We had a 'class' yesterday and made flowers, not like these, but more like a large beautiful rose, many layers, made out of coffee filters, color tinged the edges and we were all very proud of ourselves..smile!
It is fun to be creative. It is fun to sit with friend and make things. It is fun to be able to function and to laugh. Sometimes our efforts are really funny, but....in the long run we all do good work and I'd say were proud of our accomplishment for the day. I enjoy the classes when they have them and there was a good turn out.
This morning the sun is shining, not a breeze, nothing moving, not even cars as most are parked for the day and the workers are already busy in the hospital wing. The shades are drawn, the workers are hurrying in and a new day begins.
I am hoping to see my girls today and if I am lucky they may take me to town and I can visit Louie's new studio. I'd like to see it and wish him well. I am thinking of taking a nice plant to decorate a corner of his room. I hope he is successful and the folks here appreciate the artists and their work. We do have some talent here. I haven't painted for awhile but am thinking of it. Maybe Louis will hang one of mine in his shop....or not...smile!!
I had a call from my friend in Ecuador who is happy and content there. She tells me it is lovely and she is settled in a house and now has two dogs. She is making friends and learning the language and I bet is teaching some English as well. Her daughter has finally accepted the fact that she wants to be there and is going to visit her so all is changing for the better.
So life goes on. Everyone here is healthy and happy. No complaints, at least not out loud. I might have one or two but no one listens so it is easier and best to keep quiet...smile!! Today is a good bright sunshine day, a good day to enjoy. So get busy and enjoy it.
Be good, be sweet...bet you haven't been that for awhile..smile!! Be YOU and enjoy the day and all it brings. Time to shop and get ready for the Fourth of July it is right around the corner. Make the holiday a fun one...invite family and friends in for a cookout and light a few fire crackers ..celebrate because you can.
Hugs to all.
Friday, June 30, 2017
Thursday, June 29, 2017
Sunday With Friends!!
Hail, Hail, the Gangs all here!!!!! Fun in the sunshine.....the grill hot and ready for chicken, hamburgers, hot dogs....or whatever those taste buds want....friends...the best ingredient of all..a summer day...sunshine...cool breeze...a glass of wine, soda pop, even hot coffee....Sunday with friends!!!! So many reasons to smile. I hobnobbed with some of the wonderful Gallery folks yesterday afternoon and had a great time. Friends.....and they know how to be good ones....laughter...love .... and a summer sunshine day to remember for a long time to come. Love Louie, his stories, his laughter, his kindness, his natural born showmanship that brings love and laughter to every gathering. Louella had the grill fired up, the chairs set up for all to relax and enjoy and I would venture to say a not only good time, but a great time was had by all. Good folks, happy folks, folks who love to laugh and share time. It was a fun day and a good sunshine day to share.
So, if you have not had a summer party yet, think about having the 'gang' over and have a cookout in the sunshine. Spend some time together and enjoy the fresh air, the delicious food offerings and of course the deserts....but..best of all is the sharing and caring of each other....enjoy....the time you spend together will be a memory builder for a long time to come.
Today is a good day to plan....so get busy and plan so you can have the next outdoor gathering and enjoy the love and friendship of family and friends....that is what summer is for.....enjoy!!
I'm off to start my new day....wonder what is in store for me??? um.....good things I bet....a walk to the corner in the sunshine....shared tales of the weekend at lunch time.....maybe, if I am lucky, the girls will call and want to share some time....all kinds of good things happen in a day and today may be the best of all...one never knows....smile!!
Be good, be kind, be gentle..be YOU and share you with those you like and love. Make your today special...just like you.... be a magician and create smiles today. Have fun. Be warmth and sunshine. Hugs to all.
So, if you have not had a summer party yet, think about having the 'gang' over and have a cookout in the sunshine. Spend some time together and enjoy the fresh air, the delicious food offerings and of course the deserts....but..best of all is the sharing and caring of each other....enjoy....the time you spend together will be a memory builder for a long time to come.
