Monday, February 29, 2016

Leap Year 2/29/16

Nevada has changed some since the good old days when the stage coaches used to have a rest stop.  There are still areas of desert to contend with and that longest road runs through them.

ha,ha,  food for thought.   

Teddy Roosevelt and John Muir, two men responsible for the making of our National Parks.   We have much to be thankful for.   Yellowstone is a favorite of mine, how about you?    There are many I have not visited but would if I could.  
Here it is the very last day of February, the leap year day, 29th, wont be back for another four will I be?   Maybe out visiting the National Parks!!

We had a windy Sunday, a quiet day to get my grocery shopping done for the week and test out a big orange which I  had for breakfast, not too bad, for being  one of the specials this week.   I did buy bananas and the clerk was marking them down, or going to but said he didn't have the stickers ready and I was to tell the clerk that he said she could mark them down ....when I checked out I told her what he said and she did mark them down;  now that is  I wonder if that would work on a big steak!!

I did buy a little steak for a breakfast treat but being efficient I packaged it and put it in the freezer so now I have to plan and thaw. . . so a dropped egg isn't all bad.   Maybe I'll take it out and have it for my dinner.   I looked at lamb chops but the price has soared and I am not about to pay ten dollars for two tiny chops.   Some of the old depression habits remain.

There were only twelve folks up for dinner yest4erday.   Most go off to church and go out to eat.  Vinnie was a no show, just isn't feeling up to par these days.   He had a severe case of shingles and although they are dried up, the inner nerve pain stays.  I wish the experts would find a cure for the diseases that linger and cause such pain.   

I had my big X puzzle to do.   I've been doing that for over twenty five years.  My friend, Gerry and I used to buy  the 'rag' sheet every Friday and sit opposite each other and try and complete it.  Not an easy thing to do but we sure had a lot of fun trying to fill in the little blocks.    Sometimes we actually opened a dictionary but not until we couldn't think anymore.    I even gave up an invitation to keep Christine company at the Gallery.   Now that is something.    I like to go and keep her company and enjoy meeting and greeting all the folks who visit and enjoy the displays.    Did I get it all finished?   Nope!!  But I will try again today.  I think crossword puzzles keep the brain functioning and it does do a bit for the patience department as the brain refuses to cooperate and you know what the word is but it just wont come.    Like trying to think of John Muir's name to put with the picture this morning.   I had to go around and around before it finally came.

So  today, feed the brain.  I hear fish is good for it.    I wish Jock was visiting so he could cook up a big salmon for us; now that is brain food.    Maybe you should go fishing today and then you can cook up some brain food and be so smart I wont' be able to keep up with you.    If you do catch a fish, share, some folks rarely get to taste a good fresh fish for dinner.    Some wouldn't eat it if you paid know a couple, come to think of it.

Be good, be smart, be careful, be all you can be.   Hug a friend . . hug a stranger and make him or her a friend......a soft word, a soft touch, be a softie today.    Hugs to all.

Sunday, February 28, 2016

Mail Call

Some one found  a way to take care f the junk mail.    What a waste of good trees.  

Something to do with shooting the messenger.    An  attachment came up on the computer with all kinds of strange and unusual mail boxes.  

A Newport Rhode Island estate went up in flames.  It belonged to the Bouvier Family;  Jackie Kennedy Onassis spent a lot of time here in her family estate. 

This is a picture of a hotel in Newport R.I.  I am wondering if  one of the old estates has been renovated.  I don't know who decorated the room but it looks a bit 'colorful' to say the least and I am of the caution that the least said the better...not m my color scheme.   

Newport Rhode Island holds many memories for me.  I was introduced to it back in 1944 when I  met my new family of in-laws.   How lucky I was and how caring they all were.    I marveled at the cobble stone streets, Bellevue Avenue with all of its huge estates , surrounded by an ocean  and the wonderful Kings Park where I spent many hours.   I transferred to the Navy base and learned how to run an electric bookkeeping  machine, even wrote up a how to book later for those who followed.   We lived in Navy housing until my husband was transferred to North Carolina where he ended his Marine Corp time, then off we went to New York where he took advantage of the GI bill and linotype school. The start of many travels away from our favorite town.
Yesterday was a quiet day here at Ridgemont.    I left my door open a crack and Sue found her way down for a cup of tea.  She is one of the 'young'' ones and is keeping herself busy helping to create a library at her church.   She was surprised by the donation of so many books and now has the job of putting them in some semblance of order.    She is delighted and happy to have something useful to do.    Ron stopped in and read the directions for getting the radio to work.  You would think you could buy  a simple radio but not these days as they come out with more buttons than the old shoes had.   I picked up a few of my old collection of  'my' music which Patricia had saved in our move here.   It was like old times putting on a disc and hearing Matt Munroe warble music sounded so good and I did keep it low.   Then Doris stopped in to see my new picture of the kitty cats and the frog and laughed out loud.   It is clever and it is fun to share it and watch the expressions as they wait for the frog to should be named 'anticipation'.   She sat at the table and tried to find one piece of the puzzle but said it was too much for her.   She has been out and about for weeks now as everyone she knows wants to take her out to lunch for her 99th birthday.  A spry warm and wonderful little lady everyone loves.    Vinnie was up to a read and we got in another chapter of the "Winds of War" .   We actually could read another chapter or two but he loves to talk and talk he does.  A detail man, no words get left behind.  At the rate we are going it may be Christmas before we finish this book.    Meanwhile I did finish the book I was reading and it was not one I would recommend; much too gory with details of handling prisoners in the Civil War years.  It was suppose to be a mystery and it was but a far  cry from what I expected.  
So here it is Sunday again....didn't we just have one?   The days go by so fast, March coming up and Easter at the end of it.   My sending cards electronically days are over as the company will not except checks anymore and said to 'charge my card' well I don't use a charge card so they are out of luck.   I will miss sending you all special cards because you are so special but I am not going to play their I will be thinking of you as the holidays come and go ;  just know it .
Stay well, eat right, exercise, be good to yourself.     Find reasons to celebrate YOU.    Be good, be kind, be gentle and know someone is waiting patiently for you to stop by.    A few seconds of your time and they light up for the rest of the day..   A hug for the  morning, a hug for the afternoon, a hug for the evening and a hug good't that sound GOOD!!!   Hug away and make someone you love and like happy.   Hugs to all.

