Wednesday, January 6, 2016


This is the first time I have ever seen this view of the Pyramids.    Imagine living in Cairo and being able to see this amazing sight every day.   

I bet they were Christmas gifts.....I bet they remain empty.  You know 'they' are much to busy planning and plotting .

The ocean.  The waves breaking on the shore.    A walk on the sand.   Hunting for agates.    The ride to Gold Beach, the big book store and old we loved to go down to the Port and watch the huge waves during a storm.   How we loved to go to the Port and have clam chowder with friends.   Great memories and a seed of plotting and planning for a trip back this spring or summer when the roads are clear and the weather perfect for a bit of travel.    Some things are worth waiting for.  
I had a work day yesterday.   Daughter  Christine put me to work on a mailing job and it required a lot of pre-filing, hundreds of letters to fold, envelopes to put labels on and no, I didn't have to lick the stamps....that takes place at the Post Office.   They would have to put something delightful and delectable on the back of the stamps to get me to lick them and place on the envelope.  It was fun to be useful and you know me and my organizing . . . puts a smile on my face.   I'll finish up later today and then she has promised me another similar job but not nearly as many mailings.   
It has been quiet here at Ridgemont with the exception of the fire men testing out the fire alarms.  They chose our dinner time to do it and we sat and listened to that awful loud sound so we couldn't hear each other talk.   A good thing, I suppose.  At least we know that the alarms are fine and hopefully we wont hear them again for some time;  of course that remains to be seen if any one burns toast in their toaster or cooks an egg so the alarm sounds and tells all our secrets of home cooking.
So what are you going to do with your 'hump' day;  something good I hope.   If the weather outside is frightful then get out in the kitchen and bake something delicious for desert tonight.    If you are lucky and have a fire place, pile on some logs and light a match and sit back and study the flames and see what beauty is in the eye of the beholder.     As long as you are settled in , cozy and content, open up your  book and read a chapter or two, then if you happen to doze off and have a power nap, think of how good you will feel.    Lots to do on a stormy day.
Those of us who love to solve puzzles are busy finding pieces that don't want to be found.   I'm working on a huge wagon wheel right now that doesn't seem to exist...where oh where are those pieces....most likely in front of me but so far they are very illusive.  I'm on a hunt, just like friend Bob is with his new Christmas puzzle.   Andrea tells me he is speaking a foreign language as he hunts for those pieces that just don't want to be found.   He's good though and I'm betting he has it finished before I can finish mine.    So if you have not done a jig saw puzzle lately, winter is a very good time to start one and those new puzzle boards are fantastic.
Be good, be calm, be generous and above all be loving.   Someone in your life 'needs'  YOU today....Go fill a 'need'.  Hugs to all.

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Good Morning!!!!

I am about to take a ride on my broom....thought you might like to come along!!! Good morning.  I've been awake for hours,  why?   Who k...