Choose a special card and remember someone you like ...or is it love?....today!! |
A picture that never loses its touch, its feeling, reminding us to be thankful for our blessings...life, food, friends....offer a prayer of thanksgiving!! |
Beauty is in the eyes......can't argue with these!!! |
time to take the dogs for a walk!!! |
It will be alright with me if you decide to bring a treat when you come!!! |
Good morning. A new day. Right now it is pitch black out there in the parking lot. I cannot see anything. Probably not even five a.m. yet....been up for awhile...have had a cup of coffee and found a box of special cookies from Costco as the girls went shopping yesterday. Cookies are tasty for breakfast but my favorite is still bacon or ham and eggs with buttered toast....just to lazy to get out there and cook; maybe later.....not awake yet.
A new day, wonder what is in store for me today. I have no special plans. My little plaque with the prayer of Serenity is nearby reminding me "God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change. courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference...... Amen to that!
We have a new day, the start of a brand new week so lets get up and get out there and do something good and useful. So get up, get going, and be 'charming' a step above 'good'; share YOU with those you like and love. Good deeds are in order. Light a candle, offer up a few extra prayers for those who are hurting today. Just be magnanimous , you can do it.....go show off a little....be a lover...be one who loves to laugh out loud, be a special friend today...be YOU!!!! Hugs to all.
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