Saturday, February 27, 2016

It's Saturday!!

Competitions  starts early.

You have to have a sense of humor;  some jobs are tougher than others.

How true!!   We certainly need a great leader, even a good one would do.

Finally an answer to a prayer....ha, ha.

Hope your sense of humor is high this morning.   We can always use a laugh or two.   

Only two days left of February and the last one is the 29th...Leap Year.  had not given that much thought; every four years a special day for the ladies to play the part of  Romeo and chase that man know the one that wonders if commitment is a mortal sin.   But, once the love bug bites them, they wouldn't have it any other way.  There is proof of that here at Ridgemont as you hear the surviving spouse talk about the sixty or more years spent with their chosen one and their stories of everlasting love.    They were the lucky ones who took the time and energy to know each other and became partners in life, no one upmanship, no jealousy, no wanting the romantic world with a fence around it.  Folks who worked hard at making marriage work in their favor.  Like all good things in life, it takes two to tango and the music is endless.
I invited myself over to daughter Pat's house to watch a few more episodes of "House of Cards"  , the third season and it is moving along  fast and furious.  Kevin Spacy is a really into the part of being a true 'nasty' president;  we have had a few of those, not mentioning any names, and he does bring the sleaziness to Academy Award acting.  It is quite a cast and the story line shines like the headlines of todays newspapers.    Pat tunes in now and then but she had other things she wanted to do.  She was thinking of what to make for our dinner but I talked her into a pizza  which I had not had in awhile.   The pizza parlor here does a really good job and it includes a salad so it is dinner without work.   Christine came and joined us and the conversation turned to the Sydney Gallery and the remodeling of the upper floor as they change the artifacts around and update the historical items to make it even more interesting to the public.   I didn't volunteer to help as there area to many stairs to climb to get up to the second floor.   I did bring back a couple of pieces of pizza and shared them with Doris, our cookie baking lady who was baking cookies when I returned to Ridgemont.  Smells were in the air, so I walked down the hall, pizza in hand and gave them to her.  She said she was to tired to fix a dinner for herself , she just turned ninety nine this past week, and sat right down and devoured them as they were still warm. 
So life goes on at its rapid pace.   A weekend here and the weather is iffy.   Hopefully the sun will break through again today but only time will tell.  It is much to early to open the blinds.   I am off to have my coffee and wake up, blogging has a way of awakening the brain...slowly.... sometimes it is four a.m. . . . just an early bird.   Some folks are early risers, don't you just hate them.....go away.....leave me alone.....come back at noon.....then there are 'us' the up at crack of dawn, at the ready, breakfast before the sun is up and energy to lick the world with one hand behind.
So be an early riser, get up and get going.   You have things to do today.   The early bird catches the worm..blah, blah, happy that you can get up.    Make up your mind today is going to be wonderful.   Get in a good deed today and make sure you supply enough hugs to make your world go around.    A light touch, a soft word, a smile . . . Go...Be YOU!   Hugs to all.

Friday, February 26, 2016

Taste of Spring

Spring is coming.  What a wonderful way to use up old tires.  smart. . . colorful. . . lovely to look at.

An interesting tidbit.  I didn't know that.  We do learn something new every day.

Check your garden area and look for the lovely daffodils as they are first to peek out and greet Spring and YOU.

Friday has arrived and a weekend coming up.   Are you ready?    I hope so.   We had two full sunshine days and that was a very nice surprise.   I actually had the door to the apartment wide open and aired the place out.   The sunshine streams in the big window so it means I should move my computer to another spot as from where I sit I am in the sunshine glare and cannot see the screen.  So I have to close the blinds and then I close out the sunshine.    I will invite the girls over and having a 'moving' party.  all I have to do is figure out where to put what.  Come on over, I'll let you move the heavy stuff.  Smile!!

Here at Ridgemont we had  a nice surprise as Don's friend brought him over to have lunch with us.  He looked good and is sad that he cannot come back to his apartment here.   He has lost his ability to walk and is now wheel chair bound.  The ladies gave him a resounding welcome and a kiss on the cheek.   Hopefully he will come again before he has to move on to his new place in this area.   There are assisted living places close by.
Vinnie was a no show again.   He is fighting his new glasses, a bit of pride as they don't seem to fit with his new moustache.   Yes, a character and a half.  
I understand Rose has settled in over there at the hospital wing.  She will get a lot more care and once she is settled in we will be able to stop by and say hello.  
Our manager, Karen, has come up with a news letter for us.   She is very creative and works hard to try and find new and different things for all of us.   She is busy planning the outings for next month.
I managed to have my walk up to the corner and back.  It felt good and I found some tiny pinecones to put in my dish.   Daughter Christine stopped by to check out my computer and run one of those long tests on it.   She brought me my Christmas present which she forgot all about.  She did give me a lovely new sweater and forgot she had already bought me a gift and put it away and forgot all about it.   I bet you are thinking how often you have done that.  I have.   It is a painting of three little kittens watching a frog ready to leap.  It is funny and makes me laugh out loud.  You can hardly wait to see the expressions on their faces as they wait patiently for the frog to jump and he is not in a hurry to move anywhere.  It is wonderful and I am going to hang it where I can keep an eye on those kittens and the frog.   She also brought me a photograph from  J. Louis.King's collection which we just saw at the Sydney Art Gallery when we attended his one man train show.  It is a beautiful scene of Glacier Park.  I am going to put in a request for one of the girls to help me hang some pictures on the walls.  I don't want to put the regular hanging nails I have as they have some new materials that don't mark up the wall with big holes and such.   I think I am ready for an art wall.  How lucky I am.
So today look around your abode and see if you have enough pictures to please the eye.   Pictures and books have a way of making 'a place' a home.   Comforts in all kinds of weather, moods and moments.   So surround yourself with the things you love the most and don't forget to add a book and picture to the pile.  

