Thursday, November 3, 2016


 A favorite stop, a church with one of these candle stands filled with candles that need lighting and a prayer or two for a 'special intention' or for a soul that has gone on.   
If you cannot get to a church with a candle stand then make a candle stand of your own.   It only takes a minute to give some thought for a 'please or a thank you' today is a good day to light a candle and bend the knee. . . a promise of serenity.
There is something about a daisy that makes the eyes light up and the heart beat faster.  One of my favorite flowers.
As you can see it was once puzzle pieces and such fun to complete.   Good to do on a blustery day.

A rainy 'in' day yesterday until Pat came bye and rescued me.  We watched Netflick, at her house, and a new show was introduced called "North and South" which proved to be very entertaining.   We had some excellent squash, a preliminary to our pulled pork sandwich which turned out to be very tasty....but the desert was "aah", some raspberry jello with creme which I have not had in some time and wondered why as it was delicious, light and so tasty.   Jello never goes out of style so if you have not had some lately, go and buy a packet and give yourself a tasty...with or without creme.

We miss Christine who is off to Denver on a business trip;  the cats miss her too as they leave a paper trail from her down stairs office to the upstairs rooms.    We have no idea why they love to take any kind or size of paper and drag it up over the stairs and leave a trail.    Now if we could teach them to pick it up and return it , we would have it made.   Wonder why they do it.   What are they trying to tell Chris?   Maybe it is for attention, but if that is the case, it doesn't get what I'd call good attention.  A scolding doesn't help.   They refuse to pick up their I'd shoot them if they were mine...or lock the downstairs door.  Meanwhile they are well taken care of and well fed.   If we stay awhile they climb right up and snuggle in and purr.   They just want to be loved.  Um, sounds like us!

The time change is coming up and we are getting dark by four p.m. Shorter days and longer nights, winter is neigh!    Bob and Andrea sent me a book about Ireland and the old story tellers that visited the homes on dark nights and regaled the families with tales of the history of Ireland.   I find that it is one I have already read, just forgot the title, but rereading a few of the chapters brought back how good a read so I will take time to peruse and enjoy bits and pieces all over again.    Meanwhile I have four novels awaiting my attention and if the weather begins to change to rain and darkness you will know exactly what I am doing.  I hope you love to read and find the time to hunker down with a good book.    If you have been reading one of those 'you cannot put it down' books, let me know so I can add the titles to my list.    Meanwhile check the library for Frank Delaney's "Ireland' and have some fun with the little folks.

So I am off, to catch up with myself today, not planning much for the day but intend to take Pat out for a bite and try out a brand new place called "Kelly's" and see what is on the menu and give it a try.    I'll let you know.   Check out your area and see if you have some place new and different to test out.   It is good to get out and about and meet and greet new faces and places.    

Be of good cheer today.   Find reasons to light up a room when you walk in with that big smile right from the heart and eyes.    Beam!!!!   You can do it.   Make someone you like and love return a smile and a hug that should go along with it.    Go for two hugs, nah...make it three....oh well , while your at it go for a dozen and be rewarded with a warm and fuzzy feeling of being loved.   Start with one and add a few more as the day goes on and don't forget a few sweet words along the way.   Make someone you like and love 'shine'.    Hugs to all.

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Good Morning!!!!

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