Saturday, December 31, 2016


It is New Years Eve . . . Out with the Old. . . In with the New!!!!

I wish each and every one of you a special ending to your 2016 , hopefully with a promise of a brand new year filled with happier days and easier ways.  As you celebrate the New Year in, don't forget to welcome the Rooster and strut like you have not done in some time.    Make this New Year one to remember being a YOU to be proud of.    Wise decisions.   Work on health.   Add a little attention to wealth, but open up with those bear hugs and invite someone you not only like but really love into your circle of life. Be the person who never met a stranger.   Be the person who has an open mind.   Be the person who is never to busy to help your fellow man. . . a few dollars to a charity that really truly helps those in need;    a hands up to a friend in need;  one never knows when life throws in an unexpected punch.    Say goodbye to the old year without regrets.  You lived each day and did your best . . now you get a fresh start to a brand new year and a chance to be the best you can be.

Go with love.   Live life.    Be kind, be gentle, be the best you can be.  Open up your heart, your mind and your arms.   Celebrate the New Year IN and bring along the good while you leave the bad behind.    Share YOU with those you love and like.   Hugs to all.

                     HAPPY  NEW  YEAR!!!!!!

Friday, December 30, 2016

endings. . .

Surfs UP In Kauai, Hawaii

The Aurora Borealis in Norway

Here is the newest arrival in the Asay household.  Great Grandfather Charles is crowing, and well he might.  How lucky he is to be able share time and love with this little guy.    Happy New Year to each and everyone of you.    Thanks for sharing all the pictures...keep up the good work

Art work....what to do with coins when you have nothing to do.     Someone has great hands, a good sense of balance.  We will have to try and see what we can do....just don't hold your breath as I never can get my coins stacked and steady at the same time.

The count down is about ready, here it is December 30th, one more day to our year and then off to celebrate a brand new one.    It is going to be more than interesting to find out what this new year will bring.   The list of the old timers has gotten longer this year as we have lost some of the entertainers who made us laugh and cry.   We have lost some near and dear to us and know that our hearts will never be the same.    We will honor them with loving thoughts and take up the challenge of getting on with life and pray for the courage to do so.    Each year we live is filled with joys and sorrows and each year we pray for the courage to accept the things we cannot change.   Not an easy task but one that is given to us.  So today and tomorrow, as the old year ends, sit quietly and think back on the old year and think of what you want to change to make this coming new year , a banner year, one that you will make bright and beautiful for not only yourself but for all those you hold near and dear.

I hope you have loved ones nearby to help you celebrate the New Year in.    I hope you gather family and friends together and toast in the New Year knowing that you have your work cut out for you in this brand new year......a new beginning.....a new start.....a heart filled with hope....with the need and want to make life worth while as only you can.     Renew the commandments;  make a list of 'to-do' and renew your commitment to make life better for those you like and love.    Bend the knee and pray for a year that will be one of your best yet.     Be good, be kind, be gentle.  Go about your day, every day, as if it were your very last day on earth.    Think good deeds.   Think of what you can do to make life worth living and do it.     Hugs to all.

Thursday, December 29, 2016






Seasons come and go adding up to one more year that has brought life, love, laughter and tears into our lives.    Some will sigh with relief, others will bemoan the fast passing of a year of their lives, as others will be thankful to see the end of a year that brought with it a few surprises, some good and some bad.  A time of reflection.    A time to make promises to oneself on how to improve;  how to set an example for others to follow that will make daily life fill with more happiness and contentment.    As the old folks used to say: "talking is cheap, its the doing that is difficult"   so today give some thought to how you will set a good example for the new year.    Give a little more of yourself.   Be gentle.  Be generous to a fault.   Be a mentor, a friend, a good example of gentle soul who has the time and the inclination to be there for those you like and love, who are an important part of your life.

Be good, be kind, be gentle . . . hug a lot . . . Pucker up and dispense a kiss or two, remember they don't hurt even a little bit.    You have a whole new year ahead of what are YOU going to do with it?    The choices are YOURS.    Do I sound repetitious....well,  I am!!!   Get ready to celebrate a New Year and do not forget the resolutions, you know the ones you will break before the new day is over. . . something about 'good intentions'   . . . we all have them. YOU and spread a little love and joy today.  Hugs to all. 

