad politics , the gorse is spreading all over the highways and byways.   It is pretty to look at, adds a bit of color to a drab roadway but it is insidious as it spreads and chokes everything in its path.

Hey, it's Friday, the end of the work week and on to a weekend which is going to be a bit wet if Oregon keeps thinking of sending their rain up here.    It is okay, we are used to it and it has been strange spring weather.    What is with this 'wanna be' summer already?    It will get here all on its own sooner than we think, in fact I opened the blinds and it looks wet out there.

I sat outside the entrance door waiting for my daughter, Christine, to pick me up as we had a dinner date at Pat's house.   She was cooking up her chicken enchiladas, as only she can.  Christine and I were ready to partake of one very delicious meal.  As I unfolded my puzzle, sat in a summer chair and watched the wind blow through the trees, I couldn't help notice a tall leafy tree, much like a weeping willow, sway with the breeze.   It looks so graceful and reminded me of ballet dancers.  Nature has its moments and it is special when we can be an audience of one and just watch.

The folks coming in didn't have their keys so I did my good deed and opened the door for them.  It wasn't just one, but three separate little groups who had been out to shop or were coming in for a visit with one of our folks here in Ridgemont.   I wonder if Karen wants to hire me as I a doorman to my list of accomplishments.  I was all set for a wait so brought the crypto quote puzzle that is in the newspaper, and my pencil, already for a sit down with a chance to sit outside in the sunshine.    Who knew traffic would be heavy, and it was the foot traffic I refer to.    One couple were coming for a visit but their hostess was not at home.  They left, went off and had a bite to eat and came back and this time were lucky and found their friend at home.    I heard they went to the Bowling Alley for their lunch and bragged about how good it was.   They are known for their delicious hamburgers.    There were five teen girls who came in, have no idea who they were visiting but I am sure their hostess was one very happy lady.   Talk about giggles,  you could hear them through the closed door.  
I did get out to do a bit of shopping yesterday.    We went to the dollar store, where the prices are right and found some lovely cards for future sending.    You may not get the priciest card around, but you will enjoy the hugs within, I guarantee. When Hallmark and like companies decided to price from five dollars up for a card it is time to make a change and find a way to make your own.   We have a class here at Ridgemont once in a while and it is fun, not hard to do and you can put a lot of smiles and laughter into your card.    I seem to be on a rampage, just talked about all this yesterday and probably the day before....why?   because it irritates my mind to find out the shopkeepers who depend on us to spend our hard earned cash, think nothing about pricing their wares higher than a kite . . . well, we aren't going to fly them anymore.. . . we'll show them!  OR... Pick up the telephone and make a call. . . that will how
So today, if someone you love is having a birthday, make the call, sing out loud and urge them on to a bigger and better year.    Age is a number, not a life style.    You take those precious moments one second at a time and enjoy each and every one of them .   Everyday is not going to be a banner day, but it a bump in a long road, so learn to make your seconds count by being YOU, the one who knows how to live life, not just put up with it.  AND, if  YOU share YOU with those you love and even like, then YOU will be one very happy person with a grin from ear to ear.   So YOU.  Hugs to all.



Thursday, April 21, 2016

Wake Up Time

This was one of the pictures of the paper cutter artist.  You have to admit he has talent.  Imagine cutting paper into tiny bits and making something beautiful like this....I can cut paper but then what do I do with it?   Throw it away!   No talent, no imagination, but I can do the crossword, a little, can do the criptoquote sometimes, and I can even wrinkle it up and throw it in the to go pile when I walk down the hallway and empty my garbage bag.   

He has to be a government employee holding one of the higher offices.    Must hold some job collecting taxes.   I am hoping for a little back this year, so far nothing.   Probably lost in the shuffle.   

