Friday, May 5, 2017


Hugs....right where they originated one, lift up your head and shout and there you good hands.

Looks like a rainy morning out there from the little I can see, at five a.m. there isn't much light and there is no movement at all, so quiet is the name of the game, as it should be at five in the morning....well some folks cannot or do not sleep in....but snooze in easy chairs before the morning is much    I have it down to a science.  First put on  the coffee, second fire up the computer, add the television and listen to the news of the day and repeat a Hail Mary or two as you wait for the first sip.    There is nothing good in this house......a familiar can there be when I eat everything that isn't glued to the!!!

A new day, wonder what is in store. . . hopefully something good and something fun.   A trip to the store and replenish some fresh fruits and maybe some hamburger to have a bit later with cheese and onion;  sounds good to me.

A quiet day yesterday, no company.  I enjoyed the lunch group but every one went back to their rooms and hunkered down as the thunder roared and we were threatened with a huge storm...strange it never did come.    Must be one of those Spring storms waiting to send us a drop or two, but. . . it never came.   ...  just an idle threat with its rumbling noises.

I did read awhile, caught up with some of the new magazines I was gifted.   I even had a little puzzle time and I have to say it is coming along quite well.    I swear I am going to give the puzzle board a rest but when a puzzle is finished the board is lost without a piece or two on......a good past time.......a search and rescue  

So, I am off to get a refill of coffee, my cup is empty, that will never do.    I hope you will join me and enjoy a cup of coffee, tea or juice, whatever suits your fancy.   I hope you will have a day to remember for a long time to come.   I hope you have what I call a fun day and that means you share you with those you like and love.    I hope the weather is spring like in all its glory and I hope the earthquakes quit shaking as we had a swarm of them yesterday and I only heard about them , but never felt the earth moving.    I had my storm supplies at the ready, lantern on the counter just in case we lost the power.   We did not....and the quiet of the day was just that, peaceful, and pure joy when daughter Patricia walks in and helps me puzzle and keeps me company.    How lucky I am.  So.....that's it.....not a lot but a morning hello..... go.....have yourself a day to remember as you do all of the things you love to do...yeah!!! cooking, cleaning, yard work, well.....that is fun, isn't it?  I think so.  Go....put your garden shoes on and go out the door.  Hugs to all.

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Good Morning!!!!

I am about to take a ride on my broom....thought you might like to come along!!! Good morning.  I've been awake for hours,  why?   Who k...