I keep peppermints in my candy dish, one of Pat's yard sale finds and I borrowed it for awhile. It sure gets a lot of attention. You can see my little tape machine in the background along with a few records. I can put them on and change my attitude in a hurry and sound almost as good as in the shower as I belt out a few of the old time tunes that bring back a memory or two.
Here it is Sunday morning. I have a job to do today, one to finish up. I have a habit of volunteering, a bad habit I might add . . .causally mentioned to daughter Christine that I had nothing to do so she brought me some work to do, about two hundred Gallery letters to fold and put those little round stickers on the end for mailing. It took awhile to get into a routine but I figured it out and it went like clock work. got about two hundred done and have at least another hundred to go. I hope I didn't hear her right and that she said something about a few more....finger exercise is probably good for me but it comes with a little stiffness. How come the fingers don't stay agile at this age. . . um. . . . could be we have used them up and they are getting a little stubborn about moving like they use to. Come to think of it a lot of things are not moving like they used to. I seem to remember some words bandied around about age and how hands and feet have a mind of their own as they age . . . don't we all!!! They work, so it is best to keep them busy and limber. I laughing as I can say that about a few other joints and the feet as well. Strange how the body has a mind of its own and knows when and how to bend to a pattern it has figured out all by itself. Some joints ...well, you know what I am talking about especially if you have reached a 'ripe' old age. Come to think of it some of us ripen a little faster than others. Oh for some of the movable parts back again. All I can say is I am moving and that is a good thing. Some of the folks here at Ridgemont have a really tough time trying to move period. Age is not kind. It takes living a long time to realize that. Older may be wiser but it sure is slower. Should we talk about the mind and its changes...nah....better leave some things alone...but...do not stop using it. Exercise the brain every day...if you don't use you lose. Just be thankful you have a working brain that means you can share YOU with those you like and love.
It is Sunday, pitch black outside and probably a little on the cold side as the heat is on here in the apartment. I am off for a refill, hope to find a puzzle piece or two before getting back to my 'job' of folding Gallery letters to mail off. There are a lot of festivities planned for the next couple of months. The year is winding down and the town starts to come alive from Halloween , where they have an open house and candy for the town kids; on to Thanksgiving festivities and the Christmas tea. Hard to believe that this year is all but over...well let us enjoy one day as it comes and stay healthy and happy and useful. Volunteer as you are needed and wanted. Do not sit home alone wishing your life away; get out there and live it one moment at a time and you will find yourself hale, hardy and moving and doing even if it is at a snails pace.
Be good, be kind, be lovable , be useful, be YOU. Call a shut in today and brighten their day. Send a card to someone who needs a smile. Best of all share a hug or two and remember someone always needs a verbal hug if you can't be there to share your arms. A phone call can make or break someones day but for heaven sake don't talk for an hour or two, time yourself to twenty minutes and get on with your day. Go....make someone you like and love happy you are in their lives. You just made mine and I am very thankful for YOU. Hugs to all.
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