Good old Sacramento. It has been a long time since I lived there , back in the sixties the first time and then again in the eighties before making Nevada home. . . then on to new places and faces.
A new Monday; comes around faster than a speeding bullet. . . a promise of three sunshine days so there will be no complaints. The weekend flew by and the photography reception was successful as quite a few folks stopped in and enjoyed the work of three photographers. The main table looked lovely with a huge pot of yellow chrysanthemums. The coffee urn was set up and a carafe of juice. Tiny sandwiches, trays of cookies, a dish of candy hearts and hummus and crackers and cheeses. Standing by to welcome the visitors turned out to be a fun job for me. the Gallery Board works hard to keep the doors open, the art and artists showing their passion to please the eye. Such talent. Port Orchard comes alive with folks who appreciate the talent and work of the artisans. I was a captive audience to one of the new artists, a man of the world, a former conductor of trains, a former chef, a man of many talents and has the personality of a man of the world with a thousand tales to tell. He was delightful and funny and will soon put on a play about riding on his train. Folks will be in for a fun time. So when you find yourself with a Sunday you have no idea what you want to do, visit your local gallery. Find out when they have a reception for the art and artisans and attend knowing you will have a great time. If it is like Port Orchard's Sydney Art Gallery, then you can be assured of a wonderful visit, good company and a treat to your imagination. Plan your week so your seconds will not be wasted. Take time to share YOU with those you love and like. Think of a good deed or two that will bring a smile or two and participate in living life. It is what makes your world go around. Take time to mend fences; no sulking, no temper tantrums, no complaining. . . be a harbinger of love and laughter. Your chance to be an ambassador of good will. Be an artist and paint bright sunbeams wherever you travel today. Hugs to all. |
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