Wednesday, May 24, 2017


Sending a hug in case of 'need'
Think today is a day for a ride out....going to check the sign up sheets and dates....memory takes a walk now and then and forgets to come back in gear....tsk...tsk.....getting older by the minute.

Bright and beautiful out there this morning.    We had our water shut off yesterday so this morning the pipes are howling and the water is rusty.  It will clear...but meanwhile I am wondering if it will improve the!!
I am off to get ready for our ride out today.   I am pretty sure I signed up.   I'll go check and make sure....boy, memory sure plays tricks these days...must be getting older....and that is good...I think....not sure yet but I'll let you know.

Go..have yourself a great day doing what you love to do best.   A bus ride and lunch out sounds good to me.    A scenic ride, a mystery's not to like?

Wake up..enjoy the sunshine...and today make it a YOU day and celebrate YOU.   I'll be back .  Hugs to all.

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Good Morning!!!!

I am about to take a ride on my broom....thought you might like to come along!!! Good morning.  I've been awake for hours,  why?   Who k...