Today is a good day to plan....so get busy and plan so you can have the next outdoor gathering and enjoy the love and friendship of family and friends....that is what summer is for.....enjoy!!
I'm off to start my new day....wonder what is in store for me??? um.....good things I bet....a walk to the corner in the sunshine....shared tales of the weekend at lunch time.....maybe, if I am lucky, the girls will call and want to share some time....all kinds of good things happen in a day and today may be the best of all...one never knows....smile!!
Be good, be kind, be gentle..be YOU and share you with those you like and love. Make your today special...just like you.... be a magician and create smiles today. Have fun. Be warmth and sunshine. Hugs to all.
Wednesday, June 28, 2017
Hump Day!!
The morning sky; beautiful, a new day, not a bit of a breeze out there this morning. The workers are heading into the hospital wing, all dressed in their blues, walking quickly, ready for a new day. Quiet prevails, a lovely time of day, no noise, no breeze blowing, no movement at all at the moment . . . silence is awesome as the brain wonders what is going to happen as silence is lonely, silence is lack of movement and motion of any kind. One wonders what is the first step to take this new day; for me, easy...I'm on the computer talking with you and looking out the window to the parking area in front of the hospital wing where the shades are drawn and early morning quiet is at hand. No breeze this morning , nothing is moving ....it wont last...workers will come in, park, walk over to the entrance and a new day begins.
I have a new picture on my wall today; a seascape with an ocean cove, huge rocks, a familiar sight I used to see in Brookings and it brings memories to mind....yes, I miss Brookings and the ocean and the rides out and the friends I'd like to spend some time with. Um....a vacation before the summer is over, maybe that will help resolve the restless spirit that sometimes prevails. I should not complain as I have plenty of water right here surrounding out little town. The ride out around the water is wonderful, the ferries huge and busy crossing to Seattle. The ride to Manchester is always special and the Manchester Grill offers some great food. Yeah....we rode over yesterday and it made our day special. I have nothing to complain about ...but...I manage to find something...smile!!
I did get out yesterday, I did wander through the aisles of Goodwill and I did find a new picture for my wall. I really don't have room for more pictures, but....one more can't hurt...smile......It has the huge boulders, the ocean, the overcast sky, a picture to get lost in...a picture that is soft and inviting...yeah, I am on my way to a picture wall there is no way I cannot hang such awesome beauty....and it is so easy to get lost in its beauty.I only have six pictures hung on my wall right now; um....wonder if I can fit in a couple of more, you know I"ll find some I cannot live without....smile!!
So today, take time out and go and look and see if you can find something wonderful and beautiful to hang on your wall. Bare walls are of empty spirit; be brave and hang some pictures of the scenes and the things that mean something to you. Fill your home with beauty and you will never be lonely; put on your favorite music, surround yourself with 'things' you love and your heart will soar and you will know what happiness feels like. Go.....be YOU.....be a person of wonderment!!! Hugs to all.
I have a new picture on my wall today; a seascape with an ocean cove, huge rocks, a familiar sight I used to see in Brookings and it brings memories to mind....yes, I miss Brookings and the ocean and the rides out and the friends I'd like to spend some time with. Um....a vacation before the summer is over, maybe that will help resolve the restless spirit that sometimes prevails. I should not complain as I have plenty of water right here surrounding out little town. The ride out around the water is wonderful, the ferries huge and busy crossing to Seattle. The ride to Manchester is always special and the Manchester Grill offers some great food. Yeah....we rode over yesterday and it made our day special. I have nothing to complain about ...but...I manage to find something...smile!!
I did get out yesterday, I did wander through the aisles of Goodwill and I did find a new picture for my wall. I really don't have room for more pictures, but....one more can't hurt...smile......It has the huge boulders, the ocean, the overcast sky, a picture to get lost in...a picture that is soft and inviting...yeah, I am on my way to a picture wall there is no way I cannot hang such awesome beauty....and it is so easy to get lost in its beauty.I only have six pictures hung on my wall right now; um....wonder if I can fit in a couple of more, you know I"ll find some I cannot live without....smile!!
