Scenery like this was prevalent for miles and miles.
John and I got an early start on Monday morning. The little gadget that tells you what routes to take was plugged in and the voice of the lady seemed clear, calm and ready to lead us along the back routes of Washington to the shores of Oregon, I don't know if she was having a bad day , or just didn't think we needed to stay away from that major highway I find repulsive with the heavy duty truck traffic and a 'billion;' cars on the road, but she managed to lead us into a couple of strange places. One looked like a boat yard and we wondered if we were destined to hop on a boat to get where we wanted to go. We found a way off that highway on our own and settled down to two country lane roads where peace and serenity abide. The ride was long, as I had not realized just how far we were to travel; all the way down passed Tillamook, a good third of the way along the Oregon coast. We stopped in Tillamook where John took care of some Oregon business and then we drove on for many more miles until we got to Lincoln City. Our Dory restaurant has a new location in another small town, the old one is being rebuilt and we had to choose another place to eat. We found several places where the food was very good , one having clam chowder made to perfection. Ah!!!! Christine laughs when I refuse to pay two or three dollars for a cup of coffee; I just wont; goes again my grain; how folks are gouged these days. I know, I know, my litany of words. I actually ask the price of a cup of coffee before I order one. Water is good, gets better all the time. We reached The Chinook Winds casino, crowded with gamers and oblivious to the outside world. . .not a clock in sight. The newer machines were fun to play and before out time was up, I found a new machine to play bingo on and it was not only fun to play but good to me. I got my money back and went on to play with hopes of winning a ten spot but five or six was the best I cold do and that of course allowed me to play a little longer. When I saw a Willie Wonka machine I was not sure I wanted to play, but I did, and I won enough to pay for our trip and gas for the ride home. I'm smiling. We started off early yesterday morning for our trek home , took a wrong turn and wound up heading for Canada and the Indian reservation high on the mountain tops. Thirty extra miles before we found our way back to the right route home. The mountains are beautiful, the exception being the cut of trees that lay bare an area and the roots are left to rot. Miles and miles of two lane roads going nowhere. Well, they go somewhere but not the way we needed to go. We plugged in that little travel gadget and our lady friend led us back to civilization. Let me say it is 'quiet' out there. So we got to see a lot more than we bargained for and it is absolutely awesome. We managed to get home to find son Michael has arrived. He looks great and it felt good to have that big bear hug. Christine put on the tea for me and we caught up with the news of what Mike has been up to. Right now he is building a huge boat for the pirate theme for the upcoming parade in Nevada. He is doing a tremendous job and I hope to have some pictures for you at a later date. So all in all, life goes on as the saying goes and I am enjoying having my children here to help me celebrate one more birthday. Ninety two. . . wow that sounds like a lot. . . well it is and it hasn't lost its magic yet. So I am off to join my children and plot and plan what we can do today. I hope you are lucky to have family visit and get all the hugs you have been missing. It is fun to show off some of the places to visit , like the Submarine Museum here. John should find the old diving suits a reminder of his Navy days. Take them out and about and enjoy every second for the 'routine' of our lives comes back much sooner than we want it to. I am off for a refill, going to put my shoes on and out that door to meet four very special people. Ah!! My kids.....yep, I'm smiling. Be good, be kind, be gentle and share YOU with those you love today. Hugs to all. |
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