We are a bit cooler this morning which is a blessing;  those off season eighty degree days are here and the fan is out and in full blast.   Aggie was out walking the hallways and when she saw the crack opening in my door she came in for a cup of tea and a visit. She is one of my favorites with her gift of gab and lovely smile.    We talked about the high prices of  today as I told her I had been out to find a birthday card and was stunned at the cost of the cards.    Since when is five dollars a fair price for a card?   Wow, I was  shocked as I had been using a program on the computer to send cards and paid a yearly fee.  The company changed their accounting procedures and will not accept checks now and you have to have a credit card which I do not use.  I am afraid I wont be sending out greetings in any form ;  I'll post on

I enjoyed my lunch out with Christine.  She gets a big laugh out of my depression sense of spending.   She sees something she wants or needs, picks it up and doesn't look at a price tag.    I spend my time looking for the best bargain I can find to meet my beer pocketbook.    We stopped off at the Tea Room and I had the usual selection for me...a cup of soup, a half sandwich and a piece of crème pie...coconut crème this buds are still in shock.....delicious...delightful and very fattening, or maybe the scraping off of all the crème takes it to a new level...'look ma, no calories'.  I think I told you that the shop has been undergoing a remodeling and it is changing and losing its charm as it is adding a lot more tables and a lot less gift ideas.    The owner of the Tea Room is Debbie Macomber,  the author of hundreds of books, and the tea room is becoming more of a sales pitch for her novels.   It is not the same, like other things that have changed and not for the good.  They are keeping up with the Jones' as the prices have doubled.    I think  they will find only a few to cater to, as thirty three dollars for lunch for two is a bit steep in my book.   Coffee priced at three dollars  ($3.00) a that is not even is stealing.   The ice water was tasty.  smile.
So today, if you choose to take a family member or friend out to lunch, check around and make sure the price is right.    There is not reason to be 'taken' and there are many good restaurants where the price is right and the food is too.    Wonder what MacDonald's charges these days.   I used to take my children out for at treat and told them it was a fancy restaurant; it was, for our pocket book. and it was never disappointing.   We spend some time enjoying eating our hamburger in the sunshine.   I am excited about my two sons coming out next month for my birthday;  maybe I'll take us all out to the nearest MacDonald's for old times sake.
Be good, be kind, be gentle and look around to see what needs fixing today.  There is always someone or something that needs a helping hand.    You have good hands, use them and make someone feel like a Queen or King for today.    Hugs to all.


Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Mid week

When  you leave your door wide open unexpected visitors come in .    It looks like an overgrown peacock but it has a name and I think it was called a 'cassowary'  or something similar....I bet the folks let it amble out on its own.  

A picture of the artist Monet, a masterful artist . I think a black arm band signifies some one passed on.   There was no caption so we will have to Google and find out more about him.   

Here it is Wednesday, mid week, and the sun is shining, the weather heated up and reminds me of the coming days of summer .  I had the big fan out and going full blast to cool it off in my little studio apartment.    I also put a new puzzle on the puzzle board and it is going to be a tough one.  Of course, an easy one would not be a challenge.  You can stop by and find some pieces, I wont mind.
Vinnie and I had an hours read yesterday and the book is coming along slowly.    I have had a refresher course in the history of World War II and the read does not get easier as we have been reading about the holocaust and other facts of the horrors of war.    As a teen ager my biggest concern was stamps for sugar and I learned to drink my coffee black and never went back to cream and sugar.   It didn't make for saved calories as the jelly donuts made up for it.  We had no idea what was transpiring over seas;  no idea where our men were going when President Roosevelt finally decided we had to go over and help our allies survive.    We did and they did but at a huge cost.    War is hell with a capital H.  In those days it was the Jewish people that were the targets; in our world today it is Christians and ISIS wants us all to get off this planet.   So, although the author has a way with words, I am willing to skip a chapter or two on the horrors of war.    It is not an easy read.    I think next I'll check out a western or two or maybe find the old novel "Suds in Your Eye" about three ladies building a fence out of beer cans.
So often I repeat myself.  I think that goes with age.    I have some slow days when I stay put so I have little to tell you about.   Today, I am going birthday card hunting and lunch out.   I think we are going to one of my favorite spots...The Tea Room where the special is a cup of soup, a half sandwich of choice and a piece of crème pie.  They have all kinds of pies, but the crème pies are special;  a melt in your mouth pie that always leaves the plate spotless.    Come visit, I'll take you there.
So today check your calendar and find out who is having a birthday.   Go find some fun cards and get busy and mail them out.    If your birthday folks are close by, take them out for a special lunch and make sure they 'eat cake' , birthdays are calorie free days, didn't you know that?   It's true.   Be a companion today , a nice word, goes with hugs and soft words and a meeting of the mind.     I am sure YOU make the best companion ever and I wish I were close by to share some of your hugs today.   Verbal ones will have to do.    I'm waiting.   Hugs to all.