Be good, be kind, be YOU.   Share a hug today.   Don't forget the one good deed  which will make you smile and the recipient happy . . . go for two or even three and brighten up your world.    Hugs to all.

Thursday, February 25, 2016


I have picked up some pinecones along the roadway as I walk up to the corner and back on sunshine days.   I haven't done much with them and this seems like a lovely idea.   Wonder what was used to color them.   Wish the instructions came with the picture.

Believe it or not these are purple tomatoes.   I wonder if they taste the same as the red ones?  Um...we will have to look for them and try them for taste and texture in our next big salad.  

Mother Teresa was a very special human being who shared her love with everyone  rich, poor, sick or healthy; it just didn't matter as she truly believe we are all  God's children.  No wonder she was made a saint.

Oh what you can do with rocks of all sizes and shapes.   I like this message...I love the ocean....I love the sunrise and the sunsets and YOU.

Twice a month, here at Ridgemont, Karen makes a decision as to where to plan an outing for those who want to go out for a few hours.  She always asks for suggestions and then follows up to find something that will suit us all and then plans for the bus.    Today the trip out was to be lunch at the Airport and then a ride down the canal.   The Airport folks had our table ready;  we had an excellent waitress who made us welcome, took our orders and made sure we had water, coffee and what ever beverage was wanted.   There were only two waitresses on the floor and it was exceptionally busy.  It was difficult for our waitress as some of our ladies had their walkers with them and it is hard to find a place to park them.   She managed a corner and off they went.  Our orders were in, the food came up and it was delightful and delicious as most of us had fish and chips for which they are touted as having the best in town.  I agree.  The chef sent us not two pieces of cod, as ordered, but three large pieces as he thought they were a bit to small to serve.  He overdid it as the pieces were really a good size and tasty; we didn't leave a  crumb.   It was so nice to get an extra piece at no cost to us.  Now that is one chef who knows how to make sure we will come back.  You can bet we are already planning another fish and chip treat at the Airport restaurant. 

After lunch was over and everyone back on the bus, Sandy put it in gear and off we went .  Our first town was Belfair where we were treated to a trip around the block to see some gorgeous murals painted on the entire side of a building.   In fact there were two.   Both well done and a natural pride of the town of Belfair.   As we left town and headed down the road leading to the canal, we passed so many homes, big and beautiful, but what caught my eye were the fences.  Each one was different.  Each family home had a special fence  chosen by the owner and one they wanted to enhance their property.   Some were logs thrown across an area in front of the house without a lot of thought.  At lest they were not nailed together but just seem to be laid one upon the other and let the wind try to do its work.  There were some of chain link metal; some  very old wooden staves; some cement; and a few very different originals of which I had no concept of the materials used.   I did not have my camera with me.  I meant to, honest.  Some were painted, some bent with age and atilt which no one seems to mind.   A couple reminded me of Tom Sawyer and his job of painting a white picket fence, and the old words regarding a small cottage with a picket fence tune.  some of the houses were shacks; honestly; some were tiny and I'd like to see the inside to see what the size of the rooms really are.    But the estates showed up along the way and they are something else to see.   I would hate to have the upkeep......and the expense.

The road seemed endless and the canal is huge, wide, with mountains jutting high covered with snow caps, endless water without a wave to its name and only a rare sea bird flew bye.   There was a huge camping park that look interesting, well kept and probably used in the summer months.  In short seconds we were in a town called "Union City" , like a stop in the road.  I understand Bill Gates owns property; there.  There is a very large hotel, looked like a great place to stay, called  The Alderwood.  We drove through the circular driveway and had a peek.  I had to laugh as I pictured the management folks wondering how come a bus load of people were coming in their driveway and they had no reservations.  I bet they had a scary moment or two.

Off in the distance we saw the Tacoma Power Electric equipment which runs down the side of the mountain.   It looked like they cleared a huge area as there was not a tree in sight.   We passed by Hunter Farms and crossed over a bridge where a lot of salmon is caught.  If it rains, then it floods, then no fishing. There is a lot of areas that are flood prone as the rivers run high and the rain seems to be ceaseless.

We went through the Indian reservation.   They are the Skokomish Indian tribe and sad to say some of the properties were like junk yards.  No rhyme or reason, just plain messes no one seems to care about.  We went through an area that is known for its floods.  Houses on stilts ;   some with brick walls and there is the canal and a river so rain is the enemy in this country area.  There is a Fish Hatchery, a lot of dirt roads with pot holes which Sandy tried hard to miss.  They were valley homes with wire fences.   There is trout in the river that runs along the area. There was a sign that said, "River Bend" and a tree farm in the area. As we climbed  up the mountain side we saw a lot of the area where they are cutting trees.      The dirt road was just too much so we turned around and headed down into the valley where there were; meadows and green grasses and lovely homes.  There was some interesting yard art made out of stumps of trees.   Some had the look of a beaver.

We stopped at an open area where they had a big store, an antique shop and a woman with an eight week old baby goat, an orphan being bottle fed and well taken care of...well loved.  We got to pet its soft body and it seemed to like all the attention.   The store had special homemade ice creams so the ladies chose their favorites and took them back on the bus to eat on the way home.  I am having deserts only on Sundays during lent so I just looked ...I was really too full from the fish and chips so had no place for ice cream anyway.   "Sour grapes".  smile.

It was a sunshine day, beautiful and we all had a great time.   So now I am going to take my shoes off, fix a hot cup of tea and turn on the television and do a lot of nothing for the rest of the evening.
You have my story of a day away from Ridgemont.    It was fun and Sandy should get a big hug for being a really truly great driver.

