Wednesday, June 22, 2016

A Walk

What is it about a walk on a beach that makes us happy?    The sound of the waves breaking on shore, the cry of the gulls, the agates that shine in the sunshine. 

A  walk in a Vineyard through the grape vines, the cluster of grapes growing in size and beauty.  The quiet, the sun shining on the clusters of grapes, and a stop at the tasting room.   One more delight in finding peace and serenity .

  • Hey, it's Hump Day, and the little borrowed computer has a jumping screen this morning.   At least it is up and working so I am able to keep in touch.    I am not complaining.   I am just making noises and hoping I can blog even if I do not have a lot of words to share this morning.   Yesterday was a quiet day , an in day, a day to relax and read.  I started a new book with Vinnie, a borrowed Navy book that is  funny and he seem to enjoy recalling his Navy days with some of the characters , the old timers who had learned to run the Navy their way.   I enjoyed lunch with the ladies and was to lazy to go out for a walk so hunkered down with my J.A.Jance "Left For Dead" book and finished the whole book by midnight.  It is quite a read.  Now I have to find a new read but think I'll go for that walk out today.    I can use the exercise.  
I have my blinds open and the sky has some pink in the clouds this morning, not a leaf stirring, so no breeze out there this morning.   The workers are changing shift and some of the ladies look tired as they get into their cars and drive away;  time to rest for them.    It has to be a difficult job tending to those that are ill.    The shades are still drawn and quiet prevails.   Take time out to say a short prayer for them.   Count your blessings if you have good health, a lot  of folks have painful days.

As I sit here ,looking out the window at a row of parked cars, I wonder if there should not be a better system to get workers to their destination rather than drive an expensive car and leave it parked in the elements all day.   It seems such a waste.  My mind goes in circles looking for solutions but I know no one wants to give up their comfort.   All I can say is I am glad that I do not have to go out the door to work anymore.  Retirement is not a bad thing and do not let anyone tell you it is.   Twenty years to grow up;  twenty years to work; twenty years to retire or more if you are lucky.  Not a bad   life span at all.   Just be sure you live each second and enjoy it.

I am off to get my coffee and wake up.   I have one eye open and am thinking breakfast . . come, join me, I'll share.    How about an awful waffle?   no???  Well how about a blueberry pancake?   no????  Gee you are hard to please. . . I know bacon and eggs but I don't have any bacon.....a dropped egg;  poached to you who have not heard that phrase;  always a good breakfast or coffee and something sweet.. . . don't have anything to tempt you so I'll go check out the cupboards and see what it is I do have  and  settle for peanut butter toast.  Go, enjoy your breakfast and raise a coffee toast for a good day.   Be good, be kind, be gentle and smile as though you won a lottery.    If you do, don't leave without me.   Hugs to all.

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Good Morning!!!!

I am about to take a ride on my broom....thought you might like to come along!!! Good morning.  I've been awake for hours,  why?   Who k...