Sunday, February 7, 2016


Blessings to be counted over and over again.

Ha Ha,   that patience of Job doesn't last forever.   

Granddaughters count, lucky me, I have a true beauty in my life, inside and out.

Of course Emma counts.  She is a mom's best friend and always so happy to share herself.  

I would hate to think of what my world would be like without 'my girls' and several adopted ones along the way   They have a tendency to make the world bigger and brighter.  

Here it is Sunday morning and we have been promised three sunshine days...that is going to be enjoyed and appreciated.   Today there is a football game that everyone is waiting to enjoy;  the Gallery has a new showing of photographers work.  I got a preview yesterday and it is marvelous.   The camera folks all but bay at the moon.  Some of the pictures are spectacular.  Getting the right shot and the right moment together is not an easy feat.    The animal ones are always  fun to look at, but the scenic ones are a marvelous trip to wonderlands.    There was a special picture of an ocean scene that reminded me of Lone Ranch Beach in Brookings, Oregon.  It could have been taken at high tide when the waves crash over the huge stacks surrounding them with sea foam.    The quiet stream with a fisherman hoping to catch a big one; could be our Jock who makes good use of a fishing pole.    The view of mountain trails you would like to be out walking in , and flowers that come alive growing by white picket fences.   A photographer captures our world in all its beauty.  

 I once went to a show of faces.   The pictures were absolutely mind boggling as they captured the heart and soul of the person within the frames.     One was of Fidel Castro and his picture captured beautiful kind eyes , so unexpected .   There were pictures of famous movies stars and politicians close up and personal.   The camera and the cameraman or woman capture the heart and soul of a person.  So much beauty is in the eyes alone.     A few with smiles but most with somber looks, dreaming or thinking of sharing themselves through the eyes of a camera.  My friends didn't want to spend the three dollars to get into the show and waited outside.  They had no idea what a fantastic show it was.   
Speaking of pictures, get some out and start your collage as it becomes a family history.   A good project and one that brings memories and faces and places to mind to be enjoyed all over again.    A great project for a quiet Sunday afternoon.    You can even invite some family members to join you and then what a fantastic time you would have reliving a lot of your life moments which bring laughter and tears.   
So enjoy today in whatever you chose to do.     Be good, be kind, be gentle.     Take a second or two and show someone you love and like how much you really care.    time flies when you are busy all the time and there is someone in your lives waiting and hoping for a moment of your time.    Speaking of being thought about, I got an envelope in the mail with some rosemary in it.   Jock read my blog about rosemary being helpful with memory and he went out in his garden and picked a lovely branch and mailed it to me.  It has such a wonderful aroma;  one that delights the senses and I am sure will help my memory hang in  awhile longer.   I now know what rosemary looks like out of a can.  I thought it was pine . . . learn something new every day.  Jock made my day so much brighter.  Thank you Jock.
One good deed . .. . go for it. . ;and make someone you love and like smile today.   Hugs to all.

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Good Morning!!!!

I am about to take a ride on my broom....thought you might like to come along!!! Good morning.  I've been awake for hours,  why?   Who k...