I hope that you did something fun for your Wednesday.    If not, then start thinking of a trip around your area that will please you and those you choose to take with you.    Be sure you put a few extra shekels in your purse as you never know when you will find the best ice cream vendor in the area.  Be smarter than me, take your camera with you...yes...I forgot mine.   I am so sorry.  I had planned to snap a lot of pictures...but then on a moving bus with shaded windows I wouldn't have gotten many. 

Maybe you will come this way and you can go down the canal and pick up some oysters in their beds on the canal.   Think about it when you plan your vacation as there are lots of 'old' places, tiny towns, all different from what you are used to.

Be good, be kind, be adventuresome and plan a trip around your town.  Look for areas you just have not taken the time to visit.  You may be in for a lovely surprise.

Don't forget the hugs. . . the good deed for today... and fill you seconds with love and laughter.  Hugs to all.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Day Off

Astoria, Oregon

Boats and all kinds of wonders to visit but that is not where I am. . . I am on a bus today and I am heading for the Airport where we will have lunch and I hear they have the best fish and chips so you know what I will be ordering.  Then after we have our lunch our driver, a wonderful lady driver with a keen sense of humor and a love of driving;  she once drove a school bus so a load of seniors is not going to shake her even a little going to take us for a back country ride.  We are going to be out and about so I'll catch up with you tomorrow and tell you all about it.

Meanwhile, mind your manners. . . think about taking someone to lunch and a ride. . . you have places to show off I'm sure.   Think about a nice drive. . . a good idea ...right?   

If you don't want to go, okay, but think of what your missing.   Meanwhile if you decide to do a lot of nothing, fill your day with good deeds.   Find someone to hug make smile.   You can do it.   I'll be back.  Hugs to all.

Tuesday, February 23, 2016


Smile for the camera!!!The Clydesdales are so big and beautiful and full of life; this one is a clown or just admires a very pretty little girl.  "Say Cheese!"

Hey there, look at me.....look at me....I see YOU!!! Reminds me of 'the Donald'. 

And a good quiet morning to you.    I just woke up for the third time, not a record, but I am getting a little better than the three thirty and four a.m. rising...even the sun knows enough not to 'shine' at that time of night for it is still nighttime.   Some times going back to bed and not thinking does the trick, sometimes nothing works so you might just as well get up and start your day or head for your easy chair and take matters up in the comfort zone.  It could be called 'memory time' as your brain thinks of a tune and that leads to memories and that means no more sleep. . . not a bad thing.....just adjusting your body clock to an early rising and a few more surprise naps before the next evening shows when you sleep through the good parts.  I sat through a few news casts last evening and didn't miss a thing.  The same things goes on and on like one of those 'happenings  that goes on for weeks over and over and over.   The  "Donald" just does not get handsome.  I think it is his mouth which never stops.   What is it the old timers used to say....'he means well' . . . and he is saying what a lot of folks are listening to.  Another saying is something to do with the "road to hell . . .and good intentions'   it is going to be a long year to voting time so don't sit  back and not listen as we need to know who is strong enough to take over and give us back our pride in being an American.   
Well Vinnie and I had a two hour reading session, or rather I had at least an hour of a listening session.  Vinnie thinks I am good for I have the patience to listen to his tales.   He loves to talk.  He has a good mind and a retentive one so has no problem 'taking the floor' and telling long tales all about history which sometimes leads to personal life stories which is probably something he needs as loneliness is a big part of an elders life be they seventy on or close to the ending chapter in their lives.    I have found, since being here at Ridgemont, that giving an ear for a few minutes brightens  a life or two.   The need is great so when I remind you to take a few minutes out to say hello or make a short visit to an elderly person, it is like being a listening angel for a few short seconds of your time.   Time hangs heavy for some. without family or friends.  Some folks did not take the time to reach out to be a friend and actually felt they didn't need to;  now, at the  very ripe old age the pay off is loneliness and heartbreak.   So keep that in mind as you use your seconds .  Make sure you are cultivating your "poppies of the future"   and share a little of your 'ear' to one who could use a listening hug.   Hugs are varied in size and scope;  one for every rhyme and reason.  So today be a hugger.
It is a grey sky morning and the roof of the hospital building across from me has a lot of frost on the roof which looks like light snow.   All the shades are closed, no sign of anyone moving about.   The morning folks have not yet come to work and those that pull the night shift are going to have to warm their cars up before taking off this morning.  It just looks cold out there and I bet it is.  You know it is much easier to sit here and look out than to be out there bundled up and shaking with the cold.    There comes a time I life, believe it or not, when you welcome not having to get up and get dressed and rush out the door.    The 'life pace' slows down and it isn't all bad.  Slow is good as we have already done all the racing we needed to do.   You young whipper snappers  have a way to go to find out you could have, should have, paced yourself and saved a bit of that energy for the tarnished brass years as the so called golden ones seemed to have disappeared.  So . . . start right now, be true to yourself, then no regrets.   Be kind and generous as it has a way of coming back to you. Be sweet, sounds hard when you have a sour disposition, so improve.    Be a mover, a shaker and give out some of that energy in some solid bear hugs and let everyone you know and love, even like, that YOU are willing and able to participate in life and love.   BE YOU!! Hugs to all.

Monday, February 22, 2016



Sydney Art Gallery
A fund raiser for Sunday February; 21st.
48 stops on The Empire Builder
A one person play and art show by J. Louis King
limited seating
l:00 Show  Tickets are. $  10.00 per show
available through the Sydney Art Gallery
202 Sidney Avenue, Port Orchard, WA.. 98366

Train Photography will be arranged throughout the Gallery.

