Sunday, January 10, 2016


The little sea lion thinks it should get a picture taken.   cute. and determined.

I don't want my picture taken.

I'm ready, one, two, three....

Believe me this is not my serenity prayer, but close...

A little burned. . . .  .well. as Ma used to say "it will cultivate your voice' never complained , if it was put in front of you then you better eat it or it would be back to greet you at the next meal.   Beside these are just a bit scorched;  if burned they would be black and then you could cut the tops off and finish up the rest.  
Here it is Sunday morning and ten days of January have long gone and yes the Valentines are out already.   I told you  I did a little food shopping at Albertson as they are closer to me than the Fred Meyer store but their prices are twice as high.    A dollar for a cucumber, same for an apple, or a kings ransom if you wanted a few grapes.    Maybe if they won the huge lottery that is ongoing, they would consider lowering their prices.    How about that lottery????   Just remember, the one who gets the first million gets me, I'm up for adoption.  Think of what the tax bill would be on that win.  I'd like to get it just to find out.   Just think of the myriad of steps one has to take to find ways to keep that money as the banks couldn't handle that amount in one sitting;   guess you could ask to have it doled out in small increments ;  well, it would be fun to find out.  At my age, after taking care of family first, friends second , I would tell you to pack your bags and we'd go off to Ireland for a month or two and decide how best to help those in need.  I am sure each one would have a great answer.   I know you are all not Irish decent, but, on St. Patrick's Day you are all adopted  and what a merry time we would all have.    I think the lottery is held just so we can dream a little.    Think, what would you do with that much money?
I will leave you to dreaming and go and fill my coffee cup and wake up.   I just had a bowl of oatmeal with pecans and a bit of brown sugar and some raisins.  YUM, don't knock it...try it.  I don't even like oatmeal and feel it is good for the body so I indulge once in a while.   Surprisingly good this morning or maybe I'm  developing a taste for it finally.   
I have a little sign pop up telling me that the Internet is not working.   Think I'll ignore it and maybe it will go away.   So far I have been able to type away without any trouble.    It would be fun to be computer literate and get behind the scenes and tell someone off about how the computer creates frustration.  I have a friend who calls his computer the 'confuser' and he isn't far from wrong.   So go and enjoy your quiet day.    Be good, be kind, be gentle and share you with those you love and like.    Be a ray of sunshine...Beam! Hugs to all.

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Good Morning!!!!

I am about to take a ride on my broom....thought you might like to come along!!! Good morning.  I've been awake for hours,  why?   Who k...