So today, take time out and go and look and see if you can find something wonderful and beautiful to hang on your wall. Bare walls are of empty spirit; be brave and hang some pictures of the scenes and the things that mean something to you. Fill your home with beauty and you will never be lonely; put on your favorite music, surround yourself with 'things' you love and your heart will soar and you will know what happiness feels like. Go.....be YOU.....be a person of wonderment!!! Hugs to all.
Tuesday, June 27, 2017
Monday, June 26, 2017
Sunday, June 25, 2017
Good Morning!!
Saturday, June 24, 2017
A New Day!!
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Just a good-morning. I wish you a day of sunshine and laughter. |
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I have flowers like these on my table from Pat's garden. She has a green thumb. |
Friday, June 23, 2017
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True words to think about....we never realize how lucky we are until we look back and realize all of the wonders we have lived through, with more to come....enjoy today! |
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A favorite bleeding heart bush...remembrance and love....some pictures do that. |
There are no new words to tell you about anything going on around here yesterday; a quiet day ...all day. I cleaned out a 'paper' drawer and that was quite an accomplishment. I now have room to add more paper..smile. You know just as soon as you clean out a drawer that becomes a time when you find you threw away the wrong ones. Life is like that.
I now have room for more files and all I have to do is get busy and catch up with some of my writing. I am still writing the great American novel ....good luck to that...smile!!! I do have tales to tell, mind goes back a long way but I am lazy and never finish the tales I begin. My time seems endless but one of these days I am going to wake up and realize that a lot of it has already gone and my mind along with it...smile!! You were not that interested it my tales anyway...smile!!!
Words do beget pictures of people and places, and there are tales to be told. I wonder, at times, how our life stories remain in our brains forever; one thought and a picture comes through....one word and a book enfolds....we are really very special and should share our memories with those we love...and they should share their memories as well. Some enter twine and we have a home movie of our very own. So today, think....take time out and make notes about the special times in your life; some good, some bad, some indifferent, but they are a part of what you experienced as you came along. You just do not realize you have a 'novel' in you....so give it some thought...takes some notes....think some more and write your novel and share it. Remember, we all have a tale to tell.
I'm off to get dressed and put my shoes on. Who knows what will transpire today; I might even get an invitation out....that would be special; sharing time with someone you love....um.....I would love that.....hope you get an invitation and share you with those you like and love. Make your day as special as YOU...Hugs to all.
Thursday, June 22, 2017
A New Morning....Good Morning!
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This beautiful colorful bird reminds me of the Biblical story of Joseph's Coat. No wonder his brothers were jealous ad envious. |
Wednesday, June 21, 2017
Love Grows
Tuesday, June 20, 2017
New Day!
A new day, a cool baby blue sky out there right now, trees look dark and are still; not a bit of movement this morning. It is early....much to early for anyone to be up and out of bed, and then there is me...smile.....well I am just not a sleeper; late to bed, early to rise should make me wealthy and wise but that is not the case I am sorry to say....I am awake, just barely, only a sip of coffee so far but I'm working on it. I 'dropped an egg' one of my favorite breakfast treats although I think fresh doughnuts win out every time. I know where the good calories are...don't you? I bet you do. What can we talk about this morning? Not much as I didn't go out yesterday. I had drop in company and that is always fun. Doris stopped in and played with the jig saw puzzle. It is amazing how many like to do jig saw puzzles but will not put one out on their table. Not sure why...probably don't want to take up the space. The puzzle is not an easy one, but then I seem to say that a lot any more...they used to be simple but I think the fingers and mind have changed...seems more like hard work these days..smile. I have a Clive Cussler book going and I have to say it is a good one. It is hard not to stay up all night and finish it but the eyes have a different idea and they get heavy and close...what writing? I don't see any...smile!!