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

A New Day

An old picture.   I was looking for a long time for a picture to put up to show the ending of our year.  Nothing suited me.   I looked.   I didn't find one picture that I thought would, or even could, remind us that another year is slowly going its own way.    The sea gives us time to think.  The sea gives us a feeling of contrast from calm to roaring thunderous waves which in its own way reminds us of our life cycles.  When this week ends, the old year will be gone forever.  Along with it will be the good deeds and the deeds you never did get around to;  gone will be the chance to embrace those you have lost touch with. . . but...a new year is coming up and you have a chance to make up new beginnings with those you like and love.  

So today is the start of the week ending the old year and before it is all over with, the beginning of a brand New have one more chance to get it right.....three hundred and sixty five days to hang up your hat, open up your arms and stretch that heart of yours into a remarkable life giving hug to encompass all you hold dear.    Don't waste your time making promises you will not keep.....get busy and keep the promises you have already made.  

Life goes bye in a hurry and you don't really pay attention until it is too late....Time is now to think about a brand New Year and the good you can do for yourself and others you not only like but love.

Keep your thoughts on what it is you can do this coming year that will make life worth living for yourself and those you love and like.     Forgive and Forget.    Open up your heart and your hands will follow. . . open up your mouth and allow the words of truth, light, love and wisdom to come through.   When you think of resolutions...think L O V E.
The ending of a year is not about partying. . . well, that is some of it and it is okay and fun, but, resolutions are to improve not disprove our way in life.    Start thinking now and by the end of the year you will know exactly what you have to do.    "I resolve to......"   and make your New Year one you will remember forever.  Hugs to all.

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Post Scrip December 27, 2016

Hey There!!!!!    Here I am wishing you ALL a Happy New Year;  a bit early but I wanted to show off my new Christmas sweater.....and the puzzle is not finished....and you can come help, it is okay......

Sweet Dreams When You Get There......Just know I am thankful for each and every one of you.  

As the French folks say....Je vous aime de tout mon coeur !!!!
See you in the morning.    Hugs to all.

Good Morning!

Ah....Beautiful......Snow in Arizona.......Beautiful skies.....Cold and of those picture cloud days when silence prevails.

Friend Paula with her grandson . . . at first sight....
Sunday was very quiet here at Ridgemont, not many moving about, resting up after all the activities, guests, family and friends coming and going.  All that excitement, fun and of course consuming every treat in sight....chocolates are not meant to be saved for a rainy day.    A quiet day, a new puzzle on the puzzle board and it is going to be a tough one.   I did get the decorations put away for another year.    I still have a candy bowl filled with treats which I will leave out for folks to help me eat up.  There is no way I can eat all of the chocolates and cookies by myself....well, I could try but then I'd have to take longer walks and add a walk on the tread mill.    It was a day of rest for most.  My two daughters laid low.   Christine was going to come over and bring me a piece of that mince pie that Patricia made and found her way for a short nap which turned out to be a big nap and I'll see my piece of pie today.   Pat had a bout with MS, stress brings it on and there is nothing you can do about holiday stress but get through it.    All in all I would say we had a lovely Christmas.  Santa was very good to us.  I am sporting not one but two lovely black sweaters;  one from Eileen and John...and no John I did not get my picture taken in it....and one from them and will get a lot of use out of them this winter.    Bob and Andy sent me those big luscious figs which are always so delicious and some wonderful tea which I will share when I have a tea party with drop ins.   Christine bought me one of those foot baths and I intend to try it out often.  I am betting it is going to make my feet feel a lot better. The girls treated me royally and I can't list all I got or I'd be here all The pears that Jock sent came just before Christmas and were gone much too quickly.  They are so delicious and last only long enough to get the cover off the box.    Erin's box was filled with all those wonders that make you smell so good and weave a bit of magic on your skin.    She is due in this week and that will be a special treat.    I did get to telephone talk to those who are far away ....if wishes were horses beggars would ride and all would be right here sharing time ....maybe next year.    So that was my Christmas and you can see it was Wonderful!!!  Now on to celebrate the New Year .....I have a bottle of B&B ready to share!!!

Catch up when you have time....enjoy life on good health and a bit of wealth for the New Year.....Be good, be kind, be gentle, be YOU.    Hugs to all.


Monday, December 26, 2016

A Day Later!!

A Christmas Picture...AAH!!!!  Charles Asay a very old friend from way back, his son Brian and family sent wishes to all and Christmas was celebrated with love and smiles.    Great picture. Charles looks good and yes he is the same age as I argument there....I'll let him be a year older and I'll have fun catching up.

