Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Mid Week

Newspaper reporters hone in on The Donald while Hillary has the President out campaigning for her.  Politics rearing its ugly head.      

Friend Larry Smith is off to see the world in his 'yacht';  great looking sail boat, a bit bigger than the one I got to sail in on Tahoe some years back.   I hope he write about his travels as he must have a million tales to tell.

 A lake in Arizona where Andrea loves to  kayak around.    Cool, calm and collected , what a way to spend a morning.

Well here it is hump day , six days of July  going, going, gone.     Our weather has been cool and calm and today we have been promised a bit of sunshine.   Today is the day Sandy drives the bus around to places she thinks we will find of interest.  I have not gone on the riding trips as yet, and today I have a date to shop, so will miss out again.   I am not sure I want to ride in the rickety bus  which shakes and rattles and is not really very comfortable for distance rides.    We have been to the museums and to several of the smaller towns, so finding places to take us is not easy.    We need the outings but run out of new places to go.    Some of us would settle for a casino for lunch and a little play but a lot of the folks don't like to gamble so the bus doesn't fill up and that means we cannot go.    Most like the idea of shopping but pooze out quickly and are ready to return long before time.   It is an 'age' thing as the mind is willing but the body is not.    Most are more comfortable with their walkers and  they are cumbersome to store on the bus.  A lot of the folks do not go as it seems to be just too much trouble, yet want to go and get out of their apartments for a few hours.  What is needed is a strong activities director who has a huge imagination and some great ideas for the 'over the hill' crowd.

I had a telephone visit with an old neighbor of mine in Brookings and heard about the changes in the neighborhood.  It has only been a little over a year and it is like everyone moved  away.   It was sad to hear that a couple of folks have suffered ill health and not doing well.  Her major complaint was about the hedge between properties and it is not being clipped to her satisfaction.   It is a tall hedge that grows between the properties and when I lived there I had it clipped and not once did this neighbor offer to help keep it up.  I think it was planted right on the property line.   Good neighbors  could and would share but some just don't think that way.   I think a fence is a better idea, shrubbery creates more of a problem  as it takes work and expense to keep it up.  So there are a lot of new faces and it takes time to get to know your neighbors.   I think the renters like the idea of a tall hedge and a bit of privacy.  Smile.

The blinds are open, the sky is blue without a cloud in the sky, the trees are not moving and quiet prevails.  The workers are all in as the cars are parked and it seems everyone has a certain space they call their own.    Not a soul in sight.   The blinds are still closed in the hospital wing.  One young worker is standing by her car pulling her long hair into a pony tail.    Another work day and off she goes.

As for me, I am going to love you and leave you.   I need a refill and have to get dressed and ready for a trip around  a couple of stores today.   Patricia and I are going to see if we can find the ready made bracelets which are cheap at half the price and will save us a lot of grief.   We just are not getting the hang of making beaded bracelets.    Last I heard from my daughter was the spilling of the box of beads off of her dining room table.    I don't think you really want to hear what she said.   and No, I didn't teach her those words.....well, maybe I did use them when I dropped things and spilled them all over the floor and had to pick them up and clean up.   I really didn't think I knew that many words....but I do and she must have been close by and heard every one.

So go about your today with joy.....that feeling that gives you a zest for living.    Be good, be kind, be generous to a fault and open up those arms and hug everyone you see today.    Being a lover isn't all bad.    Hugs to all..

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Good Morning!!!!

I am about to take a ride on my broom....thought you might like to come along!!! Good morning.  I've been awake for hours,  why?   Who k...