A huge animal ; an elephant with its trunk down; a horse without its rider; an alligator with its jaws wide open. A huge duck or a fat chicken, you choose.
I think it would be a good idea to take your camera for a walk today and check out the art in the skies. Share a few on Facebook and let me see what you find.
Jock arrived and we had a tri tip dinner with all the trimmings. He has not lost his knack for grilling. It is so good to have him here with us. We are taking him to an artist opening this evening so he can see what we are usually up to. He gets e- mails from us telling of such events and now that we have him in tow, we will introduce him to a little Port Orchard art. The special event will mean some fancy goodies as well, so he can pick and choose his desert tonight. I think we are all in for a treat as there is to be some sidewalk artists showing as well. A little music too, so I think it will be a special affair and we will all enjoy hob-knobbing with some talented artists. Here at Ridgemont, Vinnie showed up for a read and we got in a couple of chapters. The book seems endless, but we are making some headway as we slowly make our way towards the end of the book. He is already thinking of another book but I think we will take a sabbatical as this has been much to long in the reading. One of our ladies, Evelyn, brought out an shared an ice cream bar which was delicious. She didn't want to listen to the story, but she thought we could use a treat which was really a sweet gesture on her part. Vinnie is off to the VA today to have his eyes checked again so maybe he will be able to read on his own again. It has been a good experience for both of us . The weather has been perfect for several days now, but we are going to go up into the high nineties for this weekend. Summer is coming on sooner that we expect. June already and July and August follow and we all know what that means. I have my fan at the ready and even a little air conditioning unit. Pat has air conditioning in her little house so I know where I can go if it gets unbearably hot. Sheesh, like borrowing trouble before it gets here....just thinking. So with all the weather talk, get busy and check out all of your summer gear. Hoses for watering; wheel barrow and tools for gardening; planting vegetables for summer salads, making sure the little creatures stay in their own areas and don't forget the lawn chairs, the charcoal and a hammock would be fine. Think down time. Think rest time, think cook outs, think summer. Give up baking until the Fall and buy a Razzle Dazzle pie which Marie Calendar puts out; delicious and a daub of vanilla ice cream gives it that magic taste. Yes, get ready for summer and enjoy every second of it. Be good, be kind, be gentle, be YOU. Find reasons to laugh out loud. Find reasons to treat your best friend to a root beer float. Do something good because you can. BE YOU!!! Hugs to all. |
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