Bob and Andrea sent pictures from Arizona where they enjoyed a snow storm...looks very beautiful from here....well I don't have to get out there and shovel, although I'd volunteer as I love to shovel snow.   Ah childhood memories!!
A white Christmas, who could ask for anything more!!

Here in Port Orchard we stayed pretty clear;  a promise of snow but it never did get down here in the valley;  stayed up in the high country.   Christine and Patricia came over very early to exchange gifts and have breakfast but they were not hungry...too early for I'll be eating awful waffles for the rest of the week.   My yearning for a black sweater came true.  I have not one, but two beautiful sweaters from Patricia.  Christine brought me a foot bath outfit so you know it will get a lot of use...think I'll try it out today. we need to treat them right as they have such a tremendous job to do.    I got smellies...oh nice ones...I got throw those old ballet ones out now and walk down the hallway in style.    I am spoiled and well loved. Christine cooked up a prime rib roast with baked potatoes and those little cabbages , all so delicious, actually no room for that mince pie Pat made just for me.   MS does not take a holiday and Patricia had a bout with it that sent her home to rest and quiet.   There is no cure as yet as it does not take a holiday and the folks that have it suffer more than we realize.    Maybe this will be the year to find the cure;  God willing!!  There is always a little bad with the good;  we missed our loved ones who were far away.   The telephone is the next best thing so we had our calls and we had something to remember and smile about.    So our holidays bring along love and laughter and a few tears, but that is what holidays do...I hope to hear that you all had a great holiday sharing love and hugs with your family and friends.  Now...a New Year.....wonder what is in store for us. . . we will soon find out.   Don't make to many empty promises for the New Year, you know you wont keep them all..maybe one or your list with working on your health, then on your wealth, but not money wise, family and friend wise. . . share YOU with those you like and love.    Get ready to party, not to hardy....enough t o sparkle like a good wine.    Be good, be kind, be gentle, be a friend, be a lover, be all you can YOU.    Hugs to all.

Sunday, December 25, 2016


From the Mountains

and the Valleys

And the ocean
You are wished  the light to lead you to the wonders of our world
Like candles on HIS birthday cake. . . Be a bright light today and every day.
Good Morning......It is here....Christmas......May your day be merry and bright....Go....Enjoy !!!!

Coffee is on.  The table is set.  The girls are coming over to open presents, eat my 'awful' waffles and sip a little cider.....aah!!!!!

WE wish you a Merry Christmas.......Love and Hugs to all.  

Saturday, December 24, 2016


In our hearts and in our thoughts, the road is never long between friends.   
Even the angels send greetings, all you have to do is look UP!
Tis the season and the reason to be generous to a fault;  maybe, just maybe we will see a cure for those cancer cells that are wild and need taming.   Every penny counts so add your pennies to the coffers and help find the cure.

Yesterday was a busy day with a Christmas party up in the dining area, a lovely new mug for our coffee or tea, our picture taken by the big tree and a delicious cup cake , without calories of course, and good company.   The spirit of Christmas hovered over and carried on as one of the ladies came with some wine and a visit which was great.   I have a brand new calendar to fill this year...hopefully with lots of dates marked with the outings we enjoy.  A good day even when it threatened to snow and it looked so beautiful didn't last long and it disappeared almost as fast as it came.    My girls were busy as the Gallery Group set up tables in the big market place. Folks go down town, buy a gift or two and walk over to the mall and there the lovely Princesses from the high school waited patiently to wrap the gifts they purchased.   A tradition here in town and the folks take full advantage of it.  A lofty idea and a fun one as the Christmas spirit rises in the quiet of a shopping day and daughter Christine keeps an eye out to make sure that all goes well.    The Gallery folks are the backbone of this town.  

I am off for a refill and wake up.  You have no idea how dark and silent it is around here.   A lot of sleepy heads I'd say....not everyone wakes up at four or five a.m. and tries to find words to patient you are.  Go...have breakfast and get going on your day.    Enjoy every second and make sure you have your good deeds lined up.     Make your list, check it twice, don't forget to find a little gift for those you like and love.     For those impossible to buy for....a gift certificate  for a morning latte will do the trick, and be appreciated...of course if you delivered that would be even better.   Whatever you choose to it with love....that is what really counts.    Hugs to all.

Friday, December 23, 2016


I just went out for a refill, have to wake the brain up so I can say good morning to you.  
Last chance, put your shoes on and get out there and finish up that shopping.
a little of the bad goes along with the good...never fails.....

