Rain, Rain Go Away, Come Again Another Day . . . It's raining out, its pouring out, the old man is snoring, bumped his head and couldn't get up inn the morning..... Spring Mornings
"Wind abide in skies of gray/Tree leaves begin to sway//The sun hidden for another day/as a storm arrives bringing rain to stay.Trees in bloom/Flowers bright/A little snow is tulips plight/Birds and Seagulls fly about/Hoping for a tasty bite.
Spring is fickle, that we know/As it puts on its early show/Sending us the last of snow." Spring Storms
"Morning light seeking a path/Through trees budding in Spring/But the clouds do not hide/As they scudder by/Bringing raindrops and wind./The light fades into ashen gray/Raindrops start their pelting/ The wind howls as it goes by/Uprooting trees and power lines/ Darkness prevails and candles are lit/Silence reigns/The storm goes by/Lights come on again/Life goes on through Nature's tears/just more slowly and more reserved/then gales of laughter when the sun came out/and the stormy clouds no longer shout." The Sound of Rain
"A drip/A splatter/A splash A plop/Sheeting / Sideways/Shrill or Spill/ How does one give a name to rain/when it comes down from heaven above/never stopping for very long/making everyone forlorn./We need it for our fruits and flowers/we need it for the grass to grow/but never do we need the excess flow./ mud slides down the hills/bringing rocks and tree roots never still/ rivers over run their banks/streets are lakes/ homes are flooded//folks are sad for loss of things/but realize it is only Spring. /We all know spring bring rain/we loudly sing the old refrain/"April showers bring May flowers"/ along with warmth and sun/ and when it stops we'll shout with glee/and dance around the May pole dry and free." My morning offering as the rains stay, more coming in today. Our Jock is unhappy as it means he cannot get out his boat and go fishing . . . why not? He will get wet one way or the other and he might as well be out there 'dancing in the rain'...so don't let a little rain stop you; but . . . you are not allowed if the storm becomes a gale, YOU we cannot do without. I changed my mind, don't be brave, stay home where you are safe and plan the fishing for a sunshine day. Son John tell me they are having seventy degree days with sunshine; but last week he was shoveling snow from his sidewalk. Spring...a lovely time of year with a desire to be fickle. Wherever you reside, just take one day as it comes and add a little song and a dance step when you go outside. Remember..."boots are made for walking" just go sloshing in the rain. " Singing in the rain, what a glorious feeling, I'm happy again...." la, la, la......better than mumbling and grumbling. You may have sunshine and do not equate to all this chatter about raindrops, so don't be jealous, your days will come and you can join in the refrains. I think the next time I go shopping I'll invest in a rain coat and some boots and take my advice and go out and dance in the rain. Right now I am going to love you and leave you and head for a cup of coffee and cook up the last of the pancake batter...wish you were here, I'd share. Make your day a good deed day and excel. See if you can top what you did yesterday. Make your smile wider; your eyes sparkle with a happy gleam and squeeze someone you love; give the oranges a break today. Hugs to all. |
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