Sunday, September 3, 2017


Yep!!!  Time to shop!!!

Time to carve;  Time to make a bird feeder. . . clever idea.   

Time to think about decorating the outside of your home..... yes...that time of year.....time to stock up and get ready for those trick and treat folks.....time flies so you want to be prepared.    I am not rushing you, honest, just a heads up of what is the season and the reason for Fall in all its glory....leaves are turning that beautiful amber color and the bushes are beginning to look good in their new coat of gold  and a tinge of red.  I am looking out my apartment window which faces the hospital wing and the tiny tree has golden leaves this morning and the bushes are  colorful in their various shades of green, more golden , so bright and alive.   The tiniest bush I see from my window is white, almost like a stalk of celery, different and all by itself.   There is one tiny bush that is shaped like a Christmas tree, bet it would be fun to decorate it come Christmas would be cute with tiny lights on it.   The sky is dusky, not true blue yet, has a way to go before the morning light changes to bright and beautiful.    It is early....well, I get up early;  that body clock is set for early and I didn't do

I am off for a refill.  I have to think of something to have for my breakfast and there is nothing good int his have heard that one before.    I guess some toast with a bit of jam won't hurt but a special omelet would taste a lot better;  too lazy to make one. . . but....a dropped egg, you know it as poached, wouldn't be to hard to make you were here I'd make you one....yep...hungry, so off I go.  Have a day to remember;  do something you love to do....or even like to do....just do something that makes your heart sing.   Be a good neighbor.  Be a good friend.  Be a good person just because you gentle, kind, considerate and most of all loving..hugs for friends of all shapes and sizes...don't be bashful...walk right into one and feel love and laughter from head to toe.....share you.....Hugs to all.

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Good Morning!!!!

I am about to take a ride on my broom....thought you might like to come along!!! Good morning.  I've been awake for hours,  why?   Who k...