Friday is here, the magic ladies are meeting downtown at the Market to set up tables and do some last minute wrapping for the folks shopping in town.  A yearly treat for those who wait until the last 'gun is fired' to finish their Christmas shopping.   It is a good deed and one appreciated by the local town folks.   The high school Princesses do one more good deed before the year is over.  Lovely young ladies who participate and do such a fine job all year at most of the activities in town.   They are all young, beautiful, smiling, willing and active in the community and enjoy their role as Good Will Ambassadors for Port Orchard.  How lucky we are to have them.
I had a quiet day yesterday, stayed in and entertained a couple of folks who stopped in.   I had a new puzzle on the table, had the frame done but that was it....finding a piece to put in was impossible.  It is one of those all same color puzzles and one piece in two hours was not going to be fun boxed it....have no patience for those puzzles.  I know a challenge, but when it turns into a thankless task then it is not worth doing.   I am going to enjoy having the table back to normal for a change.  I will put on the lace table cloth for the holidays.  I will put out the centerpiece and a dish of special cookies for those who wonder in.  The tea pot is out, the cups at the ready and all I need is c o m p a n can come if you like...I'd like that.

Some folks are having a hard time trying to get by the holidays.  Not sure if it is memories , loneliness, or just finding the holidays too much.   I seem to be a listener and hear a lot of sad tales, some brought on by foolishness or pride or just plain wishful thinking of wanting the world with a fence around it.    Why some folks look to others for their happiness is not a good omen;  they need to look within themselves and get on with their lives.   The blame game is easy.  What is tough is to live your life one second at a time and make it the best it can be.   Dwelling in the past, hurts, slights, stupidity by some is not the way to live life...get on with it....clear the slates and become someone who knows how to share themselves with those that not only like but love.  

So today you have a task ahead of you.  You have to be the BEST you can be.  You have to share YOU with those you like and love.   You can do it, bring a little sunshine into your world and perfect the good deeds into shining moments that bring love and laughter into your world.    If you have lost someone, because it was his or her time to go on, don't be sad for you, be glad for them as they have gone on to the just reward they worked so hard for.   The world does not revolve around YOU, it revolves slowly and surely for each of us to make the best of what the talents we have.  Make your talents shine today.   A good deed, or two...make it three today....give a little of yourself to those you like and love.    Be a person who cares and the day will take care of itself.    Three little words is all it takes to make your world go around...I  L O V E   YOU!!!   and I do...thanks for being my family, my friends, and especially for sharing.  Hugs to all.

Thursday, December 22, 2016

Same Old Same Old!!

We have been promised rain today, that is okay as we have our Christmas Party up in the dining room later today.   

The bus filled with those who wanted to ride around and see the Christmas lights.  I was lazy, didn't want to put my shoes on so I didn't go.   I hear the ride was wonderful and the homes well decorated and beautiful.   Lots to talk about and to enjoy as folks have gone all out to make the spirit of Christmas known.    Doris came with a plate filled with her homemade goodies and stayed for a cup of tea and some reminiscing.   It is fun to go back in time and relive some of the tales of Christmas time of years ago.   It is always a fun time to go back and remember some of the treasured family tales of a Christmas past.   Like Scrooge, we get to remember some of the high lights of a memorable Christmas as we talk about ornaments we treasured and still have.  The gifts we got during the depression years and counted ourselves lucky to get a pair of socks or a little box of candy from school.   Remembering the people and places of our lifetime as the memories bring back faces and places .  Walking out to pick out a real Christmas tree.   Dragging it home, cutting off branches from the bottom to fill in the 'thin' parts.   Hanging tinsel one piece at a time, no throwing bunches at the tree.   Holding a priceless ornament in your hand and listen, one more time, to its history.   Making fudge, and best of all the people in our lives over the years.  Folks we shared our time and love with, some gone but not forgotten, some still in touch  with a welcoming Christmas card and a note or two.   Oh yes, the Christmas letter, we all get them and , be honest now, really enjoy reading them.   We really are proud of all the accomplishments and glow in sharing and caring one more time the news from those who love us most.    How lucky we are to have friends, real true old friends we would never want to be without.   So thanks to each and every one...may your Christmas be all you want it to be.  May you enjoy good health, which is so important;  a bit of wealth to pay those Christmas bills later;   an invitation or two to share in the champagne of life and do your best to be merry and bright.   Enjoy your traditions and bask in the memories.  Create new ones as you continue celebrating the holidays.     

We all have family that cannot be with us, don't groan and moan about it, pick up the telephone, or use one of your new gadgets to contact that someone who is far away.   You know they are not their in body but the sure are in spirit.    Make that call a gift all its own.  Take the time to say ...I love you....the best gift of all.    

