Wednesday, February 17, 2016


One of those pictures that you study closely and find all kinds of interesting things.   A lady...Spanish dancer?   a sleeping dog, an old man with a beard, a lady's face another pretty face...they are all there ....

Well it is Nevada . . . I am sure Hillary will be displeased.....probably some of Bill's old girl friends.

How often we are surprised.   smile!!!

Overcast, foggy and one of those days until the sun broke through and the spirits lifted.   A slow day at  Ridgemont .  We do have a traffic problem within our elevator rides to the dining room on the third floor.   You know everyone wants to go up and be first in line for dinner and trying to get those walkers on is not easy.  It will take three and one with a cane but that is pushing it.   It is best not to be in a hurry as when you do get to the third floor and get off the elevator and it is not yet eleven o'clock you stand in the hall way waiting for the door to open.   A good conversation time but a bit iffy as the stair well is right there and a lot of the folks gather at the top.  I envision someone going down the 'hard' way.  I hope not.  But, it is dangerous and I think they, the powers that be, should open the door and let everyone in providing they go to their table and wait for the time for them to go for their drinks and wait for their table call.   They can settle in with their drink, some salad and sometimes fruit.   It takes the cooks time to get over from the other building with the food cart.    Some of our seniors are not in good condition and extremely slow so there is a wait no matter which way you look at it.    No easy answer, all are happy that they can still get up and move.  Walkers are handy and of our ladies has a brand new one.  She had a tough time making it go but has finally gotten the hang of it.   It is a great vehicle as the seat makes for a good tray to put your dinner and drinks on and wheel to your table.    I have taken to going up after eleven so I have the elevator to myself and the line is a lot shorter once I get up there.   I would volunteer to help those that really need it but it is not something that I can do as help is frowned on.    So many have the beginning or are along with shaking hands and it is sad to watch them struggle when those of us who have steady hands could dish up a plate without any problem and serve them.   Against the rules...oh well, a price we pay for Independence. 
So take time to think about age , health, muscles, all of which are attached one way or another and if you do not take care to use them you lose them..  I do not mean to preach, but each of us are inclined to think our bodies will last forever strong, resilient and Katrina the Great will live forever.....a nice thought but the reality is our bodies start to complain when we do not make good use of them and take care of them.  So today, be wise. . . set a few rules that will make you get up out of your chair and move.   Dance around the house and sing loud and laugh out loud;  my you will feel so good.    After you have had some healthy fun, call a friend and make a lunch date, you have earned it.
Take your mad money and spend it.   Buy a bonbon or two;  or a chocolate milk shake to sooth the achy muscles you just gave a good working-out to.   Then tomorrow you can start all over again as you run around the block or get down on your knees and wash the kitchen floor.    You will 'live longer and prosper'   or so it is whom?   I don't know, just try it and you will  live longer in good health.   We have three ninety-nine year olds here and several getting close.  
Be good, be kind, be gentle and be a friend today.   Remember one good deeds deserves another, think what two or three more will do.      Andrea sent this little tid bit  in yesterday . . "A smile  is a sign of joy; a hug is a sign of love;  laughter is a sign of happiness;  and a friend like me is a sign of good taste."      Of course it is . . .and each of you has excellent I do.  We just delight in making our world go around.        Hugs to all


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Good Morning!!!!

I am about to take a ride on my broom....thought you might like to come along!!! Good morning.  I've been awake for hours,  why?   Who k...