Two desolate lonely structures, once homes , now abandoned . A house is a house but without a family in it, it is nothing. What is that old adage about home is where the heart is? a truism for sure. Every thing, including structures, need loving care and it takes strong folks to make a house a home.
Well, here it is Saturday and I am joining my two daughters to attend a birthday party for King Louie; our delightful and funny fellow gallery man who delights us with his wit and wisdom. A former railroad conductor who does a one may show for us and imparts first hand information as to what it is like to ride the rails. He is a photographer , first class, and an artist as well. A man of many talents. Today is his birthday and the formula on this invitation mentioned his age but you had to figure it out . It is going to be an interesting feast as each of us is bringing something . . .no one knows what. . . a smorgasbord of delights I am sure.
Vinnie was a no show yesterday and I will be a no show today; wonder if we will get through this book and remember what it was all about. Time will tell. A couple of our missing seniors showed up yesterday and it was good to see them. One had been off for ten days to Arizona to visit family and had a wonderful time. She celebrated her 90th birthday while there so it was a big family event. Our other lady stayed around the town but at her daughters where she was wined and dined as she too celebrated her birthday, just a kid, only eighty eight.
I saw a good deed in action yesterday when I looked out the window and saw Marcus pushing Don in his wheel chair. The weather was beautiful, sweater weather, sunshine, and getting outside of the hospital wing must have made Don feel great. He has been fighting having to stay there as he wants to come back over here. His apartment is now housing someone else and his family cleared out his belongings knowing he can't come back as he cannot take care of himself. He is wheelchair bound and has to get used to the idea that changes occur whether one likes it or not. As little ones time hung heavy and we thought we would never grow up ; then you do and eventually find that the life cycle repeats itself and you become a child once again and it is hard to accept when the mind stays alert and the body weakens. The story of old age. So today, feel good about the age you are now celebrating. Make a mental note to take care of your mind, your body and especially your attitude about life in general. We can't always have 'things' the way we think they should be and have to accept the 'things' as they come but we do have a brain to use, a body to take care of and the will to do it all. You have to remember to take care of "YOU' so you can take care of those you like and love . . .and that goes full circle. Independence is important but not if it takes away the gift of love from those who really truly care for you. You really do not lose your independence, you gain the love and caring of those you nurtured in a life time and you find that 'what goes around comes around' and the surprises are a blessing in disguise. I think there is another adage about 'what you sow you reap'' a truism; so sow good things today so you will reap even better things tomorrow. Hugs to all. |
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