So today, be good, be kind, be gentle.   Speak softly;  smile with your eyes;   lend a helping hand to a neighbor or can  do it so easily...why 'you' are a walking miracle...for no other reason than YOU are go be YOU and make small miracles today.    Hugs to all.  

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Hump Day!

If I had an endless bank account I'd order a dozen of these just for YOU to enjoy this holiday season...each petal that says Thank YOU for being the rose petals in my life.   
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to YOU.......
some one is hoping for that new book on top of the reading list. . . don't forget a book marker as well.    If you are lucky, they will pass it on when they finish reading it.    

Hump Day and it  is Christmas week . . . mid week, and time is flying by.    Weather wise we are cold and clear and traffic is at its best or worse depending if you are driving or just a passenger hoping to get your last minute shopping done.    Time is running out, so quit fooling around and finish up your shopping.   If you cannot think of what to buy...a fruit cake comes in handy....ha,ha....I can see your expression now.  Well some of us like fruit cake and believe it or not some of us are fruitcakes.

I was busy yesterday helping Christine catch up on some of her projects.  It was time for the artists checks and it was a very good month at the Gallery.  One of our local talents sold three paintings; a top notch painter.  It is always a pleasure to get the checks mailed out on time knowing you added a smile to a face or two.    Earlier in the day, Pat and I went out and about then had lunch at the bowling alley where they serve a hamburger that is very tasty.   It is always crowded so you know the food has to be good there.    The mood was high, people were friendly and smiling, must be that Christmas is almost here and the spirit prevails.    It is in the air and strangers smile and greet you.   

I never did get to send cards out this year, have no idea why I dragged my feet.  It is a first, just use the computer for all of my communicating so it is just easier to get things done.    The cards are sitting here in a box waiting ..for next year I late to send any out now...but I did send an electronic greeting so figure I've gone modern....or lazy, or forgetful or all of the above.    Know that I wish you and yours the very best holiday season ever.   I hope you stay healthy.  I hope you are happy.  I hope you have family and friends to share time with.   I hope you know you are loved and cared for today and every day .    So all together now..."I wish you a Merry Christmas,  I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year."    Be good, be kind, be generous to a fault.   Love one another.   Be a friend.    Be all YOU can be.....and more.    Just be YOU., and most of all Keep Christ in Christmas and remember HE is celebrating His love for YOU by being a constant in your life.   Hugs to all.

Tuesday, December 20, 2016


Not a trick question, a thoughtful one as to missing a very special person who is or has been one of the loves in your life.   I think I would enjoy some conversations with a few folks who were in my life at one time or another.   I'd like to sit and listen to their thoughts on life and love, and maybe learn a little as to why they could not give of themselves.  I think we would have some interesting conversations and learn a lot about life and love.
Second by second,  make a list, check it twice, get busy and finish up all the preparations for Christmas.    No rush, no fuss, no hurry. . . relax, things will get done when they get done as only YOU can make them;  an overworked, over jealous person is just not fun.
AAh!!  Serenity.    Quiet...Peace.....Beauty.   We can use a little of that in our lives today.

A quiet day here yesterday with snow on the ground, not a lot,  but enough to know staying inside was not a bad idea.    Hugh, one of our fellow tenants here at Ridgemont came up to the monthly meeting yesterday afternoon and I sat at his table and we had a conversation about writing.  After the meeting he loaned me his travel log and I spent the afternoon touring the country, visiting places I had been to and remembering some wonderful travel days of my own.    It was wonderful to visit some of the old haunts dating back some years.  Trips across country.  Trips to the four corners of our states and memories that brought smiles and remembrance to the forefront.    Reading his travel log brought back many memories of trips I had taken in my lifetime.    What a treat it would be to go and revisit some of the places and see some of the faces of friends, neighbors and even strangers that made our travels all worthwhile.    It was a very good way to spend a cold winter day.

The monthly meeting was well attended.   Karen, our manager had a list of what not to do around the building and grounds.  For the most part we are well mannered and she did not have a lot to complain about.  Some folks are lazy, don't think about anyone but themselves and that is sad, but a little word to remind them of good manners puts everything to least we can hope.   Some folks never learned to pick up after me wonder why their mothers thought it was best for them to wait on them hand and foot...makes for lazy with being taught to give an honest days work for an honest days didn't hurt most of us, there are still a few that think they should be waited on...and we have news for

For the most part Karen did not have many things to complain about.   She did say a few good words in our behalf.    No decorating the main hallways .. . who would want to?  Not me...I have enough to do decorating my door for Christmas and the lovely wreath the girls brought over does the is beautiful...smells good too.   

