A tiny pebble with a big job.
Here it is Hump Day and the Ridgemont folks are going off to a luncheon at a house over on the water. Debby, the daughter of one of our ladies, La Verne, has two luncheons a year for the whole crowd here and what a terrific lunch she puts on. Her home is big, lovely, and on the water. She goes all out to make her luncheon special and everyone has such a good time. I am not going this time, I've been to two and they have been great but I have another date and it is one I want to keep. The ladies and I talked Vinnie into going and I know he will enjoy it as he will find his way to the patio and a view of the water. He is a water lover and has wanted to go for a ride to the ocean or a river and today he will do just that. He will sit on the patio and overlook the water.
The new computer is working great and I am still learning my way around. It is not a lot different than the old one but it is still a bit on the touchy side. I have to lighten the fingers or I'll be all over the key board. Now if I could think of some interesting tidbits, we'd be in good shape.
Pat and I went for a ride to a thrift store where I checked out some books. I had read all that I had in my bookcase and needed some new reading material. I found a couple of Clive Cussler books which should make Vinnie happy. He is not one for those romance novels. Pat was not having a good day. That MS can kick in and make her life miserable so we opted to go to her home and fire up the television and catch up the characters in Cedar Cove. No complaints from me as I enjoy the series and the first season is ending. Now I'll have to wait until the next season comes out.
There is a new little blue and white car that pulled into the parking area. One I haven't seen before...a new worker I guess. It is a small soldier blue car wth white stripes and a white top. I have no idea of the make but it is 'cute'. The workers are starting to come in. It is a beautiful morning, a few gray clouds passing by but some nice big holes in the clouds showing some beautiful blue skies; another pretty day; another cool day. So far summer has been just right but, there is always a but, August may make up for all this coolness. Time will tell.
i was looking at some of the old pictures of the beaches in Brookings and it brought back memories of how we found our way to Brookings and the fourteen years we lived there. I didn't really want to leave it but sometimes life dictates a path we have to take and this was one of those times. The pictures bring back so many good memories and I miss my friends there. I had an open door and they came to share a cup of coffee or tea and whatever I had to go with it. We had some good times, a lot of laughs and some great trips around town to see what the yard sales had to offer. We often had yard sales of our own and they were always fun. I have not been back , as yet, to see the changes in the house I lived in, but I have seen pictures of the new ramp in the front and it looks well built and useful. I could have used a ramp when I came back from Freddys with my groceries...smile. I have a special little cart I use here so I can roll my groceries to the elevator and have no problem getting my groceries up to the apartment.But, I miss Brookings, the house, the friends and the beach and my life style there. Change.....a word that means a lot in our lives, not always bad , not always good, but a necessary evil.
So if you have changes on going, accept what it is you can. Remember the Serenity prayer: "God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change. Courage to change the things i can and the wisdom to know the difference." Keep that in mind as you go about your day today. Be 'serene' . . . a lovely word, a peaceful way, a great way to think about what is going on in your life today. Be good, be kind, be gentle, be serene. Hugs to all. |
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