Thursday, August 3, 2017

Dog Days!!

Same old picture but then on hot August days sometimes called "Dog Days" there is little to do but find a shady spot and hibernate until summer ends.   It was here yesterday...all day...never did let up;  even late into the night hours there was 'hot' the kind you can fry an egg on the sidewalk as the old timers use to say.  An August is just beginning.   

It is cool right now, the door is open, the shades to the hospital wing are still closed and all of the workers have parked their cars and are already working.    "Park their car" reminded me of my Boston accent and the kidding I used to take when I opened my mouth and that Boston accent came out...haven't really lost it either.   Those 'r's' are important even when they don't belong in the  Right now it is beautiful out there,  the sky is pale and white, no color this morning;  tree tops still, not a breeze to be had and silence is heard loud and clear.   A lovely time of day...a new beginning....Fall is in the air and the tips of the little tree in front of the hospital building are beginning to change color.   Fall....a beautiful time of year.  The hot August night was hot and I had the door open all night.   Being on the second floor has some advantages.  I have a small porch so could throw a mattress down and sleep out there but then a sleeping bag would I should look into buying one....on second thought maybe not as there could be night creatures out there....nah...I'll stay put.

So....we have a new day today....what to do with it?????  I have no idea, no plans, although I could make a few in a hurry.    I'll check with the girls and find  out what they are up to.   One never knows who will come up with a plan lunch sometimes puts a bee in the   So I am off for a refill, a bit of news, maybe a short nap in my chair or better still...get dressed and go out and walk in the morning air.  A new I had better take advantage of the cool of the morning....try it, you might enjoy it.....or roll over and get another hour choose!!  Have a good day, all day....and don't forget a good someone because you can.  Hugs to all.

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Good Morning!!!!

I am about to take a ride on my broom....thought you might like to come along!!! Good morning.  I've been awake for hours,  why?   Who k...