I have picked up some pinecones along the roadway as I walk up to the corner and back on sunshine days. I haven't done much with them and this seems like a lovely idea. Wonder what was used to color them. Wish the instructions came with the picture. |
Believe it or not these are purple tomatoes. I wonder if they taste the same as the red ones? Um...we will have to look for them and try them for taste and texture in our next big salad. |
Mother Teresa was a very special human being who shared her love with everyone rich, poor, sick or healthy; it just didn't matter as she truly believe we are all God's children. No wonder she was made a saint. |
Oh what you can do with rocks of all sizes and shapes. I like this message...I love the ocean....I love the sunrise and the sunsets and YOU.
Twice a month, here at Ridgemont, Karen makes a decision as to where to plan an outing for those who want to go out for a few hours. She always asks for suggestions and then follows up to find something that will suit us all and then plans for the bus. Today the trip out was to be lunch at the Airport and then a ride down the canal. The Airport folks had our table ready; we had an excellent waitress who made us welcome, took our orders and made sure we had water, coffee and what ever beverage was wanted. There were only two waitresses on the floor and it was exceptionally busy. It was difficult for our waitress as some of our ladies had their walkers with them and it is hard to find a place to park them. She managed a corner and off they went. Our orders were in, the food came up and it was delightful and delicious as most of us had fish and chips for which they are touted as having the best in town. I agree. The chef sent us not two pieces of cod, as ordered, but three large pieces as he thought they were a bit to small to serve. He overdid it as the pieces were really a good size and tasty; we didn't leave a crumb. It was so nice to get an extra piece at no cost to us. Now that is one chef who knows how to make sure we will come back. You can bet we are already planning another fish and chip treat at the Airport restaurant.
After lunch was over and everyone back on the bus, Sandy put it in gear and off we went . Our first town was Belfair where we were treated to a trip around the block to see some gorgeous murals painted on the entire side of a building. In fact there were two. Both well done and a natural pride of the town of Belfair. As we left town and headed down the road leading to the canal, we passed so many homes, big and beautiful, but what caught my eye were the fences. Each one was different. Each family home had a special fence chosen by the owner and one they wanted to enhance their property. Some were logs thrown across an area in front of the house without a lot of thought. At lest they were not nailed together but just seem to be laid one upon the other and let the wind try to do its work. There were some of chain link metal; some very old wooden staves; some cement; and a few very different originals of which I had no concept of the materials used. I did not have my camera with me. I meant to, honest. Some were painted, some bent with age and atilt which no one seems to mind. A couple reminded me of Tom Sawyer and his job of painting a white picket fence, and the old words regarding a small cottage with a picket fence tune. some of the houses were shacks; honestly; some were tiny and I'd like to see the inside to see what the size of the rooms really are. But the estates showed up along the way and they are something else to see. I would hate to have the upkeep......and the expense.
The road seemed endless and the canal is huge, wide, with mountains jutting high covered with snow caps, endless water without a wave to its name and only a rare sea bird flew bye. There was a huge camping park that look interesting, well kept and probably used in the summer months. In short seconds we were in a town called "Union City" , like a stop in the road. I understand Bill Gates owns property; there. There is a very large hotel, looked like a great place to stay, called The Alderwood. We drove through the circular driveway and had a peek. I had to laugh as I pictured the management folks wondering how come a bus load of people were coming in their driveway and they had no reservations. I bet they had a scary moment or two.
Off in the distance we saw the Tacoma Power Electric equipment which runs down the side of the mountain. It looked like they cleared a huge area as there was not a tree in sight. We passed by Hunter Farms and crossed over a bridge where a lot of salmon is caught. If it rains, then it floods, then no fishing. There is a lot of areas that are flood prone as the rivers run high and the rain seems to be ceaseless.
We went through the Indian reservation. They are the Skokomish Indian tribe and sad to say some of the properties were like junk yards. No rhyme or reason, just plain messes no one seems to care about. We went through an area that is known for its floods. Houses on stilts ; some with brick walls and there is the canal and a river so rain is the enemy in this country area. There is a Fish Hatchery, a lot of dirt roads with pot holes which Sandy tried hard to miss. They were valley homes with wire fences. There is trout in the river that runs along the area. There was a sign that said, "River Bend" and a tree farm in the area. As we climbed up the mountain side we saw a lot of the area where they are cutting trees. The dirt road was just too much so we turned around and headed down into the valley where there were; meadows and green grasses and lovely homes. There was some interesting yard art made out of stumps of trees. Some had the look of a beaver.
We stopped at an open area where they had a big store, an antique shop and a woman with an eight week old baby goat, an orphan being bottle fed and well taken care of...well loved. We got to pet its soft body and it seemed to like all the attention. The store had special homemade ice creams so the ladies chose their favorites and took them back on the bus to eat on the way home. I am having deserts only on Sundays during lent so I just looked ...I was really too full from the fish and chips so had no place for ice cream anyway. "Sour grapes". smile.
It was a sunshine day, beautiful and we all had a great time. So now I am going to take my shoes off, fix a hot cup of tea and turn on the television and do a lot of nothing for the rest of the evening.
You have my story of a day away from Ridgemont. It was fun and Sandy should get a big hug for being a really truly great driver.
I hope that you did something fun for your Wednesday. If not, then start thinking of a trip around your area that will please you and those you choose to take with you. Be sure you put a few extra shekels in your purse as you never know when you will find the best ice cream vendor in the area. Be smarter than me, take your camera with you...yes...I forgot mine. I am so sorry. I had planned to snap a lot of pictures...but then on a moving bus with shaded windows I wouldn't have gotten many.
Maybe you will come this way and you can go down the canal and pick up some oysters in their beds on the canal. Think about it when you plan your vacation as there are lots of 'old' places, tiny towns, all different from what you are used to.
Be good, be kind, be adventuresome and plan a trip around your town. Look for areas you just have not taken the time to visit. You may be in for a lovely surprise.
Don't forget the hugs. . . the good deed for today... and fill you seconds with love and laughter. Hugs to all.