So a brand new week starts this morning. I don't think the Ridgemont folks have any plans for us this week. I was hoping for a trip so we could go out and about and enjoy some out of town time. I think there is going to be a new art shop beginning sometime this week. The folks like to be creative. Not sure what they plan but it will be fun to find out. Last year the art lady had us make some beautiful cards and that kept us busy. Busy is good...smile.
So, I am going to love you and leave you. When you do not go out and about there is little to talk about. I enjoyed my tea company and made good use of those little lemon bars which are now all gone...um....have to talk to my shoppers and have them buy some more. If you haven't had one, do try them, lemon bars, very tasty and tart lemon, not the overly sweet kind. Just enough tang to make your taste buds sit up and take notice. I'm smiling, doesn't take much for my taste buds to sit up...most like stand up and greet you if you have anything good in your hands.
So today, be good....you usually are.....be kind, that goes with it.....be gentle and loving , a bit harder to do but you can do it. Be a friend today....someone who loves to love....be YOU. Hugs to all.
So a brand new week starts this morning. I don't think the Ridgemont folks have any plans for us this week. I was hoping for a trip so we could go out and about and enjoy some out of town time. I think there is going to be a new art shop beginning sometime this week. The folks like to be creative. Not sure what they plan but it will be fun to find out. Last year the art lady had us make some beautiful cards and that kept us busy. Busy is good...smile.
So, I am going to love you and leave you. When you do not go out and about there is little to talk about. I enjoyed my tea company and made good use of those little lemon bars which are now all gone...um....have to talk to my shoppers and have them buy some more. If you haven't had one, do try them, lemon bars, very tasty and tart lemon, not the overly sweet kind. Just enough tang to make your taste buds sit up and take notice. I'm smiling, doesn't take much for my taste buds to sit up...most like stand up and greet you if you have anything good in your hands.
So today, be good....you usually are.....be kind, that goes with it.....be gentle and loving , a bit harder to do but you can do it. Be a friend today....someone who loves to love....be YOU. Hugs to all.
Monday, June 19, 2017
More of the Same!
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A room with a view....I used to have an office window up in Carson City where I could look out and see mountains just like these. |
Sunday, June 18, 2017
A New Morning. . .
Saturday, June 17, 2017
A New Day . . . Good morning!
Friday, June 16, 2017
New Day!
Thursday, June 15, 2017
A Rainy Day
The View! |
The Chauffeur! |
Wednesday, June 14, 2017
Good Morning!!
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Hope your up and signed in....Good Morning...hope your day is beautiful, just like YOU!! |
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How about a rose to start your day off.....beautiful and sweet....yeah...like YOU!! |
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There is always one...smile!! |
So the sun is out, it should be a beautiful day for a trip . Mine will be up to the corner and back. I think I am coming down with a cold so I'll keep my germs to myself. A walk up to the corner and back should help a few sun rays to chase the germs away...well one can hope......besides I am at the 'good' part in my book...smile....
I hope your day is a good one and you do something you love to do. Spend time with those you like and love. Enjoy the day and make it one of your very best. I'm off for a refill and something good to eat.....maybe a dropped egg will do the trick....yes...sounds good to me. If you were here I'd share.
Be good, be kind, be gentle and be sure you do at least one good deed today. Hug someone tight...love someone more...and be of good 'cheer'; share you with those you like and love. Hugs to all.
Tuesday, June 13, 2017
A New Day
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A new day; quiet; peaceful; no wind blowing; silence very early in the morning, aah!!! |
Monday, June 12, 2017
Another One!
