Wednesday, June 8, 2016


A beautiful humming bird to greet you this morning.   the colors of the rainbow and then some. 

Here are two of the scenes Mary McInnis painted for her showing.   the daisies were a favorite of mine.

Friend Angie who just took that picture by camera and was very proud of it, then went to a painting class and came up with this replica of her snapshot and did a tremendous job for a first painting.  this young lady is a marvel; there just isn't anything she cannot do.  She is very talented.

Jock has been on the road since three a.m., bound and determined to make it back home to Gold Beach, Oregon , depending on his back and if it will hold up for a ten hour ride.    He left early so he would miss all the heavy duty traffic in the Portland area.  It is horrendous first thing in the morning .  We had a final dinner out at the Lighthouse and it was about five o'clock when the sky filled with magnificent clouds.  There was one area the likes of which I have never seen before, a scene of trees and a lake, actually a reflection of some of the woodland across the busy highway from the waters edge.  The sound is huge and the boats many, one huge very old ferry boat was out for a spin.   I was fascinated and wished for my camera.  It would have been a beautiful sky to share with you.  I wasn't really hungry so ordered the Nachos and shared, didn't take long for that plate to empty.   I am glad I didn't order the hamburger special as it was huge, plate size, and topped with lots of onion rings.    The word diet comes to mind...and it should.    I had my annual doctor visit and the scale did not change; it didn't go down for sure but then it didn't go up so I can stay on my forever diet as it isn't going to change at this age.Yes, I am still waiting for a greeting that says I am so thin . . . Katrina the Great thin, I don't think it will ever happen in this world.   I liked the new doctor, smiling eyes, a gentle voice, a good ear for listening and he thinks I should continue whatever it is I am going .  I can do that.
So today, think health.   If you have not made an appointment for your annual check up, get busy and make one today.   It is up to YOU to take care of yourself and eating right, exercising a little and feeding the body and mind with all the 'good' stuff is what keeps you going.   If you have developed a few habits that are not so good for your body then it is the time to think about making some changes.   Moderation is the key.    We are all inclined to be a little to good to ourselves and we go overboard  indulging and bulging which is not only foolish but dangerous.   So start being good to yourself and find a happy medium to keep your body and mind healthy.  Healthy means Happy!
So my sermon for today is to be knowledgeable, know a little about a lot of things and be good, be kind, be wise, be gentle and be the best YOU can be.    Share YOU with those you love and like.   Give a little of YOU and indulge in a burst of big open arm hugs and envelop the magic of  L O V E!!!   Don't forget verbal hugs go a long way in making someone 'shine' today, be a beacon, a ray of light, put a little magic in your lantern.    Hugs to all. 

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Good Morning!!!!

I am about to take a ride on my broom....thought you might like to come along!!! Good morning.  I've been awake for hours,  why?   Who k...