Today we are going up for birthday cake as one of our ladies named Betty, we have four by that name, is celebrating her 100th birthday....a century, wow, the tales she could tell.  That makes our second Centurion. A lesson of life, eat, drink and be moderation....and you too can live to be a hundred.   Amazing ladies who get around on their own and still have a zest for living.    So know the key to success is moderation, be good, be wise, be kind, be YOU and live to the ripe old age so you can be a Centenarian .    Stay active, alive, and live life each day, every day.   Hugs to all.

Monday, December 19, 2016

Christmas Music!

"Keep the light of Christmas aglow, sharing hope and goodwill as you go; Spreading peace on earth in all that you do, Let the light of Christmas shine in you."   A lovely quote from the Silverdale Lutheran Church over in Silverdale where we went to hear the choir and spend a couple of hours listening to Christmas music at its best.  The church itself is beautiful and the tall Christmas tree was done up in all blue lights and lovely white angels hanging from the branches.   Two o'clock and the choir came in; their director sat at the piano and made lovely music as she directed the choir before her.    We heard a small  miracle as the "Independents" , an all volunteer group of parishioners, opened their mouths and we were in for a concert that opened the door to Christmas.   Some of the music was familiar but there were some that we had never heard and for a good hour or more "not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse"  and we listened to voices that were awesome...such talent...humming, tapping,  sighing, enjoying the spirit of Christmas.  I can't think of a better way to spend a Sunday afternoon, how lucky we are to be introduced to such local talent.    

Did I remember my I mean to...yes.....the church itself was lovely,  high ceilings, large windows with colorful panes that let in rainbows of color as the light came through.   As we sat and waited for the choir to arrive, we had time to look the beautiful innards of the church itself.  Simple, lovely, peaceful .   I noted a difference from the churches I attended as our walls were covered with the Way of the Cross and the altar had a tabernacle , this one did not.  The pews filled quickly with parishioners  and we had a special spot to call our own.   When the choir marched in and the first notes were heard, quiet prevailed, silence, and the voices melded into beautiful music as we heard at least fifteen beautiful Christmas songs, some familiar, a few we never heard before and a chance to hum along with those so familiar, like . . ."Do You Hear What I hear?"   and "Let It Snow/Winter Wonderland"   Yeah!!!!!  A good time was had by all.  A wonderful way to start the Christmas season and add a prayer or two in thanksgiving to those who donate their time and talents to bring out the Christ in Christmas.    I hope you get to church .  I hope you have a chance to sing, to hum, to enjoy Christmas music.

So today, the start of a new week,   time is flying bye and Christmas is almost here.    You still have time for last minute activities but do not let them change your mood from a high happy note to one of the low overworked feelings of trying to do too much.    Keep Christ in Christmas, after all that is what it is all about....a Happy Birthday to a New Born King......I had friends that served a small birthday cake on Christmas that is the true spirit of Christmas...So remember Christ is the true reason for the season.    Be good, be kind, be loving, be YOU.   Make your today memorable.  Hugs to all.

Sunday, December 18, 2016

Christmas Reminder!!

Getting ready for Christmas...first the tree, then the baubles and don't forget the lights.  
A Christmas Star and Three Wise Men. . . even Nature foretells the coming of Christ.
A teddy bear, a piglet,  and you wonder what to buy for a little one.....

"Sleigh bells ring, are you listening;  here to stay snow is glistening , a beautiful sight, happy tonight walking in the winter wonderland", la, la...... Good Morning...How are you today?   I am humming at six o' clock in the morning.  I've been perusing through archives of pictures and I think I have put each and everyone up at least once, if not twice, on the blog.   I need a walk with a camera.  I need to get busy and find some new and different photos to show, but....the mind is willing but the body is busy elsewhere.   If all goes as planned I'll be out the door and off to a musical today.   We are going to another small town, hopefully with a full bus, after lunch time, so no special outing for lunch today, but that does not mean I'll be taking pictures.   I could, I should, but.....who wants to carry a camera around all second thought, maybe, just maybe, I'll carry mine along.  