Clear skies, no breeze, nothing moving, quiet around Ridgemont this morning. |
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Yep, he did it again, another birthday.....All together now...sing loud...."Happy Birthday to you....Happy birthday to you....Happy Birthday dear John...Happy birthday to you..... Sunday was a quiet day here at Ridgemont. I watched cowboy movies for the most part, did some puzzling and read a bit. No visitors. No noise, Nothing but quiet and rest and that is not at all bad. . . it is good for the body and the soul...smile. I did some reading, started a new book...."The Girl on the Train" by Paula Hawkins, going to be made into a motion picture so it must be a good one. The cars are coming in slowly this morning, sort of a grey day but it is early. The blinds are still down over in the hospital wing and quiet prevails. It is Monday, all day, the start of a new week. I wonder what is in store for us. I have an appointment with the eye doctor today so hopefully he will have a cure for 'dry' eye....weepy eyes called dry eyes, doesn't make sense. I did have a phone visit with my friend Helen in Brookings. She is doing better with the knee problem. It isn't much fun to find yourself hurting when you want to walk about. We laugh about old age catching up with us but it isn't funny when there is 'hurt' to contend with. So, having a quiet in day yesterday doesn't give me a lot to talk about. I did find some puzzle pieces; I did read awhile; I did watch television with my feet up and you know I had a snooze as well. I am perfecting 'old age' and doing a good job of it. And...best of all I had some of those delicious left overs from the Tea.....given a chance to sit awhile, they really are delicious. So today, the start of a new week, a soft morning with a light blue sky, no breeze of any kind, all cars parked and the workers in place. A tiny bird is out on the fence and another is hopping about....so life goes on at Ridgemont and I am going to go get ready for a new day, an eye doctor visit and lunch out if I can talk Christine into going...a crunchy taco would taste good....I'd take you along but you are to busy doing your own thing.....so, have yourself a great day and send a verbal hug, I can always use one. Be good, be kind, be gentle, be YOU....Hugs to all. |
Sunday, June 11, 2017
Sunday - All Day!!
YUM!!! One of the many tea trays that was empty by the end of the afternoon. No one went away hungry. The teas were delicious, two to choose from, trays of goodies both appetizing and sweet. No one complained. A success!!! Donaleo did a great job pitching in for Louie. He had his napkin over his arm, the tea pot poised so he didn't spill a drop and had a smile and a good word for everyone. He did such a good job he will be 'hired' for future teas...smile!! Christine, Patricia and Erin pitched in and played hostesses and did a great job...made it look so easy.
The Tea was a success and everyone had a great time. The menu was filled with all kinds of delights from scones to sandwiches to cookies and dark chocolate brownie cakes A good turn out and a good time had by all...when is the next one?? smile....Christmas!!
A new week starting, the sky is misty looking this morning; a light grey, tress are almost hidden; eerie shapes through a foggy bank, misty anyway....smile. The shades are drawn in the hospital wing. The workers are in and hard at work. A quiet Sunday morning and I am going off with Patricia for awhile....yeah, going to try my luck..smile......well the lunch and ride will be worth it....as for winning....who wins??? I haven't met anyone bragging lately....you just take your chances and see what happens....I'll let you know....smile!!
Have yourself a great day, all day, doing what you love to do best...with those you love to do it with..smile.....go.....make hay while the sun shines....have fun...smile a lot...grinning goes a long way into making you feel good....a little tap dance doesn't hurt....make your day a good one, just like you. Hugs to all.
Saturday, June 10, 2017
Good Morning!
Lake Tahoe. One of the special beauty spots in California and Nevada as they share the Lake. Awesome beauty one never gets tired of looking at , visiting, or lucky if you are able to live there or nearby. We used to go over that mountain pass often just to ride up and visit the lake....aah!!! No new news from Ridgemont. It was quiet around here yesterday but I didn't stay here long as I went over to Christine's house and sat with the cats and watched Netflick. I had a little job to do for her and wished it had been more. Working is good for the body and the soul. It is always fun to get the artists checks out to them. How proud they must feel when one of their art works sells. They do very good work and should be very proud of themselves. All in all, the weather remains cool and calm, the threatened storm never did come in....a few wet splashes but not much to brag about. We had dinner with Pat, Erin and Donaleo. Chris picked up some delicious Chinese food for all of us and we didn't leave much on the plates. Tasty....in fact delicious. No one complained about no left overs. The "Tea" is today and Christine talked Donaleo into being a tea server today. He wasn't sure that was a job he wanted or needed, but....he consented and he will do a good job....just hope no one bumps his elbow...smile. So we have a busy and a fun day ahead. I'm off to get dressed and collect my ladies for the ride to the Gallery. I think four of the ladies are coming today. Two did go to the last 'tea' but the others have never been and they are in for a treat. They can roam around and see all the local artists work and enjoy it. We have a lot of talent here in Port Orchard. Maybe one will buy a painting that would be a boon for the Gallery folks. So have yourself a great day doing what you love to do. I am off to get ready for a fun day. I will be back, no idle threat..smile!!! Take good care of YOU. Hugs to all. |
Friday, June 9, 2017
A New Day!