J. Lewis King dressed in his conductor outfit stood on a platform of bright yellow which eventually turned out to be one of the 'steps' used to help some of the passengers to board the train.  He donned his hat, hollered loud and clear  . . "All Aboard"    and we all sat straight in our chairs and waited for the ride to begin.  We were to leave Chicago for Seattle and there would be many stops along the way.  We had a map to follow.   At each stop he told a tale of the towns big and small;  a lot of history;  a lot of interesting tidbits about conduct on a train.   He passed along the pictures he had taken in his travels over the years as a train conductor and we were all amazed at sights we saw and could almost hear the sounds of the engine.    We were all mesmerized and time flew so quickly he actually had to rush a bit to get his whole show finished on time.   He had photographs which he took over the years of scenes from one end of the country to the other, and they were passed back so each of us could enjoy the beauty and the story behind them..  Beautiful photographs and some made into cards.    I chose five, but could have chosen five more easily;  they are works of art.  I have one winter scene of the Foss River Bridge built in 1951 in the Cascade Mountains, Skyomish, Washington which  show the tracks on a huge trestle in winters snow.    It reminded me a bit of the scenes  of the train from Sacramento heading for Reno, we used to see it going  both up and down the grades of the Sierras. We could look over the distant mountains and see the tracks where the train route was and the one area covered where the snow pack was the most dangerous for the train travel.    I never did get to make that trip, but intended to.

Another picture I got was of Glacier Park Sunset , Montana, A sunset view with huge dark storm clouds hovering above and a small glimpse of the sun as it set at evening tide.     The next card picture is of Nyack Meadows, Glacier Park Milepost 1189, and again, a snow scene, a train rounding a curve with the sun reflected on the side of the cars, trees loaded with snow and another train passing on tracks right beside the train going up into a mountain pass.   You can feel the silence, you can feel the cold icy wind and know the train is warm and moving right along.  Another card I chose was that of a train station.  It was named "Eldest Daughter" Winona Train Station MP 303.2 Winona, Minnesota.  The station is a night scene, with glowing lights shining on it and the building is one of those very old mansion like homes ..almost a Victorian style, dark skies, shadows of the trees on a snowy walkway.   J. Louis King knows his way around a camera.  The last card I chose is called "Light at the End of the Tunnel"  at New Cascade Tunnel, Stevens Pass, Berne, Washington.  Longest Tunnel in the United States,7.8 miles, opened in 1929.The background is black with a center opening tunnel pure white showing a bit of the tracks in white.    It truly does remind  one that there is a 'light at the end of the tunnel' ;  hope!!

J.Louis King did a wonderful job of taking us aboard a train and giving us an experience of what it must be like to 'ride the rails'.    I am sure many things have changed from the old steam engines to the new and modern ones, probably the difference between day and night.    I think he should take time out and go for a ride on a new train and see just what has transpired since he last walked the aisles , collected tickets, called the names of the towns and help the riders off.    If he does, I hope he wont forget his camera.   

I may be over stepping my bounds a bit but if you are interested in owning some beautiful cards that are really special go on line and see what has to offer.  

The Gallery Table was loaded with all kinds of good things to eat and they were eaten up quickly.   The next show is starting at four and a new group is in for a special ride.   I know they are going to enjoy every; minute of it;   I am betting J.Louis King will be in fine voice as he had a chance to test out his first audience in some time and come off a huge success.   A man of many talents.  A  'nice' man with smiling eyes and a gift of gab.

I hope you have a chance to get out and see some local talent in your area and be in for the surprise of your life.   Shared talent, a great way to spend some of those seconds.    Be good, be kind, be gentle and take time out to participate in your local talented folks who love to share themselves with you.  And, don't forget the girl scouts cookie drive is a scout...Hugs to all.

Sunday, February 21, 2016


The caption . . moose hunting in Wisconsin.     Hey Jock, you had better stay away from Wisconsin. 

Here it is Sunday morning, a little after five a.m. and it is quiet inside and outside.    I finished the book about the old time story teller of Ireland and its history, well done and interesting.  I have started a new novel by Nevada Barr called "Flashback", but no reading time today as there is a play at Sydney Gallery.   A one man show, a former train conductor who is going to take us for a ride with ten stops.  Should be interesting.  I'll tell you all about it tomorrow.

Meanwhile the sun broke out for a short time and brought some cold air with it.   Rain means warm;  dryness cold.  I'm hoping for something in between.   My girls went to Costco so I have more than enough groceries to feed an army.;...wish you were here.    I took them out for a Chinese dinner last evening to a restaurant overlooking the water.   The view was beautiful with mountains in the back ground with a touch of snow still on the tops.   It was quiet, no boats on the move.  I wish I cold tell you the name of the dish Christine orders as it is really filled with all kinds of vegetables and a sauce with a bit of a tang to it and not a lot of thin sliced beef, enough to let you know how tasty it can be.   I had a vegie dish and Pat ordered a noodle type dish so we shared and enjoyed the wondrous taste of Chinese cooking.    The Chinese cookies were fresh and the fortune saying missed the mark all around.    I was hoping for one that said I would travel. . . I wish . . . There are a few places and faces I wouldn't mind seeing all over again;  and a trip somewhere I have never been wouldn't be hard to take.   If only I didn't have to get up out of a
Here at Ridgemont it is quiet.   Reading with Vinnie is iffy . . . will he show up or not? . . . a man of moods?  yes!!  He just doesn't always feel good and he seems to be a sleeper.  A lot of the folks here are as they just don't feel good enough to want to get up and go anywhere.   Some do, but most are past the want stage and in the need stage.    Doris celebrated her 99th birthday and has a room filled with balloons and flowers.   She has been wined and dined for a week now and enjoyed every minute of it.   One of the men, I can never remember his name, just came back from a film festival and had a wonderful time.  He is shy and speaks softly or not at all so he is not going to share his away time with us.    He did say he has been attending the film festivals for over twenty five years, but he stopped there so we don't know what he saw but we do know he loved every minute of it.  Our one hundred year old Rose has been moved across the way where she will get more attention.   Not a word was said, all of a sudden her apartment is empty.  We have three new ladies  to get to know.   Marcia has sat at our table a couple of times now and Gladys seems to have gravitated to another area so it may be awhile before she gets to our end of the dining room.    Betty is 99 and a very slow mover;   smiling eyes and a lovely smile and I noticed she joined the table where there are three others her age.    So I find that I am too old for the younger crowd;   not old enough for the older crowed and ...what is that song???.....'something about Mr. In between...'.....  I'm enjoying Ginny who is talking a little bit more;  have three others who join us on occasion and love to talk.  Ginny rolls her eyes as she loves quiet.  
So today be a listener.    Take time to stop for a visit and give someone you love a hug and an ear.    Plan a lunch or dinner out soon, get out of the kitchen and give yourself a break.    Take your best friend to a special place where you can have a little of the bubbly and a good meal and a lot of quiet time to enjoy it.    No rush, no mess to clean up and no standing on your feet trying to decide what to cook and what to serve. . . a treat for you who deserves one.  Go.....enjoy yourself.  
Be good, be kind, be gentle. . . . one good deed, save a dog, save a cat, save a big Mac certificate for a lonely street person;  be a small miracle worker today.     Give big bear hugs . . .soft kisses and a light hand . . . yum. . . I'll take some of that.  Hugs to all.

