A whole weekend of celebrations, how lucky I am. . . cards, flowers, candy, dinner in and dinner out, smiles, hugs and having another birthday is not at all bad...smile!!! |
My favorite visitor . . . How lucky I am to be part of HIS family. |
I'll give up sweets for lent when it comes...smile!! |
Birthdays are fun. You are never to old to celebrate the making of another year....how lucky I am to have family and friends who like to celebrate special days, special times and special people....there is nothing like a birthday to make you feel special...and old....smile!!! but.....a good feeling and one that took a lot of living and a lot of loving to get this far. I have a lovely, no beautiful, no awesome fresh bouquet of flowers from Jock which are just that.... awesome; a variety of colors that are vibrant and each little petal sends a message of love. Flowers can do it....and each petal is a reminder of someone who shares and cares....as I said, I am one lucky lady. The beautiful cards are lined up on my counter and make me smile...thank each and everyone of you for caring, sharing and loving me. The celebration goes on as Pat is plotting and planning the activities for today; Erin is baking a cake; Christine is planning a dinner.....and you think having a birthday is scary...nah.....it is fun....and I think I'll bring that special bottle of wine and open it...a toast to my family and friends.....a good way to say thank you for being so good to me. Thank you for the lovely cards and good wishes. How lucky I am to have YOU in my life.
As for the present time, much too early for some of you to be up; the air is still, not a leaf moving in the tall tress and the shades are still drawn in the hospital wing across the parking lot where the cars are in for the day and the workers busy attending those who are recuperating. The quiet, this time of the morning, is always welcome. A time to think. A time to plan. A time to be grateful for all the good things in life and the ability to fix some of the things that need fixing.
So, I am off for a seconds on my hot coffee; my day begins and it is going to be a 'good' one. I hope your day is special, just like YOU.....I hope you have treats, drop in visitors, and good things to eat....go....be magnificent today.....do at least one good deed today; light a candle for those who have gone on . . . put on your happy face and make others glad to see you come. Be all you can be. . . start with being kind and the rest of the day will be special just like YOU. Hugs to all.
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