Thursday, July 7, 2016


It cannot come soon enough to suit me.    I just hope we are not heading 'up the creek' as I think we should have more to choose from.    

I have to remember this and offer up a prayer or two to keep going on those left handed days;  now don't take that wrong, I have nothing against a left hand-er, have a few in my immediate family and I love them;  it is just a saying meaning an odd day here and there.   Not that left hand folks are how did I get into that mess.....

Larry  Smith's folks.   His mom is having a birthday....Happy Birthday to YOU!!  A loving couple  I have not seen in a lot of years.  

I did a little shopping yesterday, had a chance to walk the aisles and look around to see what is new and different.   Not a lot.   Prices have not come down.    Enjoyed the exercise and didn't find much  but learned that they have a new system at the cash register for checks.   I wrote a check, asking first if they took checks these days, and the clerk said 'yes'; then after doing a little pushing of register keys handed me back my check...they have something new and different going on as now the check goes through to the bank immediately  and I am still trying to figure out what they do.    I think it might be a bit dangerous to have a new system using the bank numbers on your check....seems to me it could create some larger problems down the way.    An easier way to make mistakes  and find your bank account empty.    I think I'll become a cash and carry person.  Trust is hard to come by these days.

Pat and I did make it to the little shop over in the Market and the beaded bracelets were still there.   The clerk was having her lunch so Pat and I had a cup of fish chowder then went back and bought all twenty in the tray.    It saved us a lot of  bead work that was not coming out very well.   Beading is not as easy as we thought.    There are several short cuts and some knotting to learn before we attempt that again.   This way we have 'saved the day' and now can take time to learn the right way to bead.   I wish our friend , Marge, was nearby to show us the right way.  She is a marvel and does some truly beautiful work.    The lady of the shop was delighted to make the sale and had a new tray of bracelets out that were much higher priced.   We also found a huge bag of salt water taffy for the upcoming affair which should fill  a big pirate chest.  When you hear many hands lighten a load , it really is a truism.

It looks like another soft day;  the blinds are open, the sky is a pale grey and silence prevails.  The blinds are not open over at the hospital wing but an ambulance is there by the front door.   The workers are on their way in and a new day begins.  the cars are parked for the day with no open spots so all must be on hand.    One thing about the way the buildings are set back of the highway , one never hears street noise.   It is a major highway out there with all kinds of traffic day and night, yet we do not hear the noise.   The huge grassy area, trees and bushes accounts for that.    You would be amazed at the size and scope of the senior housing in this area.   There are new apartments going up near the Fred Meyer shopping center, but not just for seniors,   I wonder what they cost to rent;  I am betting a lot. 

One thing is that there are a lot of people as Port Orchard is like a bedroom community to Seattle, even across the sound.   People seem to want to live in this area and more come every day.    The traffic is heavy no matter when you go out.   People drive crazy so there is an accident every day.   I think they get impatient waiting at a crossroad to have the traffic go by in a seamless endless line.    The Mac-Cormack  Woods area has the large homes with huge surrounding lots, while in-town homes are small probably built back in the forties and fifties.    Tiny houses like those in New Orleans .  You have seen pictures of the hills  of San Francisco, well we have a few of those right here in Port Orchard.   It is like going down in a roller coaster when you start at the top of Sydney Avenue and go down into town to Bay Street, the main street.    You stomach does a little flip flop when you start down.  there are dozens of antique shops lining Bay Street, a Coffee Oasis with great sandwiches, The Market where I like to have the fish chowder, and the thrift stores are up around the bend of the road.  St. Vincent  is a good browsing spot.  Like all small towns it could do with some sprucing up, but it really isn't a bad place to be.    The water front alone is worth a trip in town.

I don't know what got me tarted on Port Orchard down town , maybe I thought you would like a review....hope so.    I am off to have my coffee and wake up.     Not sure what is in store today but I am about to find out.    Maybe Vinnie will show up for a read today and we will finish the little paperback about the Navy which has been funny and brought back a few memories of his Navy days.  I am off to have seconds on my coffee, heat up a breakfast role and start my new day.

I hope you are up and ready for your new day.   Remember to do that one good deed for today.    Get up, get outside, take a walk around the block, say hello to a neighbor and smile like it was your idea in the first place.   Be good, be kind, be gentle , and share a hug or two...bear hugs don't hurt even a little bit.    Hugs to all.

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Good Morning!!!!

I am about to take a ride on my broom....thought you might like to come along!!! Good morning.  I've been awake for hours,  why?   Who k...