Thursday, December 31, 2015


A lovely shot of the harbor in Brookings,  Oregon.  Yes,  I miss it.   I enjoyed my walks on the boardwalk, having fish and chips or clam chowder at the restaurant there and spending tike with family and friends .  

A truism.    All we have to do is let go and it is not always easy to do but there is a little prayer, I keep telling you about, that helps. . ." God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference":  and just Let Go!


Now that is a piece of art;.    If you want something beautiful, call on a spider.  The birds might object to a closed door but they are probably off south for the winter.

A picture of snow in Port Orchard taken many years ago;   we had about this much the other day and all we got left is icy roads . . . but . . .the sun came out and took care of that.   It left us with a cold spell and it really is cold out ther

December 31, 2015 , last day of the year and some will be celebrating.   If you are one that is going out and about, remember to keep your wits about you and celebrate with friends and family.    There was a time when we used to go out and  kick up our heels dancing to "Jeremiah Was A Bullfrog" and a polka or two.   Those days are long gone and watching the television and the 'ball dropping in Times Square' is the new trend for those of us who  have 'aged'.    A few of us raise our heads off the pillow at midnight when a few fire crackers go off in the neighborhood and wish everyone a  Happy New Year , roll over and go back to sleep.    Life goes on.
So keep in mind that you are starting a brand New Year tomorrow and you do not want to start it with a 'big-head' but do start it with a big heart.    Share YOU with those you love and like.   Start your New Year with your spirit filled with love and laughter.    We, Christine, Patricia and I would love to have you here to wine and dine and gather a few of those hugs we are missing, but distance does make the heart grow says the old adage...but the ending "b.s. makes the grass grow longer: is more in  tune as you are sorely missed from our lives.  We will be thinking of YOU. . . Happy New Year!!!! Hugs to all.


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Good Morning!!!!

I am about to take a ride on my broom....thought you might like to come along!!! Good morning.  I've been awake for hours,  why?   Who k...