Hey there, look at me.....look at me....I see YOU!!! Reminds me of 'the Donald'.
And a good quiet morning to you. I just woke up for the third time, not a record, but I am getting a little better than the three thirty and four a.m. rising...even the sun knows enough not to 'shine' at that time of night for it is still nighttime. Some times going back to bed and not thinking does the trick, sometimes nothing works so you might just as well get up and start your day or head for your easy chair and take matters up in the comfort zone. It could be called 'memory time' as your brain thinks of a tune and that leads to memories and that means no more sleep. . . not a bad thing.....just adjusting your body clock to an early rising and a few more surprise naps before the next evening shows when you sleep through the good parts. I sat through a few news casts last evening and didn't miss a thing. The same things goes on and on like one of those 'happenings that goes on for weeks over and over and over. The "Donald" just does not get handsome. I think it is his mouth which never stops. What is it the old timers used to say....'he means well' . . . and he is saying what a lot of folks are listening to. Another saying is something to do with the "road to hell . . .and good intentions' it is going to be a long year to voting time so don't sit back and not listen as we need to know who is strong enough to take over and give us back our pride in being an American. Well Vinnie and I had a two hour reading session, or rather I had at least an hour of a listening session. Vinnie thinks I am good for him...as I have the patience to listen to his tales. He loves to talk. He has a good mind and a retentive one so has no problem 'taking the floor' and telling long tales all about history which sometimes leads to personal life stories which is probably something he needs as loneliness is a big part of an elders life be they seventy on or close to the ending chapter in their lives. I have found, since being here at Ridgemont, that giving an ear for a few minutes brightens a life or two. The need is great so when I remind you to take a few minutes out to say hello or make a short visit to an elderly person, it is like being a listening angel for a few short seconds of your time. Time hangs heavy for some. without family or friends. Some folks did not take the time to reach out to be a friend and actually felt they didn't need to; now, at the very ripe old age the pay off is loneliness and heartbreak. So keep that in mind as you use your seconds . Make sure you are cultivating your "poppies of the future" and share a little of your 'ear' to one who could use a listening hug. Hugs are varied in size and scope; one for every rhyme and reason. So today be a hugger. It is a grey sky morning and the roof of the hospital building across from me has a lot of frost on the roof which looks like light snow. All the shades are closed, no sign of anyone moving about. The morning folks have not yet come to work and those that pull the night shift are going to have to warm their cars up before taking off this morning. It just looks cold out there and I bet it is. You know it is much easier to sit here and look out than to be out there bundled up and shaking with the cold. There comes a time I life, believe it or not, when you welcome not having to get up and get dressed and rush out the door. The 'life pace' slows down and it isn't all bad. Slow is good as we have already done all the racing we needed to do. You young whipper snappers have a way to go to find out you could have, should have, paced yourself and saved a bit of that energy for the tarnished brass years as the so called golden ones seemed to have disappeared. So . . . start right now, be true to yourself, then no regrets. Be kind and generous as it has a way of coming back to you. Be sweet, sounds hard when you have a sour disposition, so improve. Be a mover, a shaker and give out some of that energy in some solid bear hugs and let everyone you know and love, even like, that YOU are willing and able to participate in life and love. BE YOU!! Hugs to all. |
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