Tuesday, August 30, 2016


Mt. Rainier, quiet and beautiful at the moment. believe it is one in the ring of fire.

Balance, concentration and courage , Caleb has them all.

A new week starting and I wonder what it holds for us.    Each day starts off in such a quiet mode around here in Ridgemont and I wonder what the new day holds for me.    I am always amazed to watch my fingers on the keyboard spelling out a brand new Monday is here..again...and I think of how fast time goes bye especially when we are not paying attention.    Summer is ending and it seemed like it just got started, the usual cry,  'where has all that time gone?'  Labor Day coming up, schools are opening and summer dwindles away as we wait patiently for Fall to take over in all of its glorious color.    The trees are dropping their leaves, the air is changing and we begin to think of the challenges of the Fall.   Preparation for winter is one of the thoughts;  a change of wardrobe;  the annual car check preparing for winter weather;   and of course the annual fall cleaning of our home Work to be done and it holds no grudge.  We enjoy the seasonal changes and the work it entails We know all of the benefits we reap and the joy we amass as the season changes.  We have so much to look forward to...holidays for one....don't groan as they are the joys of what keeps us close to family and friends.  We have one more chance to show those we like and love a little of the feelings we have for them.    It doesn't take a mint to recognize them as one of the best things in life;  it takes a little thought, a little recognition for the time they share with us, and . . . a lot of love.  So today give a little thought to the change in season.  Prepare for the coming months, one day as it comes, and you will not be crushed in a last minute crunch.  Keep in  mind 'time' is the  best gift you can share with family and friends.   Share your talents with them, especially some kind words that prove you hold them in the highest esteem all because of the good deeds you share every day.   Wrap your hugs, your laughter, your feeling of love for them and share YOU with those you like and love.    Gifts from YOU that cannot be replaced.  Gifts from you that mean LOVE . . .a smile, a thought, a deed and a HUG.    Share them today and every day and find out what really makes your world go around.   Hugs to all.

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Good Morning!!!!

I am about to take a ride on my broom....thought you might like to come along!!! Good morning.  I've been awake for hours,  why?   Who k...