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A new day!!! The reward for staying in means that there is little or nothing to add to the conversation. No one came to visit yesterday, no one called, and the weather was windy and cool so no going out for a walk to the corner and back. I enjoyed lunch time and some company but then after lunch everyone disappeared and closed their doors and found quiet things to do. I have a good book going so had no problem finding peace and quiet...solitude is good for us now and then....but not too often..smile. It must be misty out there as one of the workers just arrived at her parked car and was holding something over her head. It doesn't look like it is raining but a little like it had been; um...maybe it still is but not coming down hard yet. A rainy day would be nice....I have a good book and a puzzle on the table so can amuse myself...but...sunshine would be so much better.... oh well, beggars cannot be choosers..or so that old expression goes. I am going to go make my coffee, fix some breakfast, put on the television and watch the news....I'll be back when I have some news....but not today...smile!!! Have yourself a fun day, if you can, do something you love to do.....visit a friend.....or invite someone in for a cup of coffee or tea. Check the cupboard and see if there is anything good in the house....there isn't anything here...sorry, or I'd invite you over and I'd share. I guess I'll go 'drop an egg' as the old expression goes.....a poached egg...smile!! One of my favorites. I'd share if you were closer....distance is not always good....sometimes it seems very far away. I guess it has been too long between visits....um....wish we could do something about it. Go!!!! Enjoy your breakfast and pick up your phone and call a friend...make their day bright and beautiful because YOU are in it. Hugs to all. |
Thursday, June 8, 2017
Good Morning!
I opened the blinds, the rain is raining, not heavy right now but I think we are going to have a rainy day....not at all bad...slows us down a bit....and that has to help rather than hinder. It will cut back my walk to the corner, jeepers, it just got started again....oh well, one day as it comes.
I had a quiet day yesterday so there is little to tell you about. My girls came to spend some time with me and that is always a highlight of my day. The puzzle remains on the table and is more than half way done. It is laid out waiting for some time to get to it and it isn't an easy one. I say that about all of them..smile.
The Tea is coming up this Saturday and we have five lovely ladies to chauffeur to it. Pat makes a great chauffeur. Pat has the job of making tea sandwiches so I may get to help...I did volunteer...smile.
Yesterday was a quiet day here at Ridgemont. The bus came and took a group away to visit one of the museums, one I had already been to, so I opted to stay put. So you can see that it is quiet time here at Ridgemont. I am looking forward to 'a job' today; Christine has some mailings and that keeps me busy. My handwriting has changed from really neat cursive writing to somewhat of a scribble. The nuns should peek at it now...I'd be in for real trouble. Palmer method...remember that? We learned and we practiced and I'd say we all had excellent penmanship....smile.....we wouldn't dare have otherwise.
I hope you plan some good things to do today. I hope you are feeling bright and beautiful and have one of those days you wish would never end. We all like those best of all. Be good, be kind, be gentle, be YOU. Don't forget hugs.....lots of them.....send me a verbal one or two....I can always use them. I'll share....Go...have yourself a 'good' day, all day. Hugs to all.
