Friday, May 12, 2017

Friday, All Day!!!!

It is quiet out there in the courtyard this morning, cars are parked for the hospital workers, trees are not moving, even a tiny bit, the workers are walking slowly into the hospital wing and quiet prevails.  It is Friday morning, laundry day for me when it gets a bit later.  I'd go down the hall now but I'd be frowned on as no one fires up noise in the laundry room until nine a.m. and then some are still sleeping in...not me....what this four or five a.m. stuff is all about is always a wonder.....up with the birds and I haven't seen even one of those as yet.    There is a little yellow jeep going bye and that reminds me of son John who used to have one.   Wish it was it and him....a visit would be good, I'd like that.  

Friday morning, laundry day, and later a trip to the grocery store I hope.  There is nothing in this have said that I'm sure...I say it often as I don't buy a lot ahead anymore.  Things have a way of spoiling if you don't eat them up right away.    I had a tea party yesterday so the cupboards are bare.    The lace cookies from Costco are all gone so I had better look for some new ones at the grocery store.   Vinnie shared a whole box of tea bags  and he gave one to Doris who was visiting at the time.    He loves to send for 'stuff' and he is more than happy to share with any or all of us.    

I had a couple of phone visits yesterday and that is always fun.   The sound of a love ones voice can make a day so much brighter.   I'd love to have each one here, a hug would be great and I'd want more than one..there is nothing selfish about    I caught up with family and friends so you see having another birthday is not all bad.    In fact they are fun and I think we should have more than one to I said there is nothing selfish about!!

So....lift up your voices and sing and know that I only ninety did I get that old so fast?.....well outside old but inside....young..... and getting younger all the time...ha, ha.ha.......second childhood coming up so don't forget to come along for the ride.     Go.....have a day to remember, do some one thing you love to do and take a friend along to help you celebrate.  Just know, I love you and wish you were here to enjoy some birthday cake.   

Be good, be kind, be gentle and be a friend.    Be YOU!!!  Hugs to all.

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Good Morning!!!!

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