Saturday, February 20, 2016


Thailand Tigers.   This attachment had been around before and I am sure I have posted picture or two but it is a wonderful story and terrific pictures to see one more time.    Hopefully there were so many I didn't choose the same ones...but if I did, it wont hurt to look at them one more time.   Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

All it takes is patience and fortitude and a lot of love.  That goes for many things in life.

Visitors only pay when they have their picture taken with the tigers.   Trusting souls...I can take pretty kitties which are tiny and purr softly.

A beautiful picture . . . a puzzle to me as I cannot tell if it is a sunrise or a sunset.....Looking east it would be asunrise; looking west it would be a sunset,  no caption to help.    You choose.  either way peace and serenity.....and we can always use a little of that.

About the tigers.   In 1999 two injured baby tigers were left orphans when poachers killed the parents.  The orphans were taken in by the monks at a nearby Buddhist temple and cared for and soon many more orphans were taken in to be raised by the monks.   They are given only cooked meat to avoid developing a taste for blood. 
 A new weekend here already, seems I just wrote that;  where does time go?   For some it flies away like the flight of the bumble bees; for others it drags like the snail.   In spite of the winter rains, it finds a way to disappear and we hardly take notice.    A rainy week all along this coast and from what I am hearing the East coast didn't fare off much better. I had new videos of the Brookings sink holes and it is far from a pretty sight.   They certainly do not need a deluge and some warm sunny days would be a blessing to help get the road repaired.  It is going to take some time and patience.  Along with this video there were more about sink holes over the world.  I had no idea how many and how huge they are.   It is amazing how much we learn every day.   According to the videos, mining seem to be the biggest cause of sink holes, but there are others , huge, that there is no rhyme or reason.    I gather there are no warnings and sink holes can occur any place at any time . . doesn't do much for my security about Mother Earth.  
So today avoid pitfalls of any kind.   Be good, be kind, be gentle.     If you have an extra bear hug or two share them with those who get few.    If you have a smile you don't know what to do with...share it with someone who has not had company for days.    If you feel up to it, go to church, light a candle and remember those who are suffering.   Have a good to you day and regroup your energies so you shine.    Hugs to all.

Friday, February 19, 2016


Every February the sun hits Yosemite Falls just right and it looks like a bolt of lightening struck the falls, but it is only sunshine reflected in the water.   Pretty unusual and very lovely to look at.   I gather folks come from all over just to get a peek at it, and many photographers.   I would have  gone to see it had I known it existed.    Not to late to plan a trip for next February.

I am waiting patiently.  How about you?

A picture from a Travel Magazine touting a spot to vacation in this time of year....If  I were rich I'd make reservations and take you along.  I wonder if it is in Arizona, the rock formation looks familiar. The month of February is the time to go visit a place like this. . . all you need is money honey and a bit of time.
I really love rain, always  have, but, the proverbial but, it would be nice to have a sunshine day thrown in the mix so one could take a long walk around the block and get some exercise.   I have an exerciser room right next to the apartment but the machines scare me.   I cannot see how I  can climb up on one and set it off for a walk when my underpinnings are on the weak side of baby steps.   I do use a machine that exercises the arms and legs but my count hasn't climbed yet past twenty;  I'm working on it but cant seem to work up any enthusiasm for it.    I think the bones get lazy;  in fact I know they are and I am  not about to change them.   I miss the hot springs of Nevada ....oh my, I really do. 
It was a quiet day here at Ridgemont yesterday.    We have a new table mate who loves to laugh and the conversation was all about our talents .   Some folks are many talented.  Some have a few..  and then there are a few just like talent.    Well, it only took eighty years to develop one or two.    Some made all of their children's clothing up to their teens when homemade would be a 'sin' to wear.   Others baked fancy cakes and all kinds of treats but did not excel in pie making.   Some made pies and told of bathtub cakes.   When they got to sewing I had them laughing out loud.  That is something I wanted to do but never mastered it.    Some one should have told me you had to follow the pattern, not make up your own.  They spoke of making knitting clothing and socks...only a genus can make socks.   Crocheting  afghans  became my skill when I retired but I still had not mastered square corners.   The consensus of opinion was that each one missed being able to use their hands .  I told them is was 'a jack of all trades and a master of none'  although I did accomplish a few paintings and a few books and found my talent was words.  How I wished I had paid more attention to our English teacher in school.
So today, check out your talents and perfect them.   Make good use of your seconds.    Take the time to enjoy what you do.  Everyone needs some rest time and despite what the old timers used to tell you about being the devils helper if you were not making every second useful, it was a fib, and rest is good for the body and the mind.   So take time out to relax.   Some find relaxation in baking;  some find it a tremendous chore;   some take time out to read and some wouldn't be caught dead with a book in their hand.   all in all the choice of rest time is up to you , just make sure you pencil it in your daily routine so you do not become dull and boring.    If you like to talk on the telephone and some overdo it, but channel the call to a lonely one.  If you like to walk, call a friend and get him or her outside in the sunshine or take an umbrella and  have a walk in the rain.  It is called 'living' so do a lot of it today and enjoy your seconds.    Be good, be kind, be gentle and let go a great big belly laugh. . .and a bear hug too.   Hugs to all.