Tuesday, April 19, 2016


Wonder how many tax forms get lost in the computer and no one knows. . .something to think about...

more foolishness . . . strange we never had this kind of a problem before.  

Angie's two pups;   Mac and Queso.  They had been for a walk in the rain;  not fond of being wet. 

This is a scene from the birthday bash for King Louis and that is him standing on his little yellow platform.

Well Monday came and went quietly.   I had a good hour with Vinnie and we caught up with the story line.   More than half way now so there is a light at the end of the tunnel.    When he isn't polishing the table, yeah a nit picker, he is asking about what next book we are going to tackle.  He brought me a loan of his latest magazine so I could read  some of the stories he found interesting.  Yes, he can read when he puts on his glasses, but then he doesn't want to miss out being read to;   something to do with company and being able to have a chance to partake of the tales.
We have a couple of new folks move in, one is a lady named Peaches, sweet and lively with a delightful sense of humor.   the other new lady joined the table I usually sit at so by the time I got there the seats were all taken and I got to sit at another table by myself until Vera decided to join me.  We met the new man, Larry, who came up to dinner for the first time.   He looked a little lost but soon found his way to the 'male' table and hopefully will fit in and feel settled soon.  
I found our other Larry sitting outside the front door enjoying the heat of the day.  We went up to eighty and it  was much to hot to walk up to the corner and back so I did my walking in the cool of the hallways.   It is fun to look at each doorway and see what decorations that are either on the door itself or in front of the entrance itself.    Some are funny, some are religious, some are pretty floral welcome signs.    One had a tiny table with a bowl of candy so you could help yourself to a treat.  
So today, give some thought to May Day coming up soon.    It is a time to hang a tiny basket on your neighbors door and treat them to a little surprise.    A traditional partaking that has gone out of style;  so resurrect it and have some fun making your neighbors smile.    One way to share a bit of  neighborly love.   An old tradition that should never goes out of style.
Be good, be kind, be gentle and  add a bit of mischief to your day.    Make your day bright and beautiful  as you share your smile, your laughter and your caring ways to those you like and love.     Go, do good deeds and know you will feel great; like Tony the Tiger;  go, be great.  Be a tiger today.  Hugs to all.

Monday, April 18, 2016


Fishing for compliments; of course Angie grew this all by herself and is very pleased with the results.   

Jock's friend caught a big one.
King Louis on this throne
Passion Flowers ...I used to have some of these growing on a fence some years back and they were special.

and our Jock is not to be outdone.   Look at the size of that really is 
WOW.   Congratulations on a good catch.  

A new Monday and the start of a new week and eighty degrees today . . . um, the start of warmer weather so it is time to think about fans, air conditioners and a hand fan or two for emergency cooling.    I left my door and windows opened to catch the coolness of the night so it remains to be seen if it was a good idea or not.   Right now it is cool here in the apartment but will it stay that way?   I hope so.   A good time to think about having your cooling system checked.   You want it to work when the thermostat hits the high notes.

I got to the Casino I had to do was ask.    That doesn't always work but the ladies were in the mood for a little town shopping and Poulsbo is a cute little town with shops and streets of houses, and yard sales and stuff like that there...We had lunch when they rescued me and I came home with my own money so that signals a win....I'd like to come home with some of their money but as someone once said; 'they don't build those casinos on their money'   It was fun for me as I had a couple of machines that let me play and entertained me for awhile.     I keep trying to win a big one and have for forty years or better.  I know, I know...if I had saved that money and let it grow I'd have some to leave behind but that would have left some play time out of my life and that chance to win the big one.....who said "a sucker is born every minute"?    Barnum and Baily . . . well they were right.   Actually it is fun as long as you remember not to overdo.    You have to have discipline.    A lesson of life we learned the hard way.

