Thursday, March 3, 2016

Looking Around

A flower?  A dragon?   Awesome and beautiful;  Strange and wonderful.

Carson Valley with a lenticular cloud hovering.  Nevada is one of the spots where these clouds form and sometimes look like an invasion from Mars.

Looks wet out there!   Looks cold out there!  Um. . . you go....I'm staying!

Hey there guys and gals, how goes your morning?  not a lot to tell you about this morning as I didn't do much of anything yesterday;  well . . I did go to a "Big Lot" store and found out what it was all about.   I can tell you it is huge and carries everything from soup to nuts, furniture to tools and is much like a Walmart, a thrift store, a junk shop all combined.  Prices are not low unless it is 'stuff' that is almost to its date.  Named brand crackers were fifty cents a box , almost to their final date but still eatable.    Very little quality, more quantity.  Would not elicit my business and doubt I'll walk in their door again.   Now going to the thrift shop was a lot more fun and the book sale is still on.  smile!!
Patricia and I had lunch at the Lighthouse and were the first customers of the day.   One waitress was showing 'the ropes' to another young lady and it was fun to watch.   The service was excellent.   They serve a brisket hamburger which is really tasty but a to go box is needed as it is huge.    French fries and cold slaw are a part of the deal so you really get two meals for one.   I hear some folks saying the food there is terrible;  don't know when they go or what they order but so far we have lucked out every time.  The have tasty fish and chips as well.   We stopped at Central Market and talked with the baker there.  Lemon tarts for desert today and they are tasty.   The owner was telling me that he use to suffer from gout but once he gave up liquor he no longer has any problems.   How we got on that subject I am still wondering about.  All I did was order lemon tarts and one muffin which I thought looked like a good breakfast choice but turned out to be a little to healthy and not very flavorful.  You just cannot judge a book by its 
Another good thing about The Lighthouse is the view from the windows.  It overlooks the bay and there are huge Navy ships across the bay, in mothballs, have been for over seventy years.  Old World War II ships that are slowly decaying in the bay.  I understand that once upon a time you could go through them but not anymore.   You stop to think how long it took to build them and the cost and now they sit and rot away.   Once upon a time we had a visitor from another country say that he could become a millionaire twice over on our waste alone.   Sad, but true.
So today, look around and see that you don't waste anything.    Be frugal ,  be thrifty, be a miser  so you will find yourself healthy, wealthy and wise. . . but if you find that boring, throw caution to the wind and go shopping, out to lunch; and kick up your heels and have a great day.    Take a friend along.    Be good, be kind, be a hugger and enjoy 'the fruits of your labor.  Don't forget a shut in. . a word from you and they begin to feel a lot better.    Stop and buy a lemon tart and visit someone you love and enjoy a tea break.   Be a giver, the results may make you  feel good about YOU and YOU matter a lot....Hugs to all.


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Good Morning!!!!

I am about to take a ride on my broom....thought you might like to come along!!! Good morning.  I've been awake for hours,  why?   Who k...