Tuesday, February 21, 2017


And make it the best day yet.     
and be thankful for all our blessings...we have many!!

A new day, a beautiful bright and beautiful day if and when the sun comes out...smile....not sure what the weather report is for today but yesterday was a rainy one and I went out for a walk in it.  It felt so good to slosh along and breath fresh air, although wet and drizzling, it felt good to be out in moving air.  There is something special about a walk in the rain.    It does you good as if you have an 'attitude' it changes and you begin to find reasons to enjoy life.    I had an 'in' day for the most part, daughter Pat stopped in to say hello and bring a treat;  she is very good about that!!   Then one of my neighbors stopped in for a visit and had a glass of Courvasier in a very tiny snifter glass.    It is always good to have drop in company.    I felt like cooking so made up the old hamburger and noodle dish for my dinner.    No one came bye or I would have had some company for dinner.   Most do not cook so they go to their rooms and lock the door and stay put.  A shame they don't walk out and about and find out what goes on in some apartments as sharing is part of the fun of apartment dwelling and if a door is open it is a welcome sign.    Noodle dishes are tasty and are supposed to be shared..smile.

We have a new week to find things to do and places to go.    Right now I have a cup that needs refilling and news to put on and find out what is going on in our world.    So I am going to love you and leave you and hope that this week is going to be one of your best yet.    Don't forget to give a little of YOU and share a hug or two.   Don't forget to do a good deed or two, someone needs a bit of attention....I always do..smile.     Be one that gives of yourself and enjoy sharing YOU with those you like and love.    Be a giver.....live, love and laugh ....it is so good for you.  Hugs to all.

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Good Morning!!!!

I am about to take a ride on my broom....thought you might like to come along!!! Good morning.  I've been awake for hours,  why?   Who k...