There is a little more blue to the sky, some pink clouds and not a bit of a breeze this morning. Silence at the moment, blinds drawn in the hospital wing, a few parked cars but no hustle and bustle this morning. A quiet morning right this minute and that will change as the work hour comes and the workers prepare for a new day.
As you can well imagine there are always some problems waiting to crop up in a senior residence like this. Some folks are never satisfied unless they are causing a problem of one kind or another; real selfishness shows at times and it is sad to see. Some of the folks are never satisfied and take huge shares of food; not waiting until everyone is served, but go ahead and take food home to have later without a thought to whether there is enough for all. Ridgemont is run very well and fair. There is no objection to second helpings. The staff is very good about the food service and no one should complain ...but....there are always some who are not happy unless they are complaining. We do have a great kitchen and the food is good and there is always plenty to go around. There is no objection to taking food 'home' when there is plenty to share, but sometimes there is not and some folks hoard without a thought to anyone but themselves.....some 'children' never grow up....For the most part everyone is usually thoughtful and careful and 'good'; but there are days when they forget they are not entitled to their favorite dish....when this happens the Ridgemont rules come to play and 'fair' is the name of the game. So because of the poor manners, the food is now going to be taken away and no seconds will be out there for the taking.....selfishness has its pay back. We had a meeting yesterday and now there are a few new guidelines...payback time...
Christine and I went to lunch at the pier yesterday, sun was shining, light breeze blowing and quite a few folks out for lunch in the sunshine. It is lovely to sit out on the huge patio over looking the water, no rush, no fuss ..aah...summer is almost here. It may be nice enough to walk to the corner and back'll have to put my shoes on. Go....have yourself a great day doing what you like to do best.....drop a note or two, I can always use a kind Be good, be careful, be smart, be YOU. Hugs to all.
I read the part "summer is almost here" and it's happened in Walla Walla (our new home) tomorrow the temp will be 95 degrees! I am guessing it might be a while till the mercury gets past 90 degrees there. We'll see.