I had a quiet day yesterday so there is little to tell you about. My girls came to spend some time with me and that is always a highlight of my day. The puzzle remains on the table and is more than half way done. It is laid out waiting for some time to get to it and it isn't an easy one. I say that about all of them..smile.
The Tea is coming up this Saturday and we have five lovely ladies to chauffeur to it. Pat makes a great chauffeur. Pat has the job of making tea sandwiches so I may get to help...I did volunteer...smile.
Yesterday was a quiet day here at Ridgemont. The bus came and took a group away to visit one of the museums, one I had already been to, so I opted to stay put. So you can see that it is quiet time here at Ridgemont. I am looking forward to 'a job' today; Christine has some mailings and that keeps me busy. My handwriting has changed from really neat cursive writing to somewhat of a scribble. The nuns should peek at it now...I'd be in for real trouble. Palmer method...remember that? We learned and we practiced and I'd say we all had excellent penmanship....smile.....we wouldn't dare have otherwise.
I hope you plan some good things to do today. I hope you are feeling bright and beautiful and have one of those days you wish would never end. We all like those best of all. Be good, be kind, be gentle, be YOU. Don't forget hugs.....lots of them.....send me a verbal one or two....I can always use them. I'll share....Go...have yourself a 'good' day, all day. Hugs to all.
I hope the picture works....I'm off for a cup of coffee, a refill, hopefully a wake up cup...well, not everyone writes when half asleep.....poor you....suffer, suffer!!! Jean without words....that is hard to believe!!! Have a great day. I'll be back. Hugs to all.
Wednesday, June 7, 2017
Hump Day
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Erin and Emma find the hammock a good place to hide out in the back yard. |
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Daisies....there is something about a daisy that makes one feel alive. |
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Something to think about!! A new day, a warm June day, the folks are driving out today to visit an old time store and I didn't check the board so didn't sign up...oh well...maybe next time. It has been a busy week so I can use a down day to rest up and catch up on some reading, writing, and maybe even balance my check book. There are things that need doing that we have a way of putting off for a better time that never seems to come. The workers are parking their cars and coming in for a new work day. The blinds are still down in the hospital wing. Very quiet around here early mornings. Well, actually it is quiet around here all the time. The sky is a pale blue, the leaves on the huge trees are still and silence prevails. Early mornings are like that.My second cup of coffee tastes as good as the first cup and there is nothing good to go with it....you can share your coffee bun, I'm not fussy. I went grocery shopping yesterday and didn't remember to get the things I was out of...who thinks of toothpicks..um...there are some things you cannot do without..smile. I'll make a list. The workers are walking in slowly and I am amazed these health workers are smoking. I would think that working with the ill they would realize that there are some things one has to give up in order to stay alive and well. I used to smoke, many long years ago, don't remember how or why I gave them up but I did and never thought to miss them. I suppose I exchanged on bad habit for another and allowed those sweet things to take precedent. Someone mentioned 'moderation' and easy word to slip out of the mouth but so hard to put into practice. Into each life some rules must fall, but why sweets....smile.....um...oh for a big fat jelly doughnut!!! So, I am off to the kitchen and see what I can find to go with my second cup of coffee. I am awake now, so toasting some raisin bread seems like a likely thing to do...and tasty!! So head for your kitchen and get busy making you some breakfast. Enjoy and don't forget a refill. i'm off to fill my cup and there is nothing good in this house; oh well, a bit of jelly on toast should fit the bill. Want some....come and get it!!! Hugs to all. |
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Good Morning!!!!
I am about to take a ride on my broom....thought you might like to come along!!! Good morning. I've been awake for hours, why? Who k...

A Strange flag as to the colors of the stars and stripes. A symbol of of death. A banner to honor those who gave up their lives for our...
Easter Sunday flowers of Hope, Faith, and Love!! Easter Bunnies , some come in chocolate....smile!! A serenity flower of hope and love. Rem...
Something to do on a blustery day! My beautiful Christine My age is showing!! Good morning. It is very early, blinds are not even open, no...