Wednesday, November 2, 2016


Hey there "spot: how are you?   Fine, Spot, how are you?"  And we think when we have a spot or two we are ugly;  not true, spots are beautiful.   

My Friend Helen with her great grand children.  A lucky lady, such wonderful company and her reasons for bragging. . . how much she loves them and how much she enjoys them.   Great kids, growing up so fast.   

I think I have shown this comment more than once, but then I finally did figure things out and I am getting older by the minute; when does younger kick in?   Someone mentioned second child hood..well bring it on!!!

The first invitation for a Thanksgiving dinner came yesterday as our manager is going to put on her annual turkey dinner on the 18th.   She does a terrific job and enlists the aid of her family members to play the servants for the evening.   It is always a fun affair and she is a great cook.   We have something to look forward to.   Meanwhile my daughters are talking of cooking up a Thanksgiving dinner.  I am hoping for a much thinner waist but I am afraid this is not the time of year to be thinking that way.    I don't think there is a time of year that gives us an opportunity to eat less as there is always a special day or a holiday or just because I'm in the mood for that certain food that makes the taste buds stand up and take notice.   I'll be skinny some day, but not

I had a quiet day yesterday, did a lot of TV watching as there was a couple of old movies on that were fun to revisit.    I had gone through several catalogs that came in the mail;  yep!  Christmas is coming a lot sooner than we think.  The age old...'what to get...for whom'  and the answer is always illusive.   I still think a card and a check is the answer but it loses a lot in the fun department.   Half of the fun is in the shopping;  the other half is the concern on how to pay for     I don't think the prices will go down, but not to worry, the first thing is to decide the what to give and the rest follows with ease.   I think the adage is 'a dollar down, and a dollar when you catch me." So as we prepare for Thanksgiving, the thought process takes a turn and rushes the Christmas list to mind.  Relax, try and enjoy each holiday as it comes.    The most important gift of all is a gift of your time, your love and hugs and they do not have to be wrapped in fancy paper.   Your TIME...what a special gift that is.

As I said, I had a quiet day yesterday and a snooze in my chair so that meant at two o'clock this morning I was wide awake so I got to finish "Night Fall" by Nelson DeMille.   If you haven't read it, do, it is very good.   It is about TWA Flight 800 one of the most mysterious tragedies in history.  Now I get to read the Irish book Bob and Andrea sent me.   I'll be off to Ireland today in its pages, but if I had my druthers, I'd be on a plane to Ireland and spend some time there.  What a beautiful country and one never gets enough of it.   I'd go tomorrow if I had the money. . . oh for a rich uncle!!

Okay enough!   I am off to refill the coffee cup.   I have a few chores to do and have to open the drapes to find out what the weather will be like today.    I am hoping for a bit of sunshine and a walk to the corner.    Christine is off to Denver for a few days catching up on a special work project and hopefully meeting up with a few old friends.    Pat made delicious scones and I had them for breakfast.  She is quite a chef for someone who says they do not like to cook.    Hopefully I will spend some time with her and enjoy some of the early Christmas stories that are already on the television.   Hallmark does a great job of getting us in the 'mood'.   So, get your chores done early and join us as they are fun to watch.

Make your seconds count.   Do a good deed or two.    Put a smile on your face and share you with those you like and love.    Today is a good day to be thankful for your good health, which I hope you all have.   Be kind.  Be loving.   Be YOU!  Hugs to all.

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Good Morning!!!!

I am about to take a ride on my broom....thought you might like to come along!!! Good morning.  I've been awake for hours,  why?   Who k...