Tuesday, April 4, 2017


I didn't know that.  I buy them because I like them, didn't realize they had side benefits.  I'll have to get a new bag of them and stay healthy...smile.
Along with Spring comes ants...they march like they know what they are doing and drive us crazy if they get inside our cupboards or around our sink...Time to fill a spray bottle and get to work.
A few items to add to your grocery list this week.   Be a scout..be prepared.
Serenity. . . . so quiet and beautiful.   Shadows of early morning.   A quiet time of day.

A new day, have not opened the blinds but know it is still dark out there and quiet, not a car moving into its space,  or a worker heading in the door of the hospital wing.  It is just to early to move about, but, it wont be long before the parade starts and a new busy day begins.    I had an 'in' day yesterday so there is little news today.    The folks here at Ridgemont stayed in and quiet.   No one was anxious to do much of anything but hunker down and watch television , read, or take a short walk around the building.   Rain threatened but never came.    Doris and I went for a walk about half way up the block and back.   The air was a bit chillier than expected as the wind was up and that takes some of the joy out of a walk around the block and back.   I am looking forward to some warmer days and longer walks around the neighborhood.    There are several spots to walk about that help the muscles stay strong.    Later in the season the kids will be playing ball in the big field at the corner so I will be able to check that out.    The school is across from us so it is nice to walk out as the children are leaving the area on foot and if you are out for a walk you can meet and greet them.   I am wondering if they have any games in that ball field, if so, maybe I could check one out and watch.   Most of the folks here at Ridgemont are prone to sleep in, watch tv, or play cards.  I think they play something called '39' but have no idea what it is.    So you see I am being repetitious, and that is what happens when you have no new news..smile.

So get up, get going and do something you love to do today.    Take yourself out of the house, go for a ride to your favorite place and buy yourself some breakfast out.   If the girls were free, I would invite them for a ride down by the water, find an open restaurant and treat them to breakfast out.   If  I wasn't lazy I could make some pancakes and invite them in, but, that seems like work...and I am retired ...oh my, how retired I am!!

Go, have yourself a wonderful day doing what you like to do best.   Be good, be kind, be gentle and treat your fellowman like the special persons they are.    Exchange a hug or two, let the smile reach to both ears and spout words of love and wisdom....be a leader today.....be someone who makes the world a better place....be YOU!!   Hugs to all.

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Good Morning!!!!

I am about to take a ride on my broom....thought you might like to come along!!! Good morning.  I've been awake for hours,  why?   Who k...