Thursday, February 18, 2016


 I bet these 'chiefs of state' would love to have this picture lost forever.    Would you say they earned their keep?    A sad state of affairs.   I wonder what they voted on . . .
And History has a way of repeating itself.

Yes, I think we all have...and if the truth be known we probably headed the line on occasion.

The dogwood. . suppose to taste like bananas.    I wonder if it is truly edible.    Don't think I'll try.

"I don't know why, there's no sun up in the sky...stormy weather!!!"   Here it is Thursday and the week is flying by.  The  rains prevail, never ending as this week has been one of daily storms passing through in the afternoons.    Meeting up with Christine's friends, Kira and her husband Bill  at Moon Dog II where Wednesday night fare is a $5.00 hamburger with all the trimmings and some sweet potato fries  or just plain old French fries.  Cold Slaw is on the menu also and they make a delicious one.    It was interesting to find out that it is a small world as Kira was a teacher back in the sixties right in Sacramento, California where we lived.   We were practically neighbors and did not know it.    The talk was about travel and it was fun to hear some of the tales of camping, storms, leaky tents, cars that refused to go and learning to cook over an open fire.  We all had tall tales to tell.   It is so easy to laugh out loud when you hear tales of what used to be.   Good food, good company. .  can't beat it.
Kira asked if I had any camping experiences to tell and found out quickly that I was city bred, had no idea of what camping entailed and the very first time I went I was eight months pregnant, with four little ones to keep tabs on,  and put in charge of another two while the men went fishing.  They had built a fire so I could get ready to cook up the fish they were to catch  and believe me that never happened.   I spent my time changing diapers, fixing bruises and cut fingers and wondering if I had lost my mind trying to sleep in a crowded tent with all the bugs of creation keeping me company.   It was my first and last trip.  If I was to go camping it was to be in a motel with a hot shower and a television set with Howdy Doody on. 
So do not let my experienced stop you from camping.  A lot of folks find it fun and love it.  To others, like me, it is an acquired taste, like learning to drink a martini, and one never knows if that taste will every be enjoyed.   I'd need a couple of martinis to do that ever again.  It is something to think about as the seasons change so quickly and spring will be here before we know it and the summer months following when you will be looking for some vacation time....camping maybe?
Come to think of it, it may be a good time to check out the storage areas and find out just where you stand with camping equipment.   You may need some replacements or go shopping for a new tent , although from the conversation last evening, the older tents are better with a lot more water proofing.   Nothing like sleeping in a leaky tent to keep you wide awake for the night.   Go check, and start day dreaming about a romp in the woods come summer time.
Be good, be gentle, be kind and your day with be bright and clear no matter what the weather.    A good deed will lift the spirits.    A phone call will make someone far away seem so much closer.  A bear hug or two will lift you off your feet and bring a big smile that will linger for the day.  Go for it.    Hugs to all.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016


One of those pictures that you study closely and find all kinds of interesting things.   A lady...Spanish dancer?   a sleeping dog, an old man with a beard, a lady's face another pretty face...they are all there ....

Well it is Nevada . . . I am sure Hillary will be displeased.....probably some of Bill's old girl friends.

How often we are surprised.   smile!!!

Overcast, foggy and one of those days until the sun broke through and the spirits lifted.   A slow day at  Ridgemont .  We do have a traffic problem within our elevator rides to the dining room on the third floor.   You know everyone wants to go up and be first in line for dinner and trying to get those walkers on is not easy.  It will take three and one with a cane but that is pushing it.   It is best not to be in a hurry as when you do get to the third floor and get off the elevator and it is not yet eleven o'clock you stand in the hall way waiting for the door to open.   A good conversation time but a bit iffy as the stair well is right there and a lot of the folks gather at the top.  I envision someone going down the 'hard' way.  I hope not.  But, it is dangerous and I think they, the powers that be, should open the door and let everyone in providing they go to their table and wait for the time for them to go for their drinks and wait for their table call.   They can settle in with their drink, some salad and sometimes fruit.   It takes the cooks time to get over from the other building with the food cart.    Some of our seniors are not in good condition and extremely slow so there is a wait no matter which way you look at it.    No easy answer, all are happy that they can still get up and move.  Walkers are handy and of our ladies has a brand new one.  She had a tough time making it go but has finally gotten the hang of it.   It is a great vehicle as the seat makes for a good tray to put your dinner and drinks on and wheel to your table.    I have taken to going up after eleven so I have the elevator to myself and the line is a lot shorter once I get up there.   I would volunteer to help those that really need it but it is not something that I can do as help is frowned on.    So many have the beginning or are along with shaking hands and it is sad to watch them struggle when those of us who have steady hands could dish up a plate without any problem and serve them.   Against the rules...oh well, a price we pay for Independence. 
So take time to think about age , health, muscles, all of which are attached one way or another and if you do not take care to use them you lose them..  I do not mean to preach, but each of us are inclined to think our bodies will last forever strong, resilient and Katrina the Great will live forever.....a nice thought but the reality is our bodies start to complain when we do not make good use of them and take care of them.  So today, be wise. . . set a few rules that will make you get up out of your chair and move.   Dance around the house and sing loud and laugh out loud;  my you will feel so good.    After you have had some healthy fun, call a friend and make a lunch date, you have earned it.
Take your mad money and spend it.   Buy a bonbon or two;  or a chocolate milk shake to sooth the achy muscles you just gave a good working-out to.   Then tomorrow you can start all over again as you run around the block or get down on your knees and wash the kitchen floor.    You will 'live longer and prosper'   or so it is whom?   I don't know, just try it and you will  live longer in good health.   We have three ninety-nine year olds here and several getting close.  
Be good, be kind, be gentle and be a friend today.   Remember one good deeds deserves another, think what two or three more will do.      Andrea sent this little tid bit  in yesterday . . "A smile  is a sign of joy; a hug is a sign of love;  laughter is a sign of happiness;  and a friend like me is a sign of good taste."      Of course it is . . .and each of you has excellent I do.  We just delight in making our world go around.        Hugs to all


Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Good Tuesday morning

A Muse, looks like fire crackers but it is a musical instrument of some kind.   No caption so no comments worthy of this 'god' of the forest. Love that hair do.

