Clouds . . . wish I had a picture of the clouds loaded with cloud pictures like those that were in our skies yesterday. I went out on my little porch, sat in the rocking chair, put my feet up on the railing got out my book and stopped to peek at the sky . . . a 'wow' sky filled with picture clouds and I enjoyed every minute of sky or cloud watching. The amazing shapes and changes that take place when you stop long enough to really look. The movements, the changing of shapes, the amazing slow progression of an animal kingdom alive in the heavens. We wonder where our pets go; they have a special place and if we look up our faithful friends are riding on a cloud making sure we see them. All those angels are busy; wonder what they are up to.
Christine surprised me with a new printer yesterday afternoon. She said the old one needed a part that was as expensive as a new printer, and, the fact they had a sale and she had a coupon decided a new printer was in order. Now all I have to do is learn how to make it go....yes...she left directions. How lucky I am to have to newest version of printing. Now all I have to do is get busy and write and make good use of it.
I told Chris she could stay and put some puzzle pieces in but she looks at me like I lost all of my marbles. Some of us are puzzle persons; others not Speaking of the puzzle it is a doozy; going to be on that board for some time as it has areas of pieces so alike that you can't leave them in the space long enough to fill it as they really don't fit. I thought I was making some headway yesterday until Pat came in and removed a couple of pieces as soon as she got a look at the puzzle. All she said was that is was a 'nice try' and I could go and find the right pieces. Maybe I can plead eye age and get away with it. It is going to be a master piece when finished or lost pieces in the garbage can if my patience disappears.
We have a cool bright morning and the workers are all parked in their spaces and off for another busy day. The blinds are not open as yet, must be nice to be able to sleep in, not for me I guess as I have never been one to sleep in. A morning person and that isn't all bad. Some of our folks here in Ridgemont are sleepers. They don't motivate until after ten a.m. and then have trouble staying awake until lunch time when they hurry back to their rooms and nap. The makings of night owls.
Thanks for checking in. I hope your day is special, just like you. As the old adage goes . . 'make hay while the sun shines' and find a few fun things to go along with all that work you have planned for the day. Remember the old adage about all work and no play.....nobody enjoys the company of a 'dull' person; so. . . sparkle and share YOU with those you love and like. Be good, be kind, be gentle and know I glad I am that YOU are in my life. Hugs to all. |
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