Here at Ridgemont the folks are busy getting ready for Christmas.   Doris, our almost one hundred year old , came down and stayed for a visit bringing me some of her muffins , date and nut bread and cookies and you wonder why I don't get skinny.....Doris wants us all to stay fat and sassy.  She stayed awhile, put her feet up on the hassock, sank into the rocking chair and sighed as she told me she feels right at home here.   I take that as a very great compliment and like to hear the folks tell me they feel at home here.  Makes me feel good and putting on the tea pot is always fun as it gives me a chance to share all those treats I've been getting.  If I were to eat my way through all those goodies, I'd be the size of a rhino in a small mud puddle.   I do share, give away as much as I can so others can enjoy the 'taste of Christmas'.  I have some cookies on a platter that I have never seen before.  Some folks have traditions and old recipes that should be in a special Christmas cookie book.   Hand me downs from long ago, but some are never shared as they belong to the 'family'.  I have a date and nut bread which Doris made just for me knowing I love it.   All I need now is the cream cheese for it and I'll be in 'hog heaven';  I really would share some if you were here, but seeing you are busy elsewhere, I'll just have to have it all to myself.  Poor me!!!

I am going to love you, leave you and go and get ready for my today.  I hope you have plans and are going off to have some fun.   I haven't been to a musical in a long time, so I will be enjoying a bus ride over to Silverdale in the company of several other seniors;  not sure how many signed up, and when I return I'll have something to write about.   Be good, be kind, be gentle . . . take time to be a friend today and give some one you know and love a special helpful hand just because they need it.  Say a prayer or two for those who have a cross to bear;   donate a few cents to the bell ringers, buy a gift for someone who has little or nothing and put it under the tree in the store or church or hall. . . everyone with a kind heart is trying hard to make Christmas mean something to those in need.   So many hurting and we have so much.   Show your gratitude by sharing and it good deed that only YOU can do.    Be Christ like and I promise you will glow!!  Hugs to all.

Saturday, December 17, 2016

December Days!

Getting ready!!!  Deck the reindeer with balls of color, la,la,la,, la, la laaaaa!!!  Maybe this will help you get into the Christmas mode or mood ;   

if  not, then this will...guaranteed!!  A little irreligious but what goes in has to come out, smile!!!

Good morning.  It is Saturday...some having their weekend off while others bemoan the end of another week and Christmas is coming so much sooner than they are ready for.    A fun time of year, frustrating time of year., but one we love, enjoy and go crazy about ...we must, as we do it year after year and actually look forward to it.    I love Christmas.   I have yet mastered wrapping gifts, the spirit is willing but what I mess I make.   Some folks have the knack and their gifts are gorgeous while mine look like a wrinkled mess with a limp bow.   I could use the fancy bags but that would take all the fun out of wrapping.    There is nothing like the need of an extra finger or hand to hold things down while you tie a bow.   

There is little to talk about this morning as I had a quiet day yesterday.  Hugh, who lives in the apartment at the end of the hallway, came up to borrow one of my books.  Vinnie told him I wrote and he was curious as to what I wrote about and what kind of a writer I am, so it will be interesting to hear his critique.    He did tell me he has written a book about his travels and  will loan me his copy so I can read it.    A travel log, maybe I'll visit places I've never been and that will be fun.   Speaking of travel, I would be wonderful to be able to have a free ticket to every where and visit old and dear friends where ever they are....a trip across country and back...haven't done that in a very long time.    Just talking about it gives me a little wander lust.....

So, as you can see, I repeat myself ...must be old age.....I am hoping for a trip out and I think we are going off tomorrow to a musical so that will be something to write about.    I have no idea where or what it is all about but I will tell you when I return.    I hope you find something to do today that will bring smiles to your face and a lot of love to your heart.    Your seconds are important, so don't leave them lonely and useless, get up and go...make someone you like and love happy today....join them for a visit, an outing, a lunch  or dinner, and bring your smile along, as it is a gift no one else can share.    A hug never hurts....even a verbal one does some consider yourself hugged today and get on with your YOU.   Hugs to all.

Friday, December 16, 2016


The little cottage I used to live in when I lived in Carson City.  Ah the tales it could tell!!

My painting of Sand Harbor up at Lake Tahoe in Nevada.  Many a summer evening watching one of the many Shakespeare plays.

This picture was a gift.  A friend's mother painted it and it looked like melted waxed crayons although I am sure it was a mixture of real paints.  Very well done and welcoming.   Not sure who has it now as all the moves meant giving up some things of value to me, but a new home was found and they were never wasted.

I know where this one found a home...Patricia has it hanging in her living room.   It is one of two art works I owned and done by a school teacher whose name I no longer remember,but pictures of beauty where you could sit and look at the picture and take a walk in the sunshine and snow flakes.  

