Saturday, September 9, 2017

Good Morning!!

The door is open, a quiet morning, not a breeze or any movement out in the parking is just too eye open, coffee perking, when it is finished I'll fill my cup , sip a little, and open my patient with me, I only have one eye open....working on the!!
and your attitude.  

Good morning.   Cars are parking, someone tooted a horn, a quick good morning to a fellow worker passing by.   It is dark out there so the lamp light is a blessing.A new day, wonder what is in store for us.    I am going to visit the Gallery today and see the new bird show.  I hear it is terrific and 'terrific' lightens the heart and soul.    So don't sit there doing nothing, put on your shoes and visit your local gallery and see what is 'hanging'

I have not had my first sip of coffee yet so you know the brain is not in gear;  wonder if it knows how to get into gear anymore;   age has a way of defining ones self and it is not always complimentary ...downright loathsome some to work on that ....I did get to see Louie's new gallery and he has done a great job of placing the art pieces.  There are some that are truly museum pieces;  some good artists here in Port Orchard.   If you do not believe me....come see for

I am off to fill my coffee cup and wake up.   I hope to visit the Gallery today and enjoy the 'bird' show.   I'll tell you about it tomorrow.   Go....have yourself a good day, all day and be sure you harbor good deeds to the is better, and make someone smile.   Meanwhile lighten your load, get off your feet and relax when you can but no before you make someone happy because you walked in the door.    Be good, be calm, be careful . . . enjoy today, all day!!  I'll love you and leave you for now;  off to have my first sip of coffee.....aah!!!!! wonderful.  Hugs to all.

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Good Morning!!!!

I am about to take a ride on my broom....thought you might like to come along!!! Good morning.  I've been awake for hours,  why?   Who k...