The Navy Yard across the Port Orchard waters.
Good Saturday morning. A weekend to enjoy. So many folks look forward to the weekend. For those of us who are retired we are usually amazed at how fast they come around. Time flies at an amazing pace. Since I opened up the blog to write a few words to you, I have stopped to open the blinds, make my bed, put on the coffee and fix myself a bagel with creme cheese and jelly. Not bad for the first moments of waking up. Now to find a few words to cheer you up and that isn't easy some mornings when the mind is blank and activities are at a standstill.
I am sporting a new hair cut this morning. Pat took me over to the shop where they have a four bay set up and each operator has a styling method all her own. I think I have had each of the ladies work on my hair and each one seems to think three inches is more than enough for my hairdo. The one yesterday decided to go a bit shorter so I am sporting one of those close cap cuts ...but it will grow least that is what I tell myself when I look in the mirror. I bought a new comb but will have to wait awhile to use it. I remember my first permanent at the age of ten, and the last one by the way, when I came out looking like a balloon with hair ready to spring. The new cuts for elderly women are all the same and as close to a man's cut than we ever thought possible. The next step would be a shaved head and sometimes that has appeal. It will grow; well, at least I keep telling myself that.
We have a gray morning this morning. The worker's cars are all parked and there is a new small car, looks like a new model and it is a strange, or I should say and odd shade of blue. I wouldn't know what to call the color, different, probably a bit of green mixed with blue, but different in the shading so cannot be called aqua as it is not even close. A little more depth to the blue yet different and it is very nice and bright. I wonder who thinks up the colors for cars. Grey seems to be more prevalent this year. For awhile white seemed to be the leader.
As you can tell, I had an in day yesterday and nothing exciting happened . Ron stopped in to visit and talk about his early years. Three times married, lots of children, grand and great grands to fill his mind and how he enjoys a listening ear. Sometimes the gift of time is a great present, so remember that when you want to give someone special and 'ear' for awhile. For the most part it was very quiet around Ridgemont. Housekeeping day for me and I almost forgot to rescue my laundry as I was busy listening; smile.
I had a nice surprise when Dale, a wonderful man who is a helper to all. He had a puzzle and he thought I might enjoy putting it together. He laughed when he saw the puzzle board with its new start of 1500 pieces. Dale is one of those men who finds time to help others. He takes time to teach some youngsters how to build shelves and make themselves useful. He visits the sick, the elderly and manages to push them in their wheel chairs for an outside ride around the building to give them something new and different to while away a few of their shut in hours. He makes and takes time for those in need. A special individual with a heart that is huge and filled with compassion for those who need 'a hug'. If you find yourself with a long time span with nothing to do and are bored out of your skull; think; find s way to give of yourself and help make the world a much better place to live in. The needs are many, the helpers few, so keep that thought in mind when you are bored and find your world confined to wishful thinking.
So today, be good, be kind, be gentle and find a little time to do a good deed or two. It doesn't take much to make someone you love happy. Just one look at you coming up the walkway puts a smile on their face. Be a good neighbor , a good friend, someone who cares and doesn't mind showing it. The world is in need and we all know the need is Love, compassion, friendship and YOU instigating a hug feast in your own bailiwick. You have a lot to accomplish today, so get started and make your corner of the world shine. Pass around a few hugs today, a bit of laughter and a lot of YOU. Hugs to all. |
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