Beautiful Sunset
I had a special treat last evening when Christine invited me to Music On The Bay. We drove down town to the water's edge and found a seat in the bleachers, a huge seating area, covered, but the sunset managed to peek in and and took its time to set last evening. The band was really great and it was a tribute to Frank Sinatra. The male vocalist had a truly wonderful voice and he gave a great performance. There was a lovely young lady who sang a couple of numbers as well and she was very good. The musicians were very talented so it was truly wonderful to sit and listen to music that you could hum to and bring back a myriad of memories from the fifties and sixties. Yes, I did know the tunes, not all of the word but a lot of them, and yes, I did hum a lot. My feet didn't rest either. Their was an excellent turnout as the folks came with their outside chairs and their supper baskets, including a pizza or two. Chicken seemed to be a favorite also. We shared a Subway vegetable sandwich which was just right and very good. There was a hot dog stand for those that wanted to purchase one. It was such fun to watch the children and amazing to see the tiny one try to dance to the music. I noticed some of the older folks didn't miss a beat. One older fellow wanted to dance and was trying to find a partner but no takers. They added a Bobby Darin song and a couple of Sammy Davis Jr. hits and the crowd loved it. It was a perfect evening, the sun took a long time to set and I thought I would have a sunburned face this morning. I don't, but I have a head filled with music that was a delight to listen to. I am ready to go again next week and Christine has promised to bring her softer summer chairs with her.
The workers are ending their night shift and heading for their cars and home. The blinds are still closed so no one is in a hurry to wake up and start a new day today. It looks like a nice clear sky and another beautiful day. I have laundry to do and some grocery shopping so I am off to make my list. The cupboards are bare and I have no idea what I want to fill them with. Cracker Jacks and peanuts come to mind. Smile!!
So today, I will be humming a lot of old tunes and smiling. I hope you turn on your music and dance around and enjoy a new day. Don't forget you have a job to do, an important one. Make someone you love and like happy to see your smiling face. Don't be bashful give them a bear hug and let them know how important they are in your life. Have a 'thank you' day for all of the blessings you have to count. Share you with those you love and like. Be good, be kind, be gentle and take time to remember those who have a need for a friendly smile and a hug. Be generous and share you with those you love and like today and be sure to add someone new. Go YOU....and hug a lot. Hugs to you. |
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