Friday, August 12, 2016


Good Morning . .  . Are you ready for a new day?
Here is a rose to start your day off . . . 
along with a little blue bird to bring you joy and hugs today.

Off for a refill,  I'll be right back.

AH!!! Coffee, hot and so good, a wake up call and it sets the mood for the day.  Of course blueberry pancakes helps.    A good way to start a day is with a healthy breakfast as it goes a long way in setting your attitude for the day.    A good attitude and you have a day to remember , but then a bad attitude will assure you of nightmares for some time to come.     Isn't it great that we are given choices in life.   Today make a good choice and rejoice!!

What can I tell you, yesterday was an 'in' day, a 'down' day and a busy one as I did some of the puzzle which is coming along very slowly.   I read some of my Cussler book and left the hero hanging by his thumbs.   I visited with two lovely ladies at lunch time and we had a lot of memories that conjured up a lot of loud laughter.   Going down memory lane talking about how things used to be , and conjuring up memories of some of the antics we actually did...if our kids did them we'd hang them out to dry.....come to think of it they may already participate in some of the'fun' things in life.    It is just called living and all of us have participated one way or another.   I wish we had a chance to sit and visit and get a conversation going about some of those good old days.    How far back can you  go in your memories?   What is the the age of remembrance for you?    Think about inviting a friend or two over and have a gab session about the good old days, it really is good for you.

Meanwhile, nothing spectacular is going on here at Ridgemont.   Our Karen is still working two places and we are not getting the well run place that we had going for some time.   No trips, cancelled again, Everyone that likes to go on the trips is disappointed.  Most are confined unless an outing is planned.   We were to go to a special Navy museum and lunch out so it really is a let down when the event is called off at the last minute.    For some folks it is their only outing.   I haven't read to Vinnie in a couple of weeks now as he was getting a little bored.   We have not found a book to interest him and he was wiping the table, looking for a loose eyelash to pull or telling tales that had nothing to do with the story line.   Bored???  Yes!!!  So I called a halt for awhile.    He is not happy but then maybe he will learn you do not 'kick a gift horse' in the mouth....isn't that the expression one uses when someone is bored out of their skull.   A good book would solve the problem so I'll have to go and see what is out there.

A weekend coming up, plan to have some fun.   Do something wonderful for you.    I have no idea what you want to do, if like me, you might want to travel and that would be something I would love to be doing.    I am not sure where I would want to go with the world in the mess it is right now, but a trip down the Oregon Coast line would be fine.  There is so much beauty along this coast and the friends on the other end would make for a good time.    I'd like to see friend Eunice and her new house.  She is selling her big house and will be a lot less stressed in her new place which will fit her yard huge trees to shake the leaves down in the big house to take care of.   Yes, down sizing time for a lot of us as we reach those 'golden years';  wait awhile, you are close behind and you are in for an enlightening time.    I really am glad I took the trips I did, just sorry I don't have the where with all to continue to travel.  There are places I would like to go overseas as well as within our own country.   I have a standing invitation to family in Arizona I'd like to follow up on.   If I made it all the way to Brookings I could help Marcia peel apples and bring home some of her applesauce which is to die for...yes, real lumpy tasty applesauce, a taste to savor.  So I'll walk up to the corner and back and maybe cross over the street and see if any of the children are playing in the baseball field there.    I wish they have a game or two so I could check them out.  We are having a hot spell so you know not much will go on today.  

So today, be kind, be good, be joyful.  Put a smile on your face and spread a little sunshine and good will around. . . along with a hug of course....make it an even dozen.   Hugs to all.

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Good Morning!!!!

I am about to take a ride on my broom....thought you might like to come along!!! Good morning.  I've been awake for hours,  why?   Who k...