Sunday, February 28, 2016

Mail Call

Some one found  a way to take care f the junk mail.    What a waste of good trees.  

Something to do with shooting the messenger.    An  attachment came up on the computer with all kinds of strange and unusual mail boxes.  

A Newport Rhode Island estate went up in flames.  It belonged to the Bouvier Family;  Jackie Kennedy Onassis spent a lot of time here in her family estate. 

This is a picture of a hotel in Newport R.I.  I am wondering if  one of the old estates has been renovated.  I don't know who decorated the room but it looks a bit 'colorful' to say the least and I am of the caution that the least said the better...not m my color scheme.   

Newport Rhode Island holds many memories for me.  I was introduced to it back in 1944 when I  met my new family of in-laws.   How lucky I was and how caring they all were.    I marveled at the cobble stone streets, Bellevue Avenue with all of its huge estates , surrounded by an ocean  and the wonderful Kings Park where I spent many hours.   I transferred to the Navy base and learned how to run an electric bookkeeping  machine, even wrote up a how to book later for those who followed.   We lived in Navy housing until my husband was transferred to North Carolina where he ended his Marine Corp time, then off we went to New York where he took advantage of the GI bill and linotype school. The start of many travels away from our favorite town.
Yesterday was a quiet day here at Ridgemont.    I left my door open a crack and Sue found her way down for a cup of tea.  She is one of the 'young'' ones and is keeping herself busy helping to create a library at her church.   She was surprised by the donation of so many books and now has the job of putting them in some semblance of order.    She is delighted and happy to have something useful to do.    Ron stopped in and read the directions for getting the radio to work.  You would think you could buy  a simple radio but not these days as they come out with more buttons than the old shoes had.   I picked up a few of my old collection of  'my' music which Patricia had saved in our move here.   It was like old times putting on a disc and hearing Matt Munroe warble music sounded so good and I did keep it low.   Then Doris stopped in to see my new picture of the kitty cats and the frog and laughed out loud.   It is clever and it is fun to share it and watch the expressions as they wait for the frog to should be named 'anticipation'.   She sat at the table and tried to find one piece of the puzzle but said it was too much for her.   She has been out and about for weeks now as everyone she knows wants to take her out to lunch for her 99th birthday.  A spry warm and wonderful little lady everyone loves.    Vinnie was up to a read and we got in another chapter of the "Winds of War" .   We actually could read another chapter or two but he loves to talk and talk he does.  A detail man, no words get left behind.  At the rate we are going it may be Christmas before we finish this book.    Meanwhile I did finish the book I was reading and it was not one I would recommend; much too gory with details of handling prisoners in the Civil War years.  It was suppose to be a mystery and it was but a far  cry from what I expected.  
So here it is Sunday again....didn't we just have one?   The days go by so fast, March coming up and Easter at the end of it.   My sending cards electronically days are over as the company will not except checks anymore and said to 'charge my card' well I don't use a charge card so they are out of luck.   I will miss sending you all special cards because you are so special but I am not going to play their I will be thinking of you as the holidays come and go ;  just know it .
Stay well, eat right, exercise, be good to yourself.     Find reasons to celebrate YOU.    Be good, be kind, be gentle and know someone is waiting patiently for you to stop by.    A few seconds of your time and they light up for the rest of the day..   A hug for the  morning, a hug for the afternoon, a hug for the evening and a hug good't that sound GOOD!!!   Hug away and make someone you love and like happy.   Hugs to all.

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Good Morning!!!!

I am about to take a ride on my broom....thought you might like to come along!!! Good morning.  I've been awake for hours,  why?   Who k...