Saturday, June 4, 2016


Ready for the parade. . Mike A. and Mike S. have the Rum Runner set to sail in the parade.

Pinocchioo's running mate.

John and Jo love beautiful flowers in their garden.

The last of the paper art.   Extraordinary , a work of art.

It is Saturday, I thought yesterday was Saturday so I get to do it all over again.   Some days get away from us.  It was a warm day, not as hot as predicted but hot enough.   It was a special show at the Gallery for one of the lady artists who filled the walls with her work.    There is nothing she cannot do.  Her animals were lifelike and the scenic pictures an invitation to walk out and about from  country scenes to a walk in a beautiful garden.   Mary McInnis a very talented young lady.   We had over sixty people walk through and I think they enjoyed the musician as well as we did.  A blues man.  I hope he makes a tape of his music as I would like one.    The Gallery was open until eight p.m. so we ordered in pizza so we wouldn't starve to death.   Never let it be said that we workers do not take good care of ourselves.   The Port Orchard streets were lined with artists and their work.   A lot of folks came out to do the 'art walk' and enjoyed a stroll along the main street.    I would venture to say 'all' had a very good time.    The Board members of the Gallery should be given an award for their dedication and hard work.   "Hanging" a show is not easy to do , but they seem to do it with ease.   
Jock is enjoying his visit and we got a big kick out of how easy he fits right in.  He was chatting away with perfect strangers within minutes;  I don't think he ever met a stranger.    He enjoyed the Gallery and the folks.   He found several art pieces to like but grinned at the prices.    He and Patricia are going to have us for dinner tonight and halibut is on the menu and I hear he is going to bake an apple pie.    He better plan it early as we are supposedly having a very hot day today.    Right now it is very cool ad quiet.
So today, find yourself a cool and quiet place if you are going to have a 'hot' day.   I think we had better get used to the idea as summer is upon us , ready or not.    I think we should get into the swing of things and only use paper plates; do away with dishwashing and inside chores.    Be bohemian...why not?   Be easy on yourself and have some fun along with your cook out.   Whatever you choose to do  keep in mind that you deserve  a break too and let each one take a turn at making a relaxed and wonderful get together .  What is that old adage about many hands lighten the works.  
Be good, be kind, be gentle and be YOU.    Make today a really GOOD day.    Take time to be loving.   Take time to enjoy a bit of hugging.    Take time to relax rush, no fuss, just enjoy your seconds as they come.     Lead the way and watch how many find a good reason to follow.  Hugs to all.

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