Sunday, June 5, 2016


More paper art by Calvin, an artist of special talent, patience and fortitude.

Wow, just think about that.  


One of the drinks that is addictive and does cause health problems;  It is addictive therefore it is dangerous.

Sunday morning and the air is still;  the sky a pale blue with a streak of grey clouds; quiet prevails, it is four thirty a.m. and no one is up and about yet.    Complete silence, nothing moving, looks like a painting.  As I sit and look out the open door, I see the colors changing in the sky.   More pink is showing so the sun is rising and another hot day is promised.   The apartment was hot last night so the fan made its first appearance.    The building is old and there is no air conditioning.   There is a unit up in the dining area so we may be able to go up there if it gets unbearable.    I am not a believer that closing things up cools things down.   Vinnie and I had our reading time in the activity room where everything was shut down but we opened up the outside door and let the breeze in and it cooled down.   Moving air is best.    Some agree some do not, but I am for moving air.

Christine and I joined Patricia and Jock for dinner and we had a veritable feast.   Halibut with a lovely sauce, fresh broccoli and cauliflower, crusty bread and Jock baked an apple pie for desert.   I didn't hear one complaint.   I didn't see any left overs.   There was not one crumb left to take home so I would say we proved the proof of the pudding was in the eating . . . an art we mastered early in life.

We are enjoying having Jock here.  He is already making noises of leaving mid week.  He has places to go and things to do and someone told him a fish had been caught so the call of the wild is foremost in his mind.   We will miss him as he is great company.

So today, I hope you have a visitor or two to keep you company.    I hope you are enjoying your Sunday and finding peace and contentment.    Stay cool.    Be good to YOU.    Be a cool breeze today if the sun gets too hot to handle.    Find shade and quiet.    Better still visit someone with a swimming pool and cool off.    And have a picnic while your at it.    I am taking the family out to breakfast over at the Airport where they have a Sunday brunch.....your welcome to come along....hurry up.....Hugs to all.

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Good Morning!!!!

I am about to take a ride on my broom....thought you might like to come along!!! Good morning.  I've been awake for hours,  why?   Who k...