Patricia is shoveling dirt today and I offered to help .  She said I could help plant later when it is all done.    I don't think she trusts me with a shovel.   Probably a good thing.    the spirit is willing the back is

.Speaking of smiling, you would think I could have done much better.   Not sure what I was thinking, probably wishing Louis would take his camera and take pictures of his other guests.    My girls are beautiful and we all had a lovely time.    Pat is sprouting a short haircut for a change and it looks great.  Christine likes her hair length just as it is and , as for me, I could use a bit more hair...did you know it thins as you age. If I get any older I may have a bald spot yet.

So today take your camera for a walk and find some of the folks you like and love and take their pictures.    If you snap them unawares you may get some lovely smiles .    Send me a few and I'll blog about you.     I am off for a refill of my coffee.    I'd like a master chef out in my kitchen cooking up a storm but there are no volunteers so I guess I'll have to put on some toast and see if there is anything left in the peanut butter jar.   Go, have yourself a busy day; so you stay out of mischief.    Bad advice. . . kick up; your heels and have a bit of fun today and everyday.      Bring love and laughter into your lives and share YOU with those you like and love.      Hugs to all.

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Sunday Morning

Years and weather make this old barn beautiful;  have to think about that when I complain of getting old.  Some times age brings about a special beauty all its own.   

Vacation time on a dude ranch, never had a chance to do that, or never tried to find the time and money to vacation on a ranch or a farm, both life styles with a lot of interesting and fun things to do.  

Yesterday, Saturday, bright with sunshine and warmth, we found our way to the edge of a little town called Manchester, and drove into a tree lined pathway to a lovely huge home at the edge of the water where a spectacular view awaited.   The steps down were a challenge but once there the food tent was up, the chairs and hammock beckoned and a good crowd of folks arrived to celebrate the birthday of a friend called Louis King.   

Louie is a charmer, a man of wit and words and a flair for outrageous , a joke, a tale, a story all done with a smile.   He never met a stranger which attested to the large group of folks who turned up to wish him a happy birthday.    We found a hammock and some chairs to sit on and face the expanse of the bay.   We saw the ferry boats going to and from the islands; a fantastic view of Seattle off in the distance, active sea life and a beautiful eagle took to a tall tree.    Did I take my camera,   no...sorry as I would love to have shared the views with all of you.   

We sat with Sally and her husband John and as the ladies talked gallery and its upcoming plans for teas and other fun plans, I asked John what he did to keep himself busy in his retirement.   He  is a counselor and helps folks sort out their lives.  He does much to help those in need and although he cannot 'cure' them, he can lead them to a path where they can help themselves change and live their lives to the fullest.    Quite an accomplishment and  so needed when one has been in the throws of misery and neglect.   

The food was plentiful, all kinds of delicious dishes and Louis himself, made a jambalaya  that was more than delicious.   I think everyone must have brought a bottle of wine as it flowed freely .    The sun went in and the wind came up and it got cool.  The sunburn on my nose didn't keep me warm, so it was time to go.    I hope Louie extends another invitation to visit his beach.    I'll gladly bring a dish and some wine.   

When I got to my apartment, shoes came off, my easy chair looked inviting and yes, I did have  a nap.  when I awakened, I thought it was a new day, but it was only time to catch up with the news and have a hot cup of tea.    In my minds eye I was still looking at the beautiful water, the mountain far away, the ferry boats keeping their schedules and the sail boats moving with grace and charm over the water.   

So know there is nothing more satisfying that a bit of time spend with new and old friends, good food and a beautiful view.   If you have a chance to share that, do not turn down an invitation...go and enjoy.     Be a willing guest, and share YOU with those you like and love.    Hold a hand, kiss a cheek,  and a bear hug chases the blues away.   Hugs to all.     

Good Morning!!!!

I am about to take a ride on my broom....thought you might like to come along!!! Good morning.  I've been awake for hours,  why?   Who k...