The kitchen is all cleaned up and ready for inspection...the HUD folks are coming around to check this place out. Inside and outside. The girls have been busy sprucing things up all week. I had no idea HUD had anything to do with this complex. I had to take my towels down. I hope 'they' say I have to have a new kitchen linoleum as mine is rather is very old.
Yes, today is inspection day for the complex and the management has been on their toes. Every little crevice and crack has been looked at. I don't know why they are worried as they really do a great job of keeping this place up. The girls do a wonderful job and can tackle anything. Karen has been trying to hold down two places for the last six months, not fair to her, but she has done a great job for management and they should think seriously about getting some new folks working. We are lucky to have the two young ladies working in our building. They have a routine that is hectic yet they make it look easy. There will be a big sigh of relief when the inspection is over which I am sure will pass with flying colors.
I opted not to go to the luncheon at Debby's on the waterfront yesterday as I had a date with daughter Christine who forgot and didn't show. But. . .all was not lost, Pat rescued me and we went for a ride over to the fancy drug store, a huge store with some of the loveliest articles, like blankets from Alaska, or the scenes were, probably made in China if we looked, I am kidding, they were the real McCoy and beautiful and pricey. I love going to this one drug store as it is huge and the aisles are filled with wonderful different items to look at; prices are high so not many things go in my basket. I don't have room for 'things' anyway, but they are nice to look at.
Pat brought me a puzzle and the puzzle board went back on the table and the frame is already done. She is a puzzle person too. This one is bright and colorful so will be fun to do. We finished the one of all kinds of signs and I forgot to take a picture of it so I lose my bragging rights. If you haven't done a jig saw puzzle in awhile, choose one and set it up and have some fun. It really is a lesson in patience.
So today, be patient. You can do it. You only think you can't. Some folks count to ten. Some folks just are patient. Some have no idea what patience is. So today is a good day to practice. If someone gets your 'goat' ignore it and them, count your blessings quietly and when they cannot upset you they will go away. You can help just smile. Be good, be kind, be gentle, be generous with YOU. . . open arms beget hugs; a smile begets a hug or two; a sparkle in your eyes begets a lot of loving so get in the mood and share some hugs today. Hugs to all.
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