So today look around and make sure you have no pictures hidden away.  They are meant to be seen, enjoyed and bring back memories of places and faces you have loved and many times yearn for.  Life changes and sometimes the pictures we surround ourselves with keep or memory banks loaded with good thoughts and wonderful memories.

I did not go out of Ridgemont at all yesterday;  well if stepping outside to the mail box counts, then I did step out into the cold and it really was not all that bad.   I did receive a couple of Christmas cards from old friends far away.   It always brings a smile right along with it.   How long it has been between visits;  how much life has changed for us all.    Placing faces with names is always fun and happy thoughts run through the mind as you read the name on the envelope.   I don't know who is responsible for greeting cards but it was a very good idea.   Keeping in touch with old friends is a good idea.  We may not do it more than once a year, but that once is enough to bring back fond memories and that wonderful feeling of friendship we treasure.   For those of us with computers we can forward greetings and add a word or two in greetings,but it will never take the place of actual cards which we use to help decorate our abode to keep Christ in Christmas.   I was lucky to have drop in company and then an invitation to see a lovely small decorated tree and beautiful candles in Lois' apartment.  The spirit surrounds us as the doorways along the halls are being decorated.   Christmas is coming and the mood is changing to bright and happy thoughts and the Christmas spirit begins to take over.

So as the old saying goes...Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to YOU and YOURS. . . May your life be filled with 'good' things;  good health, a bit of wealth and welcoming smiles.  Be Santa Clause and make someone you like and love feel the spirit of Christmas. . . Christ in us. . .it can't get better than that.    Go be a Good Deed today!!!!  Hugs to all.

Thursday, December 15, 2016


Emma wants out!!
This little guy wants in!!
And these little guys want to wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

A new day.....what will it bring?   Happiness for some;  miseries for others, tolerance for some, intolerance for others, tears of regret, tears of sorrow or tears of happiness . . . each day, every day has a new offering and the choices are ours.   What will you choose today?  Think about it as you are the captain of your fate and free to make choices.   I like to think that you are off to a good start.  I like to think that you bent your knee first thing this morning and offered up a prayer for guidance so that you can be the harbinger of good deeds to make life brighter and more beautiful for those who are in your care.    It doesn't take much to be kind, to be generous with your kind words and a soft hug or two along the way.    So make your today a day of good deeds.  They don't have to be expensive gifts, fancy 'stuff', just a soft whisper, a hug, and a bit of your time.   You can do wonders today.....if you have forgotten the end of today you will have run up a few extra stars in that big book of life.    So go, be YOU.....share YOU with those you like and love.   Think of a surprise for some on person who needs a bit of a lift today.  It doesn't cost an arm and a leg to be kind, it is a freebie in life.  Get going, time flies when you are having fun and being kind and generous with YOU takes on a whole new meaning of love.  Be a lover today....make those in your circle happy because YOU walked into their room.  Hugs to all.

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Good Morning!

A beautiful tiger cat.  What a beauty!!  

Sounds like something Mother Teresa would say as she reminded us to do our good deeds every day and  not just once in a lifetime.   We have no idea what some of our family, friends and neighbors are going through right now.   Maybe, just maybe, if we stopped to listen, to pay attention we would find a way to help ease a little of the pain. and remind ourselves 'there but by the grace of God go I'.
On the other hand there are those who live their lives in not so quiet desperation;  attention is the name of the game, loneliness is most likely the cause.  So, today, give a little of yourself and see if you can bring a ray of sunshine to someone you care about.
Today is a day to become a wise old owl.  Look around and pay attention , someone needs a hug.

Christmas is coming and in the preparation we all go a little crazy.   We tend to be all wrapped up in paper wrappings and forget that kindness is one of the best gifts we can bestow on our love ones.   Take time out today to see...really look, and see who has a need for a hug, a listening ear, a smile...someone woke up with a heavy burden and YOU may be the one who can lighten the load.   It never hurts to be kind, to be loving and to 'be there' for someone you care about.    Look around today, stop, look and listen and be the bright light that leads that someone into a day of sunshine and away from the shadows.   

So today, be a good example of love and light, kindness and open arms to embrace our family and friends and lead them into a bit of your warmth and love.   Be a lover, it doesn't hurt a bit.  Hugs to all.

Good Morning!!!!

I am about to take a ride on my broom....thought you might like to come along!!! Good morning.  I've been awake for hours,  why?   Who k...