Cute!!   And only two pictures came up this morning.    Help is on the way.

I have been 'working' over at Christine's house doing a big filing make over for a special file set.  It has been interesting working with some of the new office materials, much flimsier than my day.  The materials must come out of China.   the style is thee same, no improvements in folders but the name tags are flimsy.  Christine brought up a packet of filing to do and the new system works great, was easy to find the right folder.  Now she needs another file box as this one is crowded so there is no finger room to file.    My  other mailing job went well and now I have to wait for more folders, a bigger file box.  It was fun putting paper into order, neat and tidy and becoming more familiar as I am getting used to the names.   
We quit about dinner time and watched a cooking show with four children vying   for $25,000.   I wouldn't want to be a judge.   The children are smart and have been well taught in the cooking department.   The judges had them make up a special dish and desert and made it almost impossible to 'fit the bill';   they worked hard and got their dishes finished and then the judges tasted and eliminated one of the four this three are feeling the pressure.   As I said, I wouldn't want to be a judge, and now I want to watch it again to see who will be the winner.  
All was quiet at Ridgemont, not a sound, not a voice;  everyone hunkered down for the night.    I closed my door, kicked off my shoes and out to the kitchen to fix some dinner.    I had some left over soup to heat up which is great on a cold rainy night.   I also had a plate filled with cheese and crackers and some tasty grapes to go along with my reheated coffee.  A supper quick and easy and tasty as well.    The puzzle awaits and it is a nasty one.   A maze of similar poinsettia, along with tall white candles and pine cones and tiny berries.   It will take a long time to finish, if ever, I have almost thrown it back into the box several times and the urge remains.  It is okay if you stop bye, there are pieces for everyone.
I am off to have my coffee and wake up and decide what I want to cook up for breakfast.   I have left over blue berry batter although I am leaning towards scrambled eggs , but hot oatmeal with pecans and brown sugar seems like a winner but I'm not even awake yet so peanut butter toast is quick and easy for a lazy lady.   I still have those delicious looking dishes the kids made up on TV yesterday.  I snapped my fingers but nothing happened.
So wake up, get out there and fix yourself something nutritious and wonderful and head into a  bright and beautiful day.   Don't forget a good deed or two.    Remember to pucker up and put a little sunshine in your life.   Be good, be kind, be gentle and make those you love and like happy you walked into their lives today.    Hugs to all.

Monday, February 15, 2016

Monday, Monday!!

Some folks just do not like vegetables of any kind, don't understand that as I am a veggie eater from way back.   There is nothing like a really good salad or a plate filled with delicious vegetables cooked just right.   You can have the meat, I'll take the vegies every time.

Climbing stairs is so much fun....go for it.

Well, once again the updates, whatever they are called, has botched up the pictures.  I will have to get one of the girls to come over and check things out again.    Whenever there is an update I can anticipate a problem.    Wish I could post a notice that tells the experts to leave my computer as is, we are both to old to fool around the back end of the computer.  I just want to put it on, do my thing, and change only the furniture in a room.  Changes, sometimes we just don't need them.   We just need quality not quantity.    I want my pictures back.
It is Monday all over again.   I hope each of you had a wonderful Valentine day.    As I told you, our plan was to go to the Airport Buffet but I got a call to be ready earlier there was a change of plans.   Off we went, riding along the highway, riding and riding to where?  No one is telling me.   Soon familiar sights came and we were in the town of Poulsbo  where the tiny Sheila restaurant is , where they have a dish of oatmeal to die for and I am not an oatmeal lover.   BUT, the doors were closed and a notice they were closing;  sad, as it was a great restaurant , small but very good.   We got in the car and started up the road and kept driving until we got to the Casino. . . the girls had planned that all the time...a surprise for me and they do have a buffet so off we went and filled our plates with scrumptious choices including my biscuits and gravy.    The girls went on to Bainbridge Island and left me to play awhile.   The only thing is they didn't tell me and I didn't bring any gaming dollars so I didn't get to play very much.   I was a nickel shy of being able to put twenty five cents in the machine to get my free five dollar play money.   I did  not see a familiar face so I couldn't borrow a nickel.   I looked at the faces but none seem friendly , all seem bent on playing their own machine.   Soon the girls came and rescued me and I did get to play before we left.  I paid my dues and we rode back home.    Two beautiful valentine daughters with a lovely surprise for lucky I am.
Son John called and caught us at the restaurant.   Hearing his voice brought a big smile to our faces. we miss seeing him.    Son Michael  loved our early morning call which woke him up . . smile. . . a method to our madness ;  if we are up , everyone should be up.   Jock called and sounded so good.   If we were close by we would have taken him out for his favorite omelet.  He promised to come and visit .   Erin sent Valentine greetings from Hawaii  and is hoping to come visit in May.  So our Valentines are all accounted for family wise.    By the way, thank you for the valentine greetings on the computer.  How much I enjoy the messages and the verbal hugs.
So your new week is off to a good start.   You have the forty days of lent to get over and a new and bright Easter Sunday to look forward to.    The weather will change, spring will spring and so will our spirits after a long hard winter for some.   So the secret is to look forward . . . never behind.    get busy making plans for your future.    But  in the meantime you have to use your seconds of TODAY, don't waste them.    Be good, be kind, be gentle.   Use soft touch, soothing words and brighten the world with your smile.    Open up those arms and pass out a few bear hugs today.    As the old adage goes. . . 'if you cannot say anything good;  don't say anything at all......remember being gentle means being strong.   Hugs to all.


Good Morning!!!!

I am about to take a ride on my broom....thought you might like to come along!!! Good morning.  I've been awake for hours,  why?   Who k...