Thursday, June 9, 2016

New and Old

Jake.  It is nice to be a great aunt.   This young man is  the great grandson of James and Mary  Sullivan.  His grandmother is Marybeth Sullivan Smith who keeps us up on the newest members of our clan.   What a handsome young man he is and how much he resembles his grandfather ( I think.) I bet he has inherited that sense of fun and will keep us all on our toes. 

This is a picture of the kitchen area of the Log Cabin Museum.   It is a wonderful step back in the history of Port Orchard.   The doors are open every Sunday and the folks do come by to check out on some of the history of the family that once lived in this little cabin.     Come to think of it, I used to have a kettle just like that and gave it up for a much smaller version.

George and Barbara Bush , center field, bet she has a good throwing arm.    Nice to see them up and about.

The first week of June has gone.   The weather is changeable and it is a puzzle to decide what to wear for the day.   This morning the heat is on and the windows were wide open as it was warm yesterday.   Hot to cold, hot to cool, hot to trot as the spring weather nudges its way into summer.  Baseball weather, maybe I'll take a walk up to the corner and see if the youngsters are playing a practice game.  
I  had a nice long catch up read with Vinnie yesterday.  We are getting closer to the end of the book...we both hope;....we read about the Leyte Gulf battle yesterday  and it was quite exciting to say the least.    The Japanese set themselves up on that one.   Herman Wauk does a great job of writing in detail the history of World War II and believe me you are 'there'.
Vinnie has been on a buying streak and came down with some colorful pens made in India so you know how colorful and elaborate the decoration and colors are.    He insisted I have two.  He hoped I would choose the very ornate one but I liked the green one so am now owner of a very fancy pen.    He seems to be on a buying spree lately and buys things in bulk, so to speak, then shares.  It is a very nice gesture on his part.  I think he just likes to get packages in the mail.    He now has a miniature car collection and they are well made and very nice.    His latest was one of the older first models...a model T.    Cute and very well made.   I'd be tempted to get a couple for display as they are cute but I already have enough 'junk' on the bookcase shelves already.   For someone who was not going to fill those shelves again, I am not keeping my word and am filling them as fast as I can.   Another bookcase wouldn't, no ,no.  banish that thought.  I gather once a collector, always a collector even when one swears they will not longer ad to their collections.  Just one more......famous last words.
Do  be a collector, collect all that extra 'stuff' you have laying around and donate it to Good Will .  If you are like me and a few family members I could name,, you will be visiting the thrift stores before long and bringing home some cute little things to fill those empty shelves.   We can't beat it, might as well join the party!  Some special things make great book ends.
So today be of good cheer.   Share YOU with those you like and love.    Somewhere nearby someone is sitting alone and lonely wishing for a kind word, so . . . what are you waiting for?    Get going, stop off and buy a couple of fancy breakfast buns, the big round ones with icing and nuts , or a jelly donut if you prefer, pick up a latte and stop in and spend some time with that someone and make their day bright and beautiful;  just like YOU, be a budding flower and open up.  Hugs to all.   

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Good Morning!!!!

I am about to take a ride on my broom....thought you might like to come along!!! Good morning.  I've been awake for hours,  why?   Who k...