Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Off On A Trip Through The Tulips

I thought it was the Scarecrow that didn't have a brain;   didn't realize there was more out there looking for one.

Not tulips but close enough..  I am off on a bus trip today to see the tulip fields.   I hear it is a lovely ride and there will be beautiful fields of tulips to see.  I'll let you know tomorrow.  We are leaving by nine a.m. which means putting my shoes on early and get down to the bus.

Much too cute to not put up for today.   Children...what would we ever do without them...Hope we never find out....

Have yourself a great day, hopefully; taking a trip to see some of the best offerings in your area.    Wear comfortable shoes, take a jacket in case of rain drops and take a few extra dollars for lunch out.   

Love one another.  Be good, be kind, be gentle. . . and share YOU with those you like and love.    Do not be stingy generous, call a friend and go out to lunch at your favorite restaurant.     Go for a hike down a pathway you have not traveled on before.    Stop at Subway; and order a six inch long sandwich and share it with a friend as you sit in your car and look out over the ocean, or find a park and go sit on a bench and enjoy the sights and sounds.     Enjoy TODAY, ever second of it.   

Be a hugger.    Be flexible.    Be that special YOU as only YOU can be.   Hugs to all.

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Good Morning!!!!

I am about to take a ride on my broom....thought you might like to come along!!! Good morning.  I've been awake for hours,  why?   Who k...