I bet these 'chiefs of state' would love to have this picture lost forever. Would you say they earned their keep? A sad state of affairs. I wonder what they voted on . . .
And History has a way of repeating itself. |
Yes, I think we all have...and if the truth be known we probably headed the line on occasion. |
The dogwood. . suppose to taste like bananas. I wonder if it is truly edible. Don't think I'll try.
"I don't know why, there's no sun up in the sky...stormy weather!!!" Here it is Thursday and the week is flying by. The rains prevail, never ending as this week has been one of daily storms passing through in the afternoons. Meeting up with Christine's friends, Kira and her husband Bill at Moon Dog II where Wednesday night fare is a $5.00 hamburger with all the trimmings and some sweet potato fries or just plain old French fries. Cold Slaw is on the menu also and they make a delicious one. It was interesting to find out that it is a small world as Kira was a teacher back in the sixties right in Sacramento, California where we lived. We were practically neighbors and did not know it. The talk was about travel and it was fun to hear some of the tales of camping, storms, leaky tents, cars that refused to go and learning to cook over an open fire. We all had tall tales to tell. It is so easy to laugh out loud when you hear tales of what used to be. Good food, good company. . can't beat it. Kira asked if I had any camping experiences to tell and found out quickly that I was city bred, had no idea of what camping entailed and the very first time I went I was eight months pregnant, with four little ones to keep tabs on, and put in charge of another two while the men went fishing. They had built a fire so I could get ready to cook up the fish they were to catch and believe me that never happened. I spent my time changing diapers, fixing bruises and cut fingers and wondering if I had lost my mind trying to sleep in a crowded tent with all the bugs of creation keeping me company. It was my first and last trip. If I was to go camping it was to be in a motel with a hot shower and a television set with Howdy Doody on. So do not let my experienced stop you from camping. A lot of folks find it fun and love it. To others, like me, it is an acquired taste, like learning to drink a martini, and one never knows if that taste will every be enjoyed. I'd need a couple of martinis to do that ever again. It is something to think about as the seasons change so quickly and spring will be here before we know it and the summer months following when you will be looking for some vacation time....camping maybe? Come to think of it, it may be a good time to check out the storage areas and find out just where you stand with camping equipment. You may need some replacements or go shopping for a new tent , although from the conversation last evening, the older tents are better with a lot more water proofing. Nothing like sleeping in a leaky tent to keep you wide awake for the night. Go check, and start day dreaming about a romp in the woods come summer time. Be good, be gentle, be kind and your day with be bright and clear no matter what the weather. A good deed will lift the spirits. A phone call will make someone far away seem so much closer. A bear hug or two will lift you off your feet and bring a big smile that will linger for the day. Go for it. Hugs to all. |
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