Sunday, April 10, 2016

Back Again

A picture from the past.   A view from the Port in Brookings, Oregon.    A stormy day when Pat and I rode down to the Port and sat in the car watching the waves beat on the shore.    We miss Brookings, Oregon and our friends there.   

Saturday proved to be a quiet day with sun shine and warmth, a lovely Spring day and Vinnie showed for a read and we did pretty good catching up with all the characters and events of our World War II story.    We got two full chapters read and the holocaust is becoming a huge part of the tale and it a horror story coming to life.   It is like the events of today as thousands are being killed by the terrorists of today.   Peace and prosperity seem to be part of the 'old' world;    the fight goes on and on and does not improve with age.

Speaking of age, be careful that you take care of you.   That Alzheimer disease is one of the drawbacks of ageing.    I am hearing stories of a former neighbor of mine who is beginning to develop a new stage of it and is causing her neighbors to wonder if she is safe living alone.  She refuses family aid as she feels she is fine but her neighbors are beginning to see signs of deterioration.     A sad case and no easy answers.   So take time to make an appointment for that yearly check up.   Make sure you are taking care to eat properly and getting out and exercising.   Walking is good, swimming is even better, jogging for the young and racing is for crazies.    A good walk around the block would help and pushing your chair away from the table is a good idea .     Be kind to your body and it will be kind to your mind.
So today , Sunday all day, take advantage of the quiet.  Light a candle, if you go to church, and remember those that have gone before us and those that are ill and heading in that direction.   We can use all the prayers you can say on a bended knee and a few extra when you are standing looking up at the sky in sunlight or shadows.    Remember everyone needs help at some time, so today, be a helper.     Get up and go out and look around your world and see what needs doing.....a chore here and there ;  a helping hand;   a smile;  a bear hug or two. . . give and you get is an old give a lot and see just what you get....lots of loving I hope.    A verbal hug to you....make your day a special today, don't wait for a tomorrow.    Hugs to all. 

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Good Morning!!!!

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