Thursday, April 21, 2016

Wake Up Time

This was one of the pictures of the paper cutter artist.  You have to admit he has talent.  Imagine cutting paper into tiny bits and making something beautiful like this....I can cut paper but then what do I do with it?   Throw it away!   No talent, no imagination, but I can do the crossword, a little, can do the criptoquote sometimes, and I can even wrinkle it up and throw it in the to go pile when I walk down the hallway and empty my garbage bag.   

He has to be a government employee holding one of the higher offices.    Must hold some job collecting taxes.   I am hoping for a little back this year, so far nothing.   Probably lost in the shuffle.   

We are a bit cooler this morning which is a blessing;  those off season eighty degree days are here and the fan is out and in full blast.   Aggie was out walking the hallways and when she saw the crack opening in my door she came in for a cup of tea and a visit. She is one of my favorites with her gift of gab and lovely smile.    We talked about the high prices of  today as I told her I had been out to find a birthday card and was stunned at the cost of the cards.    Since when is five dollars a fair price for a card?   Wow, I was  shocked as I had been using a program on the computer to send cards and paid a yearly fee.  The company changed their accounting procedures and will not accept checks now and you have to have a credit card which I do not use.  I am afraid I wont be sending out greetings in any form ;  I'll post on

I enjoyed my lunch out with Christine.  She gets a big laugh out of my depression sense of spending.   She sees something she wants or needs, picks it up and doesn't look at a price tag.    I spend my time looking for the best bargain I can find to meet my beer pocketbook.    We stopped off at the Tea Room and I had the usual selection for me...a cup of soup, a half sandwich and a piece of crème pie...coconut crème this buds are still in shock.....delicious...delightful and very fattening, or maybe the scraping off of all the crème takes it to a new level...'look ma, no calories'.  I think I told you that the shop has been undergoing a remodeling and it is changing and losing its charm as it is adding a lot more tables and a lot less gift ideas.    The owner of the Tea Room is Debbie Macomber,  the author of hundreds of books, and the tea room is becoming more of a sales pitch for her novels.   It is not the same, like other things that have changed and not for the good.  They are keeping up with the Jones' as the prices have doubled.    I think  they will find only a few to cater to, as thirty three dollars for lunch for two is a bit steep in my book.   Coffee priced at three dollars  ($3.00) a that is not even is stealing.   The ice water was tasty.  smile.
So today, if you choose to take a family member or friend out to lunch, check around and make sure the price is right.    There is not reason to be 'taken' and there are many good restaurants where the price is right and the food is too.    Wonder what MacDonald's charges these days.   I used to take my children out for at treat and told them it was a fancy restaurant; it was, for our pocket book. and it was never disappointing.   We spend some time enjoying eating our hamburger in the sunshine.   I am excited about my two sons coming out next month for my birthday;  maybe I'll take us all out to the nearest MacDonald's for old times sake.
Be good, be kind, be gentle and look around to see what needs fixing today.  There is always someone or something that needs a helping hand.    You have good hands, use them and make someone feel like a Queen or King for today.    Hugs to all.


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Good Morning!!!!

I am about to take a ride on my broom....thought you might like to come along!!! Good morning.